
Naruto: Behind the Scenes Emperor

Synopsis: Worlds Collide In a realm dominated by ninjas, where power balances on fragile alliances and devastating jutsu, a cosmic upheaval tears through reality, fusing universes and summoning legendary figures from distant lands into the Naruto world. When Worlds Collide thrusts you into the chaotic aftermath as legendary beings from across dimensions find themselves inexplicably summoned to the Ninja World. Among these formidable arrivals are: The Genius Trio: Tony Stark (Iron Man): The brilliant billionaire inventor from the Marvel Universe, armed with advanced technology and an unyielding resolve. Vegapunk: The unparalleled scientist from the One Piece world, known for his futuristic inventions. Urahara Kisuke: The enigmatic ex-captain from the Soul Society, master of strategy and innovative combat techniques. With their combined intellect, they threaten to upend the scientific and mystical balance of the Naruto world, delving into the secrets of chakra and creating fearsome new technologies and jutsu. The Royal Quartet: Lelouch vi Britannia: The revolutionary mastermind with a Geass power that commands absolute obedience. Gilgamesh: The arrogant and powerful demigod king from ancient times, wielding treasures from all over the world. Sinbad: The High King of the Seven Seas, whose charm and prowess in combat are unmatched. These rulers and warriors, each with their own ambitions for dominance and justice, clash and conspire, challenging the established order and leadership of the Ninja World. The Psychotic Trio: Hisoka: The deadly magician from Hunter x Hunter, driven by a lust for battle and blood. Joker: The maniacal clown prince of crime, whose chaos knows no bounds. Johan Liebert: The enigmatic and terrifying manipulator, whose evil is pure and unparalleled. As they sow discord and terror, the heroes of the Ninja world find themselves in a race against time to protect their home. Naruto, Sasuke, and the other shinobi must navigate this new reality, forging unexpected alliances and confronting the extraordinary powers and ambitions of their new adversaries. In this epic tale of "When Worlds Collide," bonds will be tested, legends will rise, and the very fabric of reality will be torn asunder in a battle for the soul of the ninja world. Support: Patreon: https://patreon.com/cosmicdevil UPI: cosmicmystery@ybl

CosmicMystery · Anime et bandes dessinées
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120 Chs

Chapter 18: Shadows of Conflict

Setting: The Hokage office, adorned with symbols of the Leaf Village, radiated an air of authority and tradition. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, sat behind his desk, his brow furrowed as he sifted through a pile of reports. The door swung open dramatically, and Danzo Shimura strode in, exuding an aura of authority and determination.

"Danzo," Hiruzen greeted, looking up and feigning a calm demeanor. "What brings you here with such urgency?"

Danzo began pacing, his expression stern. "Hiruzen, we need to talk."

Hiruzen leaned back, pretending to be contemplative. "About what, exactly?"

"The younger generations of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans have caused a significant disturbance," Danzo said, his tone intense. "They've fought openly, causing chaos and jeopardizing the stability of the village."

Hiruzen nodded slowly, maintaining his calm facade. "Yes, I've received the reports. It's unfortunate, but conflicts among the younger shinobi can be expected. They're still learning to control their power and emotions."

Danzo stopped and turned to face Hiruzen, his eyes narrowing. "This is more than just youthful indiscretion. The Uchiha and Hyuga clans have always harbored tensions. This incident could be a precursor to something much more dangerous. We need to take decisive action."

Hiruzen sighed, his reluctance carefully crafted. "What kind of action are you proposing, Danzo?"

Danzo stepped closer, his voice low and insistent. "We need to target these clans, make it clear that such behavior will not be tolerated. It's the only way to maintain order and prevent future conflicts."

Hiruzen shook his head slowly. "Danzo, targeting the Uchiha and Hyuga clans directly could escalate the situation. It might make them feel cornered and lead to further unrest. We need to approach this with caution and diplomacy."

"Diplomacy?" Danzo's tone was laced with frustration. "Hiruzen, you're too soft. The village's safety is at stake. We must be proactive, not reactive."

"I understand your concerns," Hiruzen said, his tone resigned. "But we cannot act hastily. We need to trust in the systems we've put in place and work towards fostering understanding between the clans."

Danzo's eyes narrowed further, a smirk playing on his lips. "Your idealism will be the downfall of this village. We can't afford to take chances with the Uchiha and Hyuga. They must be kept in check."

"I appreciate your passion for the village's safety, Danzo," Hiruzen replied calmly. "But as Hokage, I must consider all possible repercussions. We will handle this situation with care, but I cannot sanction targeting the clans directly."

Danzo's smirk widened slightly, a hint of defiance in his eyes. "Very well, Hiruzen. I hope your approach doesn't cost us dearly."

"I assure you, Danzo," Hiruzen said, his composure unbroken. "We will manage this crisis. We must show faith in our village and our people."

Danzo turned to leave, his voice laced with a mixture of resignation and determination. "Let's hope your faith is not misplaced."

