
Naruto: God level Genius

Story of a godly being reincarnating himself into the world of Naruto. The protagonist is reincarnated as an uchiha, twin brother of Itachi uchiha. He will be a genius far beyond human or any mortal comprehension. Slice of Life, some action, romance (single heroine oc) probably, some philosophy.

VOID_STUFF · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Training with dad.

After breakfast, Haru, Itachi, and Fugaku made their way to the Uchiha training ground, a serene place nestled within the confines of the Uchiha compound. The training ground, just a two-minute walk from Haru's home, boasted a picturesque landscape with a tranquil lake at its center. Various targets were strategically placed around the area, offering challenges from different angles and distances.

As they arrived, Fugaku took a moment to survey the training ground before turning to Haru and Itachi. "If you want to train in the future, you can come here anytime. This training ground belongs to me, so you won't be bothered by anyone."

Haru's eyes widened with excitement, expecting to delve into the secrets of advanced fighting styles. However, Fugaku had a different plan in mind. "Let's start with the basics of taijutsu," he announced, his voice filled with authority. "Running laps around this ground will build your stamina and agility, laying a strong foundation for the 'cool moves' you're eager to learn."

Haru and Itachi exchanged glances, a mixture of surprise and disappointment on their faces. Nevertheless, they trusted Fugaku's wisdom and nodded in agreement.

With determination in their eyes, Haru and Itachi started their first lap around the training ground. Haru's physique, enhanced by his perverted body and the recent acquisition of the sage body buff, allowed him to breeze through the laps effortlessly. Itachi, on the other hand, found himself struggling to keep up, his small frame taxed by the physical exertion. Despite his fatigue, Itachi persevered, inspired by Haru's unwavering resolve.

As the laps continued, Haru adjusted his pace to match Itachi's dwindling energy, silently encouraging him to push through. By the fourth lap, Itachi's body gave in to exhaustion, collapsing onto the ground. Fugaku's gaze held a tinge of disappointment as he observed Itachi's struggle. However, when his eyes turned to Haru, a smile crept across his face.

Though disappointed by Itachi's performance compared to Haru's exceptional stamina, Fugaku's disappointment stemmed from his belief in Itachi's potential, not a lack of love. A parent's love remains whole, regardless of how it is divided.

Approaching Itachi, who sat catching his breath, Haru offered a supportive smile. "Are you alright, Itachi?"

Itachi, still gasping for air, managed to nod. "Yes, brother, just a bit tired."

Assuring his younger brother, Haru remarked, "If you train regularly, you will become stronger. It takes time and effort."

Curiosity twinkled in Itachi's eyes as he questioned, "Do you train regularly?"

Chuckling softly, Haru replied, "No, this is my first day. But don't worry, we can train together from now on."

A hint of a pout formed on Itachi's lips as he turned away, feeling a twinge of envy. Sensing his brother's emotions, Haru reached out and playfully tapped Itachi's forehead. "Don't be angry, Itachi. How about this? I promise to train with you and support you every step of the way."

Itachi's face lit up with a smile as he asked, his voice filled with hope, "Promise?"

A warm smile graced Haru's lips as he gently replied, "Promise."

Observing the interaction between his sons, Fugaku's smile widened. He cherished the bond blossoming between them, knowing that such camaraderie would strengthen their resolve and propel them to greater heights.

Shifting their focus to a new aspect of training,

Fugaku introduced the next phase of their training—kunai and shuriken jutsu. Retrieving a set of shuriken, he handed them to Haru and Itachi before placing a target at a distance of ten meters.

With expert precision, Fugaku demonstrated the proper technique for throwing shuriken. "To throw the shuriken effectively," he explained, "release it at this angle while manipulating its rotation and force. Remember, this technique is primarily performed while standing still, but you must be prepared to adapt and adjust in dynamic combat situations."

Haru and Itachi carefully observed Fugaku's demonstration, absorbing every detail of his movements and technique. They were determined to master this skill under their father's guidance.

As the hours passed, the training continued with relentless enthusiasm.

Under Fugaku's watchful gaze, Haru and Itachi took turns practicing their shuriken throwing. Haru's first attempt was promising, as he closely replicated his father's technique. The shuriken whizzed through the air, striking the target with impressive accuracy. Itachi, eager to prove himself, took a deep breath and mimicked Haru's actions. His throw was slightly off, but he remained determined to improve.

Fugaku offered gentle guidance, offering subtle adjustments to Itachi's grip and release. The two brothers continued to hone their skills, their determination evident in their focused expressions. With each throw, they analyzed their technique, seeking ways to improve their accuracy and consistency.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, their throws grew more refined. Haru's innate precision and keen eye for detail allowed him to adapt quickly, consistently hitting the target. Itachi, driven by a combination of admiration for his brother and his own fierce determination, showcased a remarkable improvement. His throws grew more controlled, inching closer to the desired mark with each attempt.

Fugaku watched their progress with pride, acknowledging their dedication and perseverance. He knew that mastery of shuriken jutsu went beyond mere accuracy. It required a deep understanding of timing, adaptability, and strategic thinking. To further challenge his sons, Fugaku introduced drills that incorporated movement and simulated combat scenarios.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Haru and Itachi embraced these exercises. They practiced throwing shuriken while dodging imaginary opponents, honing their ability to adjust their aim on the fly. Haru, with his Sharingan awakened at level 3, utilized his enhanced visual perception to anticipate the trajectory of incoming projectiles. It allowed him to react swiftly, ensuring that his throws remained accurate even in dynamic situations.

Meanwhile, Haru explored the integration of his sage body and refined chakra control into his shuriken throwing. He experimented with infusing his chakra into the projectiles, enhancing their speed and impact upon contact. Through trial and error, he discovered the optimal balance between power and precision.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, as their training sessions continued. The Uchiha training ground witnessed their unwavering dedication and the evolution of their skills. The once pristine target now bore the scars of countless shuriken strikes, a testament to their progress and growing expertise.

He has made notable progress in various areas:

[Auto Training System.]

[Chakra Control- Level 10 ==> 24]

[Godly chakra refinement- Level 2 ==> 3]

[Mesmerizing Flute art- Level 4 ==> 10]

[Sage Body- Level 1 ==> 3]

[Sharingan- Level 1 ==> 3]

[kunai shuriken jutsu- Level 20]

[Taijutsu- Level 18]

[Nature's Echo - Level 1]


Overall, Haru has become a formidable shinobi with a diverse range of skills and abilities.


[A/N- I'm truly sorry for the lengthy delay. Life threw unexpected challenges my way, causing the prolonged break. Your understanding and patience are greatly appreciated. Now, let's dive into this chapter, and I hope it brings you joy. Thank you for your ongoing support.