
Naruto: Behind the Scenes Emperor

Synopsis: Worlds Collide In a realm dominated by ninjas, where power balances on fragile alliances and devastating jutsu, a cosmic upheaval tears through reality, fusing universes and summoning legendary figures from distant lands into the Naruto world. When Worlds Collide thrusts you into the chaotic aftermath as legendary beings from across dimensions find themselves inexplicably summoned to the Ninja World. Among these formidable arrivals are: The Genius Trio: Tony Stark (Iron Man): The brilliant billionaire inventor from the Marvel Universe, armed with advanced technology and an unyielding resolve. Vegapunk: The unparalleled scientist from the One Piece world, known for his futuristic inventions. Urahara Kisuke: The enigmatic ex-captain from the Soul Society, master of strategy and innovative combat techniques. With their combined intellect, they threaten to upend the scientific and mystical balance of the Naruto world, delving into the secrets of chakra and creating fearsome new technologies and jutsu. The Royal Quartet: Lelouch vi Britannia: The revolutionary mastermind with a Geass power that commands absolute obedience. Gilgamesh: The arrogant and powerful demigod king from ancient times, wielding treasures from all over the world. Sinbad: The High King of the Seven Seas, whose charm and prowess in combat are unmatched. These rulers and warriors, each with their own ambitions for dominance and justice, clash and conspire, challenging the established order and leadership of the Ninja World. The Psychotic Trio: Hisoka: The deadly magician from Hunter x Hunter, driven by a lust for battle and blood. Joker: The maniacal clown prince of crime, whose chaos knows no bounds. Johan Liebert: The enigmatic and terrifying manipulator, whose evil is pure and unparalleled. As they sow discord and terror, the heroes of the Ninja world find themselves in a race against time to protect their home. Naruto, Sasuke, and the other shinobi must navigate this new reality, forging unexpected alliances and confronting the extraordinary powers and ambitions of their new adversaries. In this epic tale of "When Worlds Collide," bonds will be tested, legends will rise, and the very fabric of reality will be torn asunder in a battle for the soul of the ninja world. Support: Patreon: https://patreon.com/cosmicdevil UPI: cosmicmystery@ybl

CosmicMystery · Anime et bandes dessinées
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113 Chs

Chapter 15: The Seeds of Destruction

Danzo sat in his dimly lit office, the only light coming from a small lamp on his desk. His mind was racing as he reviewed the information gathered on Johan Libert. The man's sudden appearance in Konoha had raised many questions, but what intrigued Danzo the most was Johan's demeanor during the interrogation. There was a cold, calculating intelligence behind those eyes, a malevolent force that Danzo recognized as both a potential asset and a threat.

Danzo knew he had to tread carefully. Johan's ignorance about the ninja world was evident, but his talent for manipulation and killing was unparalleled. The incident with the Yamanaka clan member had only confirmed Danzo's suspicions: Johan was a master of psychological warfare, capable of instilling fear with just a look.

Summoning his most trusted lieutenant, Danzo issued his orders. "Bring Johan Libert to me. It's time we had a more... constructive conversation."


Johan was escorted from his cell to Danzo's office by a pair of Root operatives. As he entered the room, his eyes scanned his surroundings, taking in every detail. Danzo sat behind his desk, his expression unreadable.

"Johan Libert," Danzo began, his voice calm and authoritative. "I've learned a great deal about you in a short amount of time. Your skills are impressive, and your potential is undeniable."

Johan smiled, a gesture that was both polite and chilling. "Thank you, Danzo-sama. I'm eager to learn more about this world and its... opportunities."

Danzo leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "You know very little about the ninja world, yet you possess a talent for killing that surpasses even my most skilled operatives. I see potential in you, Johan. Potential that could be honed and utilized within Root."

Johan's smile widened slightly. "I'm flattered by your offer. What do you have in mind?"

"You will undergo training in ninjutsu and learn about the intricacies of our world," Danzo explained. "In return, you will serve Root and, by extension, me. Together, we can achieve great things."