Danzo exited the Hokage office, his posture rigid and his expression hardened. Hiruzen watched him leave, his face betraying no emotion. Deep inside, he knew Danzo would act on his own, taking the steps Hiruzen outwardly opposed. In this way, Hiruzen maintained his image of benevolence, all while knowing Danzo would do whatever it took to protect the village, even if it meant getting his hands dirty.


Setting: Danzo's private quarters, dimly lit and filled with scrolls and documents detailing the inner workings of the village. Danzo sat at his desk, deep in thought about the conversation he had just had with Hiruzen. The weight of responsibility and the need for decisive action weighed heavily on him. Suddenly, a shadow moved at the edge of the room.

"Good evening, Danzo," a casual yet chilling voice said, revealing a figure from the darkness.

Danzo started but quickly regained his composure. "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

The figure stepped forward, smirking. "Let's just say I have my ways. My name is Johan Libert. I've been observing you for some time now."

Danzo's eyes narrowed, suspicion evident in his gaze. "Observing me? For what purpose?"

Johan leaned against the wall, his demeanor relaxed. "I find the politics of power... fascinating. Your conversation with Hiruzen was particularly enlightening."

"You were spying on us," Danzo stated, his tone icy.

"You could call it that," Johan replied with a shrug. "But I'm not here to cause you trouble. In fact, I'm here to offer my services."

Danzo remained skeptical. "And what services might those be?"

"I can take care of the Hyuga problem for you," Johan said, his smile sinister. "Let me handle the targeting and the... discipline. It would relieve you of the tension and allow you to focus on other matters."

Danzo's intrigue was piqued, but he remained cautious. "Why would you want to do that? What's in it for you?"

Johan's eyes gleamed with dark amusement. "I have my own reasons. Let's just say, I enjoy seeing how people react when their worlds are turned upside down. The chaos, the fear, the unpredictability—it's all very... entertaining to me."

Danzo considered the offer, his mind racing with possibilities. "And why should I trust you?"

Johan stepped closer, his voice lowering. "You don't have to trust me. All you need to know is that I'm good at what I do. You want the Hyuga clan subdued? I can make that happen. Discreetly, efficiently, and without it tracing back to you."

Danzo nodded slowly, weighing his options. "And Hiruzen? What if he discovers your involvement?"

Johan chuckled, a dark sound. "Hiruzen will suspect you long before he suspects me. He knows your methods, your ambitions. I'm an unknown variable, and that's my advantage. Besides, I can handle Hiruzen if it comes to that."

Danzo paused, then made his decision. "Very well, Johan. I'll accept your offer. But know this—if you betray me or fail, you'll find yourself facing consequences you can't imagine."

Johan's playful grin widened. "I wouldn't dream of it, Danzo. Consider the Hyuga problem as good as dealt with."

Johan Libert turned and slipped back into the shadows, leaving Danzo to contemplate the dangerous alliance he had just formed. Danzo watched him go, a mixture of anticipation and unease brewing within him. He knew he had unleashed a potential force of chaos, but the promise of dealing with the Hyuga clan without direct involvement was too tempting to resist.


Danzo sat back, staring at the spot where Johan had disappeared. His mind raced with thoughts of the potential outcomes and the risks involved. He knew Hiruzen would disapprove of such methods, but Danzo was willing to do whatever it took to ensure the village's safety and maintain order.

Deep down, Danzo knew Johan was a wild card. His motives were unclear, and his methods unpredictable. Yet, the prospect of having someone capable of such discreet and efficient action was a powerful temptation.

As the night wore on, Danzo's thoughts turned to the future. The Hyuga and Uchiha clans were both strong and proud, and their rivalry posed a constant threat to Konoha's stability. With Johan's help, he could address the Hyuga problem, but he also needed to consider the Uchiha. Their power and ambition made them a formidable force, one that required careful handling.

Danzo's eyes narrowed as he formulated his plans. The village's safety was paramount, and he was willing to take any steps necessary to protect it, even if it meant working with a man like Johan Libert.


In the shadows outside Danzo's quarters, Johan Libert moved silently, his mind buzzing with excitement. The interaction with Danzo had gone exactly as he had hoped. He had successfully sown the seeds of chaos and gained a new ally, one who was willing to let him operate in the dark, away from the watchful eyes of Konoha's leadership.

Johan's interest in the village's internal politics was more than just curiosity. He relished the opportunity to manipulate and control events, to watch as people reacted to the chaos he created. Danzo's willingness to collaborate made him the perfect pawn in Johan's larger game.

As Johan slipped through the streets of Konoha, he considered his next move. The Hyuga clan was his immediate target, but he knew that true power lay in the ability to control more than just one faction. He needed to establish his influence over other key players in the village, to create a web of control that would allow him to shape Konoha's future to his liking.


Narration: Johan's dark plans were set into motion, and Konoha's stability hung in the balance. The village's future was uncertain, with shadows of conflict and manipulation lurking beneath the surface. As Danzo and Johan pursued their own agendas, the consequences of their actions would soon ripple through the village, impacting the lives of all its inhabitants.