It was almost time, Orochimaru was going to take his body as a vessel. He hated being used...he refused to be used. With that thought, he took the kunai in his hand and slashed across his eyes.
"I'm sorry, Sakura," he said with a sigh, grabbing a pillowcase for himself, "It's just that I don't know this guy, and I'm out on missions so often so I don't really have time to get to know him. And you said that he won't let people know him, so I don't think we're going to become chummy after a few visits like Naruto and I did."
"I have a feeling that I won't be here long enough for you to have to get to know him," Sakura replied, grabbing the final pillow and stuffing it aggressively into its case.
"I hope you're right," Kanaye replied, tossing the pillow he held onto the futon, "The sooner you're out of here, the better, in my opinion."
"Just put up with it, okay?" Sakura told him as they began to unfold the blanket, "And if anything happens, you have my permission to come over here and come after Sasuke, but understand that you'd probably have to get through me first."
Kanaye shook his head in amazement, "I just can't believe how devoted you are."
"Live with it," Sakura smirked, before leaving the room, heading towards the kitchen.
Naruto and Lee were sitting at the table across from Sasuke and when the two of them caught sight of Sakura, they both fell silent. With disgust, Sakura surmised that they were probably giving Sasuke a similar lecture like Kanaye had just been giving her. She looked over at Lee and pretended to not notice the silence that had blanketed the kitchen.
"What's there for food?" Sakura asked him, looking at the empty table, expecting there to be something in the non-perishables that was available to eat.
"All the food has passed the expiry date," Lee replied shaking his head, "There is nothing suitable in the cupboard to eat."
Sakura sighed. They really shouldn't call it non-perishable if it was able to expire, no matter how much time would go by.
"Alright," Sakura said heavily, "Looks like I'll have to make a trip to the grocery store. Who wants to come along?"
"I'll come!" Naruto exclaimed exuberantly, leaping to his feet, "I know the best kinds of instant ramen to buy!"
"I would like to accompany you as well," Lee said standing up.
"Anyone else?" Sakura peered around the room.
"I'll stay here," Sasuke stated, his fingers laced together and resting under his nose.
"I think I will too," Kanaye said cheerfully and Sakura gave him a suspicious look, but he only waved happily in response to her cold expression.
"Alright then," she replied, knowing that she couldn't exactly argue—Sasuke shouldn't be left by himself, "Sasuke, is there anything that you would like me to buy?"
He was quiet for a moment, "Tomatoes."
"Why the heck would you want to buy tomatoes, teme?" Naruto asked, giving Sasuke a look that read 'are you crazy or something?'—not that Sasuke could see it.
"Because, dobe, some people like tomatoes," Sasuke replied evenly, "That's why."
"Come on, let's go," Sakura interjected before an argument could start.
On that last note, she shoved Naruto out of the room and quickly strode after him, Lee bringing up the rear.
Kanaye waited until he heard the back door shut before he went and sat down opposite the Uchiha boy that was the object of his sister's affections. Resting his elbows on the table, he studied the quiet youth with interest. Uchiha Sasuke was sitting cross-legged at the table, his fingers laced together and resting against his lips; dark black onyx eyes were staring unseeingly forward, unfocused.
"I didn't get a chance to properly introduce myself," he said after a very pregnant pause, "I'm Haruno Kanaye, Sakura's brother."
"Uchiha Sasuke," the boy replied evenly, but said nothing more. Kanaye felt that he probably shouldn't have been surprised.
"Yeah, I need to talk to you about a couple things," Kanaye said after another moment, sitting up straighter, resting his arms on the table.
"If it's in regards to the situation in which Sakura and I will be in while she stays here, then don't bother," Sasuke stated before Kanaye could say anything more, "I have already been spoken to about it."
"Well, it's partially about that," Kanaye said, with a sigh, "You see, Sakura and I are very close—we always have been. But ever since I became a jounin, I haven't been able to see her very much, so I worry for her, because I don't know what she's up to—if she's hanging around with the right crowds, and so on. I've always been on the lookout for her, and it really hurts me when she's distressed."
"I see," Sasuke replied levelly, not seeming particularly interested.
"I don't know if you've heard, but after you left Konoha, Sakura fell into depression," Kanaye said austerely, wishing that the blind Uchiha could see the serious look that he was giving him.
"I've heard," Sasuke replied, "Naruto told me about it."
"Naruto doesn't know all of it," Kanaye responded heavily, "Sakura has an amazing talent for hiding her emotions when she doesn't want other people to know about how she's feeling. Or at least in public. Sakura was always cheerful and bright out in the open, smiling even though she was sad, and letting people think that she wasn't nearly upset as she was. Naruto's known her for a long time, and he could tell something was wrong, but he never saw what she was like at home."
Sasuke turned his head slightly towards the platinum-haired jounin, his face expressionless, and Kanaye found himself wondering if he was even reaching the cold youth.
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