
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

8Ashes8 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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117 Chs

Chapter 14

The effect of the special cat food was definitely stronger than that of ordinary cat food. Although I didn't know specifically how it was stronger, it was expensive for a reason. At least it tasted better and made him feel better psychologically.


As for a thousand points for luxury cat food, that was too luxurious, and he didn't even dare to think about it at the moment.


'Hey, Obito is on the stage?' Takeshi caught a glimpse of a flash of green coming onto the stage, and immediately struggled to squeeze to the front.


Rin finally followed up and held him down again. She really didn't dare to let go of her cat.


"Remember, both parties are not allowed to use ninjutsu outside of the one's taught in class, but shuriken control jutsus are not limited by this condition." Shiranui Sensei reiterated it again.


He didn't want to, but Obito was facing an Uchiha Clansman who had always hated him. As a teacher, he had to repeat himself to avoid the other party's evil intentions.


"Yes." The two bowed slightly, and then formed the seal of opposition at the same time.


When forming the seal, Obito, the Uchiha clansman, sneered with a rather unfriendly expression. He had wanted to teach Obito a lesson for a long time, especially today - he was dressed in such a weird way, even with the same surname as Uchiha, he felt embarrassed. However, after the seal of Confrontation, Obito immediately started running around.


This is not his usual style. In the past, Obito was very rigid, and he must've changed his tactics after training with Guy.


In Takeshi's words... he has no movement, poor awareness, and is an out-and-out weak.


But now, he has become much better. At least he knows how to move ahead and seems to have some little plans of his own. But it's of no use.


Strength cannot be caught up by changing some small details. Obito's talent is good, but Maito Guy is obviously not a professional teacher.


All he can do is teach Obito how to run and how to use taijutsu, but learning and using it... Guy himself is probably still exploring this kind of thing.


After a few back and forth attacks, he was cut several times by shurikens. He looked abit miserable, but what was better than before was that his opponent was also miserable.


His eyes were black and blue, and the corners of his mouth were even purple.


Takeshi wanted to applaud Obito. What should you do if you are surrounded in a fight? Staring at one of the opponents and beating them to death, no matter how miserable you are, you can't make the other person feel better. You cannot let the enemy feel any happiness or satisfaction during the fight at all.


Obito is now well-versed in the essentials. He keeps fighting at close quarters without giving the opponent a chance to form seals and use ninjutsu or shurikens.


Originally, the ninja battle was turned into a street brawl by him. Of course, this form will not last long. At least if the opponent uses the Substitute Jutsu to distance himself, he will be able to use his own specialties to defeat Obito, but... The next second after the clansman uses the Substitute jutsu to distance himself, Obito decisively raised his hand and said, "Sensei, I admit defeat."


"Okay, both sides stop." Shiranui Sensei was a little surprised, but he still called a stop in time.


Obito's Clansmen were stunned. He was beaten with bruises and a swollen face by a series of punches.


As a result, when he finally managed to distance himself and tried to take advantage of his ninjutsu and shuriken, the opponent gave up. Not only him, but also other students were surprised.


Obito doesn't seem to be such a cunning person, and neither does Guy.Guy advocates passion and hard work, and will never give up until he exhausts his strength. However, Obito's current acting style is a bit like Kakashi's before.


Just as cunning. Of course, that was in the past. Since White Fang's death, Kakashi's fighting style has also changed greatly, and he no longer has the spirituality and mannerisms he had when he was a child.


'Very good, it seems that although Obito was influenced by Guy, he has not reached the level of Guy. To a certain extent, it can only be regarded as a temporary evolution.' Takeshi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then couldn't help but sigh. The best players like Guy and Kakashi are extremely rare.


Obito is obviously not quite up to par, and he may not be able to master the Eight Inner Gates Technique. Presumably, Guy knows this better than anyone else.


What Obito is most passionate about is not Taijutsu, but the Sharingan that he cherishes. Otherwise, he would not wear those goggles all day long, but the Eight Inner Gates requires the ninja to concentrate on practicing Taijutsu.


Such as Guy. He is different from his father, Maito Duy, and his apprentice Rock Lee, who cannot practice Ninjutsu, but Guy is actually quite capable in Ninjutsu, but he gave up Ninjutsu and focused on practicing Taijutsu.


"The injured will go to the medical room for treatment, and the rest will continue with practical lessons." The teacher calmly shouted. In actual combat, there will be blood. As long as the injuries are not fatal, they are within the allowable range.


The injuries of Obito and his clan member are all within the allowable range. But if the fight had continued, situation would've changed.


Takeshi watched quietly. Judging from the Uchiha guy's appearance, he has a 'don't leave after Academy ends' look in his eyes as he stares at Obito.


Obito is afraid that he will be criticized when he returns to Uchiha. He thought for a while, that's all it was, and he wouldn't be helped by going to the Uchiha members, so it was better to forget it. Obito wished himself good luck.


Of course, Takeshi doesn't think it's entirely a bad thing. Obito didn't get any care from the clan before because he didn't show any value.


After this fight, if he gets beaten up by the clan again, he might not be able to make a different kind of hype for the clan to see.


For Takeshi, he was lying on the edge, thinking a lot in his mind, but to no avail. He is just a cat. The next one is Kurenai Yuhi versus Rin Nohara.


This is not a battle of the same magnitude. Although Kurenai cannot use genjutsu, her shuriken and kunai skills are far superior to Rin's.


But what Rin has to do is not to defeat Kurenai, but to survive at Kurenai's hands. Because her goal is to become a medical ninja.


Every medical ninja is a target for the enemy ninja. Just like when Takeshi was playing games in his previous life, if the enemy had a healer, he would kill the healer first without caring about anything.


After fighting for a long time, the two were evenly matched - Kurenai didn't use genjutsu, otherwise, the battle should be resolved quickly.


After both of them finished fighting, Hana came back with Haimaru. The effect of the medical ninjutsu was outstanding.


Haimaru's claws were not even covered with gauze and looked as good as ever.


At least that's how it looks. However, psychologically, Haimaru's injury was obviously not healed. When Takeshi looked over, his previously injured paw immediately began to shake.


Got a psychological trauma? He is too fragile. The Inuzuka clan's psychological training on the ninja beasts needs to get better. Takeshi complained silently in his heart.


Hana kept comforting him. Haimaru was comforted for a long time before he gradually calmed down, but it was obvious that he did not have the courage to fight the little black cat again - at least until he thought he was strong enough, he would not dare to cause trouble for Takeshi again.


Takeshi felt a little regretful. If this guy was braver, he might be able to get more points. What's the point of giving up after a fight? Have you seen how many losses within the so many times in a duel between Guy and Kakashi? Never give up so easily. His eyes were darting around, looking for someone who might help him earn points.


However, except for those unknown side characters, the others, the ones such as Genma, are not easy to offend. It seems that the gatekeeping duo is the best to take action.


But these two people don't give much points. They is too honest and easy to bully, and he has nothing worth messing with. He thought about it and decided to tease Anko.


This little girl didn't cherish her childhood when she was a child, and in future when she became an chubby aunt, it was too late to reminisce. As the compassionate kitten he is, Takeshi decided to help Anko.


As Rin hadn't come back yet, he decided to secretly go to Anko's class.

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