
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

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117 Chs

Chapter 15

Anko's classroom was conveniently located right next to the playground, making it easy for anyone to spot her.


She always sat in the last row, which further helped students find her. One day, as Anko quietly made her way to class, she noticed a little girl eating dango in her seat.


From a teacher's perspective, it was easy to tell when students were up to something mischievous, especially since all the teachers at the Academy were Chunin-level.


He had grown accustomed to the occasional prank, so he didn't bother exposing the students. There were always a few who didn't take the lessons seriously, and it would be impossible to teach them all individually. Instead, he focused on the more attentive students, like Gekko Hayate.


Hayate had been weak since childhood, but he had a unique talent. Every time he spoke about key points during a lesson, he would cough violently.


Anko had taken care of him for more than a year but still couldn't figure out if it was intentional or not. Regardless, she was exhausted and didn't feel like dealing with it anymore.


As Anko sat down, she noticed a black shadow jump up, and the next second, the ball in her hand had disappeared.


Anko was stunned for two seconds before she looked down and saw the little black cat, Takeshi.


Takeshi had taken the Dango, but when Anko saw the black cat and touched his soft fur, her bad mood instantly vanished.


She carefully picked up Takeshi, marveling at how soft he was. Her eyes seemed to be shining brightly, and her hands caressed his soft fur restlessly, with an expression of indescribable enjoyment on her face.


At the same time, she was extremely annoyed in her heart - why hadn't she asked to keep him earlier? It was common for ordinary cats, but not for ninja cats.


After roaming through the village, there would be no chance of finding him again. If she had another opportunity, she would definitely not miss the chance to raise this black cat.


Just as she was thinking this, she noticed the name tag around Takeshi's neck. Takeshi - Nohara Rin. Rin knew that the girl upstairs who was older than her thought that "Takeshi" should be the cat's name.


But at this moment, the teacher on the stage coughed lightly at bring attention to him and said, "Some students, please stop making noise and concentrate on listening."


A bunch of people took their seats, including Anko, who also stopped moving and looked at the blackboard while 'concentrating'. However, she couldn't focus, with Takeshi in her hands.


Hayate Gekko. If it weren't for his cough, Takeshi wouldn't have noticed that there were such talents in this class.


Speaking of which... since Hayate Gekko is here, Seeing the little black cat break away from her arms, Anko immediately wanted to chase him, but when she thought that she was in class and looked up to find the teacher staring at her again, she could only watch Takeshi crawl forward. 'Don't get discovered!' She was secretly anxious.


Takeshi's concealment ability was very good. His fur completely dark, and his footsteps were silent. Basically, no one would notice him except those who were weren't focusing on the lectures.


Covered by the sound of coughing, he easily reached the side of Hayate. However, after getting closer, Hayate seemed to be coughing more violently and never stopped. After it lasted for a while, the teacher noticed something was wrong: "Hayate, are you okay?"


"Sensei... cough, cough,sorry, I... cough, cough, I don't know..." Hayate's face turned red from coughing.


'It seems you're allgeric to cats.' The instigator hid behind. Originally, he planned to withdraw, but after observing that the points were slowly rising, he planned to stay a little longer. 'Boy, your value is no less than Asuma.'


"Cough cough cough~" The violent cough made everyone feel a little worried. When it comes to anyone in the Academy that no one dares to mess with, Hayate is definitely second to none.


This guy looks weak, but he is actually very strong in swordsmanship. He is a guy who should not be underestimated. It's a pity that he's not in good health.


But generally it's not so bad that he needs to stay at home, and he's not sick to that extent.


Listening to his sounds of his coughing almost makes them cough up their lungs.


The teacher on the stage frowned slightly. He was not a medical ninja, so he didn't know much about Hayate's condition, but Hayate had not been so exaggerated before, and today was obviously unusual.


'Forget it, let's run away, this cough is too brutal. ' Takeshi squatted for a while, but still slipped back with a guilty conscience.


Do whatever you want, but do no harm. If something goes wrong with Hayate, the Gekko clan will probably hunt him down at home with swords.


By then, the reputation of the Nohara family may not be enough to protect themselves. He will say it again, it's just getting points, he doesn't really want to harm anyone. Takeshi lowered his footsteps and quietly walked back to Little Anko from Hayate.


Anko was a little confused at first, but when she saw Takeshi coming back, she somewhat guessed what was going on. Hayate was probably tricked by this cat.


"What a miserable life, I'm afraid he won't be able to get along with cats in this life." Little Anko felt sorry for the little boy of the Gekko Clan - he couldn't pet cats, it was really a tragedy in life.


After Takeshi moved away, the coughing over there finally stopped.


"Sensei, I'm sorry." Hayate stood up and bowed to apologize. Seeing the confused expression on Hayate's face, the teacher naturally stopped focusing on him, but he was a little confused in his heart.


'What happened just now?' He thought for a while and then said something out of concern: "Hayate, if you don't feel well, go back and rest well. You should have completely mastered today's class topics anyways. It doesn't matter if you miss a section."


"Thank you, Sensei. " Hayate hesitated for a second, then decisively packed up and went home. He also felt strange. 'I don't know why I suddenly started coughing violently.'


After packing up his books, he left through the main entrance. As he approached the back door, that feeling came back, and he coughed inexplicably.


After taking a few steps forward, he saw Anko holding a cat at the back door. A half-year-old black cat. He didn't pay much attention and walked forward quickly, but after walking for a while, he figured something was wrong.


Could it be because of the cat? He stood in front for a while, feeling quite comfortable, and then returned to the back door... Takeshi thought that Hayate had left, so he breathed a sigh of relief and continued to make trouble around to earn points without running away immediately.


When Hayate came back, he happened to see Takeshi playing with the hair of the girl in the front row with his paws.


"Cough cough cough~" A violent cough sounded from the back door again. Takeshi immediately retracted his paws, and Little Anko was also startled.


The person at the back door turned his head and saw Hayate, who was coughing violently and had a bad look in his eyes.


'Case solved!' He coughed because of this cat, and the cat was right behind him just now.


"Hayate, is something wrong?" The teacher was confused.


"Sensei, Anko not only ate dangos, but also brought along a cat." Hayate reported expressionlessly, then bowed slightly and walked away.


??? Anko looked confused. We are all classmates, is it necessary to snitch on her like this?


"Anko, stand and listen to the class." A cold command came from the Sensei. She stood up with pressed lips, scolding Hayate several times in her heart, and then looked down again...the little black cat had also run away, and she suddenly couldn't help but feel sad.


The cat was so cute, and the dangos tasted great, but why were both of them suddenly gone? Hayate, this bastard, you will pay!

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