Johan considered this for a moment. He had already discerned that Root operated independently of Konoha's main forces, serving Danzo's personal ambitions. This organization could be the perfect tool for his own plans of destruction and chaos.

"Very well," Johan agreed, his tone measured. "I will join Root and learn everything you have to teach."

Danzo nodded, satisfied. "Good. You will be taken to our training facility immediately. I expect great things from you, Johan Libert."


The Root training facility was a stark, utilitarian complex hidden deep underground. It was designed for one purpose: to create the perfect soldiers, loyal only to Danzo. Johan was introduced to his new environment, where he would train alongside other Root operatives.

The facility was a hive of activity, with recruits practicing various ninjutsu techniques, undergoing rigorous physical training, and engaging in combat drills. Johan's presence, however, did not go unnoticed. His unsettling aura and cold, predatory gaze made even the most hardened operatives uneasy.

One day, during a training session, Johan was paired with a veteran operative for a sparring match. The room fell silent as the two faced off, the tension palpable.

"Let's see what you've got," the veteran sneered, underestimating Johan's abilities.

Johan's smile remained in place as he took a defensive stance. The match began, and within moments, Johan's true nature was revealed. He moved with a lethal grace, his strikes precise and merciless. The veteran found himself outmatched, his confidence shattered by Johan's cold efficiency.

As the match ended, the room remained silent, the other operatives exchanging uneasy glances. Johan's reputation was quickly solidifying—he was not someone to be trifled with.

Danzo observed Johan's progress with interest. He had expected Johan to excel, but the speed at which he adapted to ninjutsu and the ninja way of life was astonishing. Johan's talent for killing, combined with his growing knowledge of ninjutsu, made him a formidable addition to Root.

Despite his success, Johan remained an enigma to his peers. He openly displayed his ruthless nature, yet his true intentions were carefully concealed. This duality kept others at a distance, ensuring that Johan operated with a degree of autonomy that few others could claim.

In the dark corridors of Root, Johan continued to train, absorbing everything he could about the ninja world. He studied the history, the politics, and the various factions that vied for power. He learned the techniques of infiltration, espionage, and sabotage, honing his skills to perfection.

But beneath his cooperative exterior, Johan harbored his own plans. He saw Root not as an end but as a means—a tool he could use to sow chaos and destruction within Konoha. He understood that Danzo's ambitions often conflicted with the village's interests, and he intended to exploit that rift.

Johan's rise within Root was swift and unchallenged. His talent, combined with his willingness to embrace the darkest aspects of their training, earned him a position of influence. Other operatives avoided him, sensing the malice that radiated from his every action.

One evening, after an intense training session, Johan sat alone in his quarters, reflecting on his journey so far. He knew that his path was fraught with danger, but he relished the challenge. The chaos he could unleash in Konoha was a tantalizing prospect, and Root was the perfect vehicle for his ambitions.

As he stared into the darkness, Johan's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. It was one of Danzo's lieutenants, bearing a message.

"Danzo-sama wishes to see you," the lieutenant said, his tone respectful but wary.

Johan nodded, rising to his feet. "Lead the way."

He followed the lieutenant through the labyrinthine corridors of Root's headquarters until they reached Danzo's private office. Danzo was seated behind his desk, his expression as inscrutable as ever.

"Johan," Danzo greeted him. "I have a mission for you."

Johan inclined his head slightly. "What is it?"

Danzo's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "There is a faction within Konoha that poses a threat to my plans. Your task is to infiltrate and destabilize them. Use whatever means necessary."

Johan's smile returned, colder and more malevolent than before. "Consider it done."

As he left Danzo's office, Johan felt a surge of excitement. The mission was the perfect opportunity to put his skills to the test and further his own agenda. The seeds of destruction had been planted, and Johan was ready to watch them grow.

The chapter closed with Johan Libert walking through the darkened corridors of Root, a shadow among shadows. His journey in the ninja world was just beginning, and the chaos he would unleash was a storm waiting to be unleashed. The game was in motion, and Johan was determined to play it to the fullest, with Konoha as his stage and Root as his unwitting pawns.