
Naruto: Insane System

[The Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.] [Mission: Kill Hatake Kakashi (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Kushina Uzumaki (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Itachi Uchiha (0/1). Reward: ]

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Chapter 15


"Sensei! You're chakra has changed!"

What? The originally blue chakra that flowed through my tenketsu points turned pitch black. Before my chakra would only become visible when molded into one of the five elements but now it was forming a dark aura of dense and solid black chakra. Using water chakra I made a small floating puddle that I used to see my reflection.

My previously blue eyes were gone as white irises replaced the blue while the pupils and the outside of the irises were black as if I had been reborn as an edo tensei. I could feel that my chakra reserves had grown over ten times denser reaching a level where I could play with it like some type of gum. The potency of my chakra reached an entirely knew realm and I could feel that every cell in my body was full of strength and vitality.

I had finally reached the level of a Kage, just the degree of my chakra's density proved it, the only beings in this world that had chakra like this were the bijuu. Ironically I had reached the level of strength I had been training for my whole life through the help of some unknown outside force, the system. Although I would have been able to reach Kage level without it I know it would have been multiple years away.

"Kill every last Kaguya clan member Kakashi, this is my test for you. You won't be in any danger but I want to see if you have the perseverance to take a human life."

A dozens shadow clones pop out after a make a hand seal and they go crazy ransacking everything in the clan compound. Jutsu, money, food, weapons, clothes, some of my bastards were even lifting up giant supply ships at the edge of the port and filling them with scrolls stuffed to the brim with valuables.

After a few hours Kakashi had finally killed all the runaways and the entire village was looted and sacked. All the buildings where damaged and everything was set on fire despite the heavy mist constantly looming over. I pat Kakashi's blood covered shoulder and point him into the direction of an important port in the land of Water previously under Kaguya control.

"Kakashi, we're going to raid every single port under the control of the Kaguya clan and steal every single rowboat, canoe, fishing boat and supply ship we find. The reason the land of Water is so successful is purely due to sea trade routes that allow trade with both the land of Fire and the land of Lightning. We are going to deliberately weaken their economy by stealing every boat in this country."

Kakashi has a dumbfounded look on his face completely is disbelief.

"Sensei, how are we going to transport so many ships?"

"Kakashi use your head, I'm a master of wind release making a few hundred ships fly through the air isn't difficult."

Eyes flutter in shock as Kakashi looks up at the floating ships each one piloted by one of my clones.

"Come on Kakashi, I collected a lot of jutsu specifically for you. Together we'll ransack the entire land of Water."

The sharp edges of my shoulder blades slid out of my skin with ease, growing to be twelve feet long in total. Small black feathers grow on the sharp bones, beautiful black wings spread blowing away the mist in a powerful flap.


Kakashi slightly reaches out his hand surprised that the small individual feathers were actually wind constructs. I laugh triumphantly and mock the entire village I had laid destruction to.

"There was actually a jutsu that allows people to manipulate their chakra to artificially make feathers for flight."

I throw Kakashi up in the air and catch his body in between my two large wings. Holding on for dear life he looks down at the ground several hundred meters below and gargles probably due to motion sickness. This brat better not spit bile on my otherwise I'm afraid I'll have to drop him.

Surprisingly Kakashi didn't question me on how I manipulated bones in my body it seems I've underestimated his loyalty. Regardless it's very clearly a flimsy lie but it's not like anyone can prove that I have the Shikotsumyaku. That's because I don't, the reason I'm able to control the bones in my body is due to <Hollow Demon> not a kekkei genkai.

Regardless I can definitely modify the jutsu specifically meant for Shikotsumyaku. The clan patriarch's library was full of special techniques and jutsu that will serve me well. Usually most shinobi specialize in a certain aspect, be it kenjutsu, ninjutsu, genjutsu or taijutsu. Making a comprehensive battle system that covers all aspects of combat is very difficult and basically important for the average shinobi.

The truth is that many shinobi don't have more than two or three jutsu and most of these are very limited in versatility. There are multiple aspects to combat those being, attack, defense, recovery, investigation and escape. Most shinobi only had skill in one or two categories the most common being attack and escape. There is a saying among ninja, if you can't kill your opponent in the first move they're definitely surviving the fight.

This saying was so common because almost all shinobi specialized in escape, after all just look at the academy jutsu required to pass. Transformation jutsu was very useful for deceiving enemies, substitution jutsu was very useful for evading attacks, clone jutsu was very useful for confusing enemies. All of these jutsu were used in one way or another to escape or run away from dangerous situations where you'd die if confronted with an enemy. The key to being a shinobi was to simply never need to fight in the first place, what was the most common way that Kage died? Was it in direct combat with an enemy? No, the common way political figures died was from assassination.

Every aspect of combat is important, having strong attack potency allows you to kill your enemies efficiently. Having strong defensive capabilities allows you to take less damage and decreases your chances of dieing. Recovery allows you to regenerate stamina or heal wounds which allow for battles of attrition. Investigation allows you to detect enemies beforehand in order to set up traps or collect valuable information. Escape allows you to run away from a hopeless battle that you otherwise definitely would have died in. These are the aspects of being a shinobi.