
Chapter 56

"Go across the hall from here, into the living room, and on the left side of the room there's another hallway. It's the second room on the right," Sasuke answered without hesitation, having already talked to Sakura about sleeping arrangements.

"I thought as much," she replied nodding, then she turned to the group, "Can you please take my things there?"

"NANI?!" Naruto exclaimed loudly, and Sakura flinched away slightly—not because she was intimidated, but because she was afraid to be flecked with spit, "You're going to be sleeping in his room?!"

Kanaye crossed his arms across his chest, a frown darkening his handsome features, "Sakura…"

Even Lee looked like he disapproved. Sasuke merely shrugged and let go of Sakura, experimentally walking into the kitchen and sitting down on the floor when he came across the low table. Sakura glowered at his back as he put his chin is his palm; she was hoping that he would at least help her defend her case, but it looked to her like he wanted no part in the upcoming disagreement.

"Okay, I am only going to say this once," she said with forced patience, a dangerous look behind her eyes, "so listen carefully. There is extra bedding in the hall closet, and a nice empty corner in Sasuke's bedroom. I am going to set up a futon in that corner and sleep there; here there are no nurses to help Sasuke if he needs something in the middle of the night, so I have to be available at all times. So before any of you get the wrong idea, don't even go there. And Naruto, I don't want this spread throughout our friends, especially Ino. There's going to be gossip in the rumor mill for weeks as it is, what with me just living in this house. Now, are there any questions?"

There was a discomforting silence in the kitchen.

"Good," she said, uncrossing her arms, the diabolical glint behind her eyes dissipating, "Now, can you please put my things in Sasuke's room?"

The three of them shuffled quickly to Sasuke's room without complaint, and Sakura nodded at their receding backs with approval.

"I'll be back in a minute, Sasuke," she informed the sitting Uchiha before following after her brother and two friends.

Entering Sasuke's room, she saw that her bags had been set neatly in the room's center, and the three of them were standing around, awaiting instructions. There was nothing particularly special about Sasuke's room, a closet was in the left wall and a small desk was in the back right corner. In the back left corner was a neatly made double bed, the frame designed to have a nightstand built onto the side, where a small lamp sat. There was a small window in the middle of the back wall, and a picture of Team Seven was sitting on the sill. A garbage can was in the close right corner, and a big empty space was in the close left.

"I was hoping to set up in this corner," she said indicating to the space between the closet and the wall on the left side of the room, in the big empty space, "There's a futon in the room one door further from here; Naruto, Lee-san, could you get that? Kanaye, come with me and help with the bedding."

Obediently, each went their respective ways, and Sakura opened the door to the hall closet, standing on tiptoes to grab the thick blanket that she would be using.

"So," Kanaye said in a low voice, "Why do you like this guy again?"

Sakura shoved the folded blanket into his arms and he nearly toppled over from the force of the thrust, "I know he may seem cold, but he's a good person."

She saw the top of his silver-haired head shake from side to side. "I don't understand you Sakura," his voice was muffled.

"Neither does he," she replied offhandedly, while amassing a number of pillows, "Okay, go back to the room, and watch your step."

They reentered Sasuke's room as Naruto and Lee finished unfurling the futon, and she gave them both a grateful smile, "Thanks so much, you two."

"Iie, it's nothing, Sakura-chan," Naruto said rubbing the back of his head lazily.

"Hai, Sakura-san," Lee said striking the 'nice-guy' pose again, "If you ever require anything, just let me know, and I shall assist you."

"I appreciate it, really," she replied smiling.

"Oi, Sakura," Kanaye's stifled voice called out, "What should I do with this?"

"You two go to the kitchen and see what there is in the cupboards, and Kanaye will help me make the bed," Sakura suggested, "I'll come make something when we're done."

After the two of them had left, Sakura helped Kanaye set the thick blanket on Sasuke's bed before they unfolded the sheets and spread it out over the mattress.

"I don't know if I like this situation, Sakura," her brother said after a minute, "I wasn't too pleased before, but I thought that you'd at least be in different rooms."

"That's not going to work," Sakura replied tucking the sheet under one corner of the futon, "I have already explained why I need to be in this room. I also already emphasized to you that nothing is going to happen. Additionally, if it makes you feel any better, Mom knows that I'm going to be sharing a room with him."

Kanaye sighed has he tucked in the corners at his end, "I suppose it makes me feel better in the sense that you're not hiding it from Mom and Dad, but it doesn't make me feel better about the fact that you're still sharing a room."

"Just have a little faith in me," Sakura stated, getting up and putting pillowcases on one of the three pillows she had grabbed, "It's a little insulting that you don't trust me."




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