
Naruto : Pure Blood

This is the story of a boy who gets transmigrated into the body of Naruto when he is on the trip with Jiraiya, the boy gets the chance to meet the god and get some wishes. after meeting the god the boy wishes to be bloodline purification and Gojo's six eyes what to expect -Smart MC -Check -mastering all elements -check -creating flashy jutsus- check -creating kekkei genkai -check -no hiding his true strength -check -lovable characters -check -yandere girlfriend(Hinata)-check -small harem (4-5 members)- check -incest -check -time travel -check -R18 scenes(after 100 chapters) -check - bullying the weak -check -not evil not so good MC -check -killing Danzo in cold blood- check -- -naive mc- not check -trying to help everyone -not check -pushover-not check ----------- the story is slightly slow-paced at the beginning, but after chapter 70 it picks up the pace this will be fun just read it. I know you have read many MLT stories on this site, so just shut off some of your brain cells and read the story, there may be some grammatical mistakes so turn your mind on autocorrect mode and enjoy the story. and no one is allowed to call the romance cringe, I know some of you will find it cringe so bear with it. the story will not be as canon there will be major changes in the story and characters.

Devils_hand · Anime et bandes dessinées
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148 Chs

chapter 57

Chapter 57

Naruto and Sasuke found themselves amidst 456 Jonin-level ninjas. They stood in silence, not exchanging a single word. Meanwhile, the White Zetsu clones sensed an intruder approaching their lair. Bound by their orders, they were prepared to eliminate anyone who entered through that route.

Naruto channeled his chakra into his blade, and swirling water began to manifest along the entire sword. This was the water coating on the blade. The water spun furiously on the blade, resembling a tornado.

As Naruto slightly lowered his blade and struck the ground, the impact shattered the earth beneath him. When the compressed water spun on a surface, its power became so immense that it could literally pierce through mountains, and its capability for destruction increased manyfold. Where Naruto's sword made contact, a large crater formed around it, with cracks radiating outwards.

On the other side, Sasuke coated his blade with his Chidori. His mastery over this jutsu was exceptional.

Chirp chirp — the sound of a thousand birds chirping — echoed in the surroundings. The edges of his blade became so sharp that it could cut through anything. Sasuke's Sharingan spun furiously. With full speed, they leaped into the crowd of ninjas.


Sasuke swung his blade horizontally. The man in front of him attempted to block it with his kunai, but alas, the sword cut through the kunai like butter and cleaved his neck from his body, killing him on the spot.

Sasuke leaped into the air and landed amidst a group of ten men. He swung his sword in a circular arc, lightning crackling along its edge. With a chirping sound slicing through the air, all the men were cut in half.

Thud —

their lifeless bodies fell to the ground. Sasuke then swung his sword, creating a lightning slash that cut through the three men in front of him.

On the opposite flank of the battlefield, Naruto, brandishing his sword, surged forward toward the throng of Jonin-level ninjas.

The tightly compressed water continued to swirl at a rapid pace along the length of his blade. As he swung his sword, it collided with an opponent's blade. In the clash, Naruto's sword shattered the enemy's weapon and bore into the man's chest. The impact yielded no immediate spurt of blood, yet the unmistakable sound of bones fracturing resonated.

The force of the strike proved overwhelming, propelling the man into the air before hurtling him backward with remarkable velocity. In his trajectory, he unwittingly became a deadly projectile, inadvertently felling several of his comrades along his path of trajectory

Both Naruto and Sasuke were akin to chakra-fueled titans, their bodies devoid of any hint of fatigue as the massacre commenced.

Electric currents crackled at Naruto's feet, intensifying his speed to an astonishing degree, rendering him little more than a blur as he surged forward, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. Before him, the ranks of enemy ninjas fell like wheat before a scythe. Heads were sent flying, limbs severed, and a macabre mist of blood painted the air with its gruesome hues. Sasuke mirrored Naruto's fervor, the scene no different in his wake.

