
Chapter : 14

"It's good to see you getting along with your peers, Naruto-kun."

Turning his head, Naruto did not stop his gentle ministrations as he watched Rias walk in with the Nadeshiko beauty behind her.

"Ara, ara. So you're Uzumaki Naruto-kun," the Nadeshiko girl smiled pleasantly as she clasped her hands together in front of her waist. She had a very nice smile. "My name is Himejima Akeno. Please take care of me."

"Ah..." Damn, what was the proper Japanese response for that? Oh, right. "Not at all. Please treat me well, Akeno-senpai." Whew. Geez, these Japanese traditions were hard. And just why did they have such weird traditions anyways? The Elemental Nations never had to deal with all this etiquette crap.

Or maybe it did. Naruto had never been one for etiquette back then, so he wouldn't know.

"Ara, ara," Akeno delicately held her hands to her face. "Such a cute little kohai I have. I think I might have to keep you."

"Uh..." was he supposed to respond to that? "Thanks?"

"Now that everyone is here, we can get started," Rias began as she made to stand in front of the table Naruto and Koneko were sitting near. Kiba took a seat on the opposite couch while Akeno went to make tea. "First off, welcome to the occult club, Naruto-kun."

"Um, good to be here," Naruto smiled politely. He looked over at everyone there before looking back at Rias. "Am I to take it that all of you are devils?"

"Very good, Naruto-kun," Rias congratulated Naruto and graced him with a gentle smile. "Yes, all of us are devils."

"I see," Naruto said as Akeno placed a cup of tea in front of him. "Thank you."

"Ara, ara," Akeno smiled amusedly, "Such a polite young man. You're welcome."

Naruto stared at the raven haired beauty for a second as she walked over to stand behind Rias, holding the tea tray to her bosom. He shook his head and picked up the cup of steaming liquid, lightly blowing on it before taking a drink. Normally, Naruto did not like tea, but it would be rude not to drink it.

"This is good," he complimented honestly after taking a small sip. He took another one as Akeno smiled at him.

"Thank you."

As he was about to take another sip, a hand tugged at his sleeve. Turning his head, he saw Koneko staring at him with an imploring look. At least it was imploring to Naruto. To anyone else, it would not look any different from her normally apathetic gaze.

Naruto got his ability to read blank facial expressions from spending too much time with Gaara.

"Ah, right, sorry about that." He set the tea cup down and reached out with a hand to restart his gentle petting of the girls hair. Koneko melted, much to the amusement of the others.

"It seems he's already managed to earn the affection of at least one of us," Akeno mused, then looked over at Rias. "Or is it two of us?" The president of the occult club frowned, but still responded.

"I will admit it, he's a very interesting individual. He seems to gather people around him very easily, even those who have just met him, with his open and friendly personality."

"Including you?"


"You know, I'm still having a hard time believing all of you are devils," Naruto frowned. "No offense, but all I can see are three very pretty girls and one blond guy."

"Ah hahaha," Kiba laughed sheepishly at being referenced as 'one blond guy'. "You're blond too, you know?"

"Yes, but I'm new here," Naruto shot back.

"I can see why you would be skeptical, even though I already explained this," Rias said. "But there is an easy way to prove what we are to you." Naruto watched with a raised eyebrow as Rias, Akeno and Kiba all sprouted black bat wings from their back. He looked over at Koneko, wondering if she would do the same.

She didn't. But not because she couldn't. She was still experiencing bliss at his hand.

"You have wings too, you know."

At that, Naruto turned his head slightly and saw that, yes, he did indeed have wings. Two, bat-like black wings were sprouting from his back. The blond narrowed his eyes and focused on them, getting them to flap a bit before some more focus made them retract.

Wow. That was interesting.

"Okay," Naruto admitted, turning his attention back to Rias, "so you guys are Devils. Question."

"Ask away," Rias gestured for him to continue.

"Why are you telling me this and not Issei as well? I would have figured you would want him to be here too. Since, you know, you reincarnated him as well."

Rias nodded her head as if she expected that question.

"Very true, and I have every intention of telling Issei soon. However," Rias' countenance darkened. "I believe that Issei is being targeted."

"Targeted?" Naruto narrowed his eyes and a calculating glint appeared within his normally friendly and open irises. "I see, you're using him as bait to find out whose targeting him. If he knew about all of this, he would be more wary, thus not reacting in a predictable manner. In other words, you need him to not know anything until you find out who is after him so that you can catch his assailants in the act."

"Exactly," Rias smiled brightly at the blond. "You really are quite smart!"





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