
Chapter : 15

"Eh?" Naruto used his free hand to scratch the back of his head sheepishly. "Not really. I'm just good at reading between the lines. You know, looking underneath the underneath and all that."

"Well, I for one am impressed with how easily you managed to figure out my plan on so little information." Naruto flushed at the praise as Rias continued complimenting him. "It takes a keen mind to think up such conclusions so easily."

"I guess," Naruto mumbled. Coughing a bit, he tried to get back on track. "So, who exactly is after Issei?"

Rias' countenance became incredibly serious, forcing Naruto to do the same, which really just made him look kind of ridiculous because by now Koneko had taken to laying her head on his lap as he stroked and petted her head.

"One of our greatest enemies," Rias said with the utmost seriousness. "A group known as the Fallen Angels."

Issei left his friends house feeling even more depressed than before. It seemed not even watching his favorite pornos could lift his spirits up.

He had been so sure that the blond kid he saw with Rias-senpai the other day would have known who Yuuma was. He was there when it happened. Hell, he had even saved him!

Well, he tried to save him. Issei still ended up taking a light spear to the gut, but it was the thought that counted. Right?


But no, when Issei confronted Naruto the boy claimed to not know a thing. How depressing was that? To see the person who tried to save you not even remember what happened or remembered about the girl he tried saving you from? Maybe it was just him, but the thought made Issei extremely depressed.

Did no one remember Yuuma?

As he continued to walk down the street to his house and sulk, a strange feeling came over him. It was sort of like that feeling he got when he was about to be beaten by a horde of angry teenage girls, only different. It was much more sinister and made his body shiver as a chill crept over him.

"How unfortunate."

Issei blinked, then turned around. Walking into the light of a street lamp was a middle-aged-looking gentleman with short black hair and dark blue eyes. He wore an outfit that consisted of a pale violet trenchcoat over a white dress shirt with a matching ascot, black pants and shoes, and a black fedora.

"To actually bump into someone like you in a place like this." The man traced his fingers along the rim of his fedora. Issei stared at the man dumbly. What the hell was this idiot talking about?

Not wanting to stick around any longer, and feeling more than a little on edge around this guy, Issei did what he felt was the most prudent thing at the time.

He turned around and bolted like a bat out of hell.

"Trying to run away?" The man taunted. "Tell me, who is your master?"

What the hell was this guy talking about? Master? He had no master!

Issei didn't bother answering the obviously deranged man and simply focused on running. If he traveled far enough, fast enough, he should be able to lose the guy. Teenagers such as himself had more energy than old farts like that guy.


"Did you really think I would let you run away?"

Issei's eyes widened as he stumbled forward, just barely catching his balance, then turned around. The man he had tried to lose stood in front of him, only he was different then the last time Issei had seen him. He had wings. Black angel wings.

Just like Yuuma.

"Tell me who your master is," the man demanded. When Issei didn't answer, namely because he didn't know what the hell this lunatic was talking about, the man frowned. "Or perhaps you're a stray? Hmm... I can't detect any traces of your master on you, so you must be a stray. In that case, killing you will not be a problem."

The man held out his hand and a bright light started to emit from it, which Issei realized with a start he had seen happen before.

He should remember that light. It was the same light Yuuma had made right before she ended up killing him.

As expected, a spear of light appeared in the man's hand. Issei turned to run, knowing he had to get out of here before he was killed. Perhaps if he ran far enough, he could lose this strange man with wings like Yuuma.

He didn't get very far. Before he could even run a meter from where he had been, an incredible pain erupted from his stomach. Issei looked down to see the cause, not surprised one bit to find he had the shaft of the light spear sticking out of his gut.

Gah! This was the second time he had been stabbed by one of these light things in two days. What the hell?

Coughing, Issei tried to pull the light spear out, only to feel more pain surge through him as his hands were literally burned by the light.

"You can't pull it out, can you?" the man behind him taunted. He grabbed Issei by the head with one hand, grinning like a madman. "Light spears like this are deadly poison for creatures like you. Would you like me to help you pull it out?"

Without warning, the man ripped the light spear out of Issei's stomach through his back. If the pain he felt from getting it shoved in him in the first place was incredible, then the pain of having the spear pulled out was indescribable. Nothing could have prepared him for the agony he felt now.

"I apologize for giving you such pain." Issei just barely heard as he held a hand to the gaping hole in his stomach. He just barely managed to crawl over to a wall where he felt his life fading again for the second time. "Sadly, it looks like I missed your vital organs. I'll be more accurate next time. This time, I'll definitely kill you!"

Just before the middle aged man could throw his light spear at Issei, a loud voice interrupted him.

"Dynamic Entry!"

The last thing Issei saw was the strange man with the black wings getting smashed in the face by an orange and black blur.





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