Naruto's voice echoed 'Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!'" Accompanied by a sequence of intricate hand signs, he conjured an immense fireball that erupted from his fingertips. The heat emanating from the blazing sphere was so intense that nearby stones began to liquefy under its scorching influence.

The fireball collided with the men before him, obliterating them in a flash of evaporation. Placing his sword securely on his back, Naruto unleashed a burst of chakra, propelling himself skyward with remarkable force. As he soared aloft, he surveyed the mob of adversaries below, and then initiated a free fall from his elevated vantage point.

"Rasengan…" An enormous-sized Rasengan appeared in front of Naruto while he was airborne. It was as big as a house. He slammed the Rasengan into the ground, grinding the fifty men to their deaths with a single jutsu. As the Rasengan hit the ground, the earth shook violently, and a one-hundred-meter-wide crater formed.

Naruto landed in the center of the crater, one knee on the ground, both arms spread out, and a savage grin on his face. He gazed ahead, surrounded by hundreds of men. "Sasuke, jump," Naruto commanded. Upon hearing his voice, Sasuke leaped higher into the air.

"Uzumaki Sealing Arts: Adamantium Chain," Naruto intoned, and from his palms emerged two chains adorned with spear-like points. The chains swayed with an eerie grace in his hands before suddenly spiraling around his axis like a malevolent tornado. These two chains whirled around him, a deadly dance of destruction that swiftly eviscerated all within a 70-meter radius. Merely ten seconds of this cataclysmic rotation reduced every individual in the vicinity to dismembered fragments; none retained an intact body, their heads severed and launched like carelessly discarded cabbages. Brain matter oozed from the decapitated remains, imbuing the ground with a grim and unrelenting crimson hue. The scene was an unadulterated massacre, and Naruto's visage bore an unbridled, savage grin.

He turned his gaze toward Sasuke, who had just landed before him. "This is so much fun, don't you think, Sasuke?" he remarked, his voice casual as he addressed his comrade. While he acknowledged Sasuke's apparent relish in the midst of their combat, Naruto recognized the gravity of their situation. These were the cloned minions of White Zetsu, infused with his cellular essence; leaving them alive was not an option.

Sasuke's gaze rested upon his friend, a flicker of emotion crossing his features. Deep within his heart, a sense of contentment blossomed, reminiscent of the days when they stood side by side against a multitude of adversaries. A faint smile graced his lips, and he responded with a simple yet telling sound, "Hnn..."


"Let's put an end to the remaining ones," Sasuke proposed, his resolve unwavering as he prepared for the forthcoming assault. Naruto acknowledged the sentiment with a nod, his expression Savage.

Forming a sequence of intricate hand signs, Naruto's voice resounded, "Water Style: Water Dragon." In response, a colossal water dragon, its eyes gleaming a vivid yellow, materialized seemingly out of thin air. Its manifestation demonstrated the staggering extent of Naruto's chakra prowess, summoning such a magnificent creature from the very atmosphere itself.

Sasuke's smirk didn't go unnoticed as his gaze locked onto the immense water dragon. In a series of swift hand signs, he intoned, "Lightning Style: Freeflow." With his hands extended toward the water dragon, arcs of electricity surged through his palms, seamlessly merging with the aquatic entity.

Lightning danced around the colossal creature's body, a radiant blue consuming its eyes. This electrified water dragon pulsated with an ominous energy, its potency surpassing even the confines of an S-rank technique. The very air surrounding the beast seemed to wither under its dominance.

Naruto was the mastermind behind the dragon's manipulation, and the strain on his mental fortitude surged. However, this pressure proved insufficient to inflict any harm upon him. Naruto directed the dragon with flawless finesse, as if it were an extension of his own body.


The dragon thrust its head skyward, unleashing a furious roar that resonated through the air. Naruto lowered his hand, and the dragon began its descent from the skies. Cracking sounds reverberated, assaulting the ears of their adversaries. As the dragon made contact with the ground, a devastating impact force surged forth. It traversed the rocky terrain with unparalleled speed, akin to a creature swimming through the earth itself. Destruction unfurled in its wake, leaving no avenue of escape untouched.

The dragon tore through solid rock and ancient trees alike, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. The ninjas unfortunate enough to be in its path met their demise either from the immense voltage coursing through the dragon or from the tremendous brute force it wielded.

The scene was nothing short of awe-inspiring, the dragon resembling a creature of myth and legend, sprung forth from the pages of ancient tales.

However, eventually, the water dragon's chakra reserves were depleted. The battlefield lay in ruins, utterly devastated by the ferocity of the battle. Only a handful of ninjas remained standing amidst the aftermath.

"Wow, that was incredible," Naruto exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. Sasuke nodded in agreement, sharing his friend's sentiment.

After all, the technique they had just employed was a forbidden jutsu, conceived in the heat of the moment. The success of its execution owed much to Naruto's exceptional grasp of elemental manipulation. Without his extraordinary understanding, such an achievement would have been impossible.

Naruto began to form a series of hand signs, his fingers moving with practiced precision. "Earth Style: Earth Burial," he pronounced, placing both hands upon the ground. Chakra surged through his body, flowing into the earth below. The ground responded, trembling violently as if stirred by an unseen force. Cracks fissured the rocky terrain, and a gaping chasm emerged. It materialized into a bottomless pit, into which the remaining men plummeted, swallowed by an abyss of darkness.

With yet another surge of chakra, the ground gradually sealed itself, mending the rupture as if nothing had transpired. The battlefield was once again restored to its previous state, as if the cataclysmic event had been naught but an illusion.

They cleared the mission with ease. After all, they killed 456 Jonin ninjas.

Sasuke gazed at his friend, his astonishment evident in his eyes. He marveled at the multitude of jutsu Naruto had wielded throughout their battle, recognizing the stark contrast from the Naruto he once knew – the impulsive boy who charged into enemies without a plan. As Sasuke's gaze lingered, Naruto quirked an eyebrow and inquired, "What are you looking at?"

Sasuke hesitated briefly before responding, "Nothing... I've noticed a shift in your fighting style."

Naruto chuckled in response, a wistful expression crossing his features. "Over time, everything changes, my friend," he remarked to Sasuke. The latter simply nodded, sensing there was a deeper meaning behind Naruto's words.

They gazed out upon the battlefield, a landscape now transformed beyond recognition. The boulders lay scattered, debris strewn about haphazardly, and the once pristine ground was now saturated with a deep shade of crimson.

Overhead, crows began to circle, casting dark shadows upon the aftermath. Some descended to the ground, picking at the remains of the fallen ninjas. The scene before them was nothing short of gruesome.

"With our mission completed, let's head back to the village," Naruto suggested to Sasuke.

They began their leisurely walk toward their village, taking their time as they had a full month ahead. The mission was originally expected to take one month, but they had managed to finish it in just three days.

With the bulk of their task behind them, Naruto looked forward to savoring the remaining days. Along the way, they encountered small villages and towns, offering opportunities for rest and relaxation after the mission.

Unbeknownst to them, an elovira-type plant began to emerge from the earth. Their attention was fixed on the aftermath of the battle, but lurking amidst the scene was Zetsu.[an~i hate this man]

"They have grown significantly stronger. This could potentially impede my plans. I must discuss this with Nagato," he muttered to himself, the weight of his thoughts evident in his tone.

Zetsu possessed a collection of pictures depicting Naruto and Sasuke engaged in battles, eliminating Iwa, Kumo, and Kiri ninjas. "This evidence will serve as ample ammunition for them to launch an assault on Konoha. After all, Konoha's ninjas have claimed the lives of their own," Zetsu contemplated, his gaze fixed upon the images arrayed before him.

The greater the chaos within the elemental nations, the more advantageous it would be for his plan, aiding him in fulfilling his mission.

Observing the desolated battlefield, he gradually melded into the ground, a spectral disappearance that left no trace behind.

[AN~ how do you like the chapter tell me in the comments.

Tell me how many elements Naruto used in his fight.

Give me some power stone man…

....your dear author san]