
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime et bandes dessinées
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306 Chs

Chapter 263: Tremors in the Ninja World! Infiltrating the Whitebeard Pirates?

Yamanaka Inoichi's recent days had been difficult because some of the family's businesses were subtly suppressed by the village.

As a result, the Yamanaka flower shop business continued to decline.

Within the family, dissenting voices grew, but Inoichi, as the clan head, held firm.

He believed that his decisions were not wrong.

The Whitebeard Pirates were the most worthwhile investment for the Yamanaka clan.

And once they invested in the Whitebeard Pirates, there was no room for hesitation.

Otherwise, the Yamanaka clan's hesitation in front of the Whitebeard Pirates might be seen as disloyalty.

So, they had to go all-in!

Inoichi knew that because of his stance, the village's higher-ups had gradually distanced themselves from the Yamanaka clan.


Upon learning about the situation in the Land of Thunder, a faint smile finally appeared on Inoichi's stern face.

He knew he had made the right bet.

This all-in move...

The Yamanaka clan had won big!

"Whitebeard's crew has become powerful enough to capture a Jinchuriki from a ninja village, and their military strength rivals that of Kumogakure Village in Konohagakure."

Inoichi mused, "Ino, within the Whitebeard Pirates, can definitely achieve more than me."

The stronger the Whitebeard Pirates became, the more secure the Yamanaka clan's backing.

And precisely because of the Whitebeard Pirates' strength, the village only dared to suppress the Yamanaka clan covertly.

They didn't dare to directly confront the Yamanaka clan.

As the village's higher-ups learned about the Whitebeard Pirates' increased power, Inoichi believed that the village's covert suppression of the Yamanaka clan might finally come to an end.

In other words, it was like wanting to punish a dog... but first, you had to consider who stood behind that dog.


"Damn it! How did Whitebeard become so powerful? Isn't there any information about his growth?"

Inside the Konohagakure prison, Danzo's voice was filled with resentment.

Danzo had returned to the village by now.

He felt that the heat had died down temporarily, especially since the Whitebeard Pirates were no longer in Konohagakure.

From his tone, it was clear that he harbored envy and jealousy.

"Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Eight-Tails Jinchuriki... and the Two-Tails Jinchuriki whose connection to the Whitebeard Pirates is unknown."

Danzo took a deep breath. He suspected that the Whitebeard Pirates were plotting something big.

Why else would they be collecting so many Tailed Beasts?

If the Whitebeard Pirates eventually gathered all nine Tailed Beasts from the ninja world and could perfectly harness their power...

Would there be any enemies left for the Whitebeard Pirates in the ninja world?

I'm afraid that even if the power of the five major ninja villages is gathered together, they can't balance these pirates, can they?

The most important point is... Kirigakure Village, one of the five major ninja villages, is almost like a loyal dog raised by the Whitebeard Pirates.


Danzo felt a chill run down his spine.

In his eyes...

The Whitebeard Pirates have transformed into an indescribable terrifying creature.

He must try his best to collect more Sharingan to increase his chances of survival.

"I must find a way to kill that 'Uchiha Madara'!"

Danzo set his sights on Obito, his eyes filled with a hint of covetousness: "He stole so many Sharingan from me, this bastard must give them back to me!"

Compared with the member of the Akatsuki organization who calls himself "Uchiha Madara"...

Danzo feels...

The latter is weaker


"Perhaps, Hinata and Neji made the right choice, they are the real future of the Hyuga clan."

Hyuga Hiashi's eyes were filled with a hint of confusion.

Could it be that the Hyuga clan's adherence to rules for many years is just a joke?

The Hyuga clan, which adheres to family rules, is getting worse day by day in Konohagakure Village.

Even without the deliberate suppression of the village, even without the Uchiha clan as a competitor, the Hyuga clan has long lost its original glory.

Especially the younger generation in the family, they are getting worse with each generation.

Finally, a genius like Hyuga Neji emerged, but he was a member of the branch family.

And he ran away from home and joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

Hyuga Hiashi took a deep breath slowly.

He murmured: "As an adult, I am not as decisive as my daughter and nephew..."

He is not even as bold as Yamanaka Inoichi.

Although Hyuga Hiashi knows that the bird in the cage is of no benefit to the family...

It will only make the contradiction between the main family and the branch family of the Hyuga clan more and more intense.

Maybe one day there will suddenly be a civil war.

But he is also worried that if the rules like the bird in the cage and the difference between the main family and the branch family are cancelled... If the bloodline of the Hyuga clan spreads to the entire ninja world, can their Hyuga clan's Byakugan still stand out?

Can it still be the unique special one in the ninja world?

Can it still receive so much attention?

Hyuga Hiashi dare not bet.

He is afraid of losing the bet.

Once he loses the bet, he will be the biggest sinner in the history of the Hyuga clan.


On the other side.

Kirigakure Village.

"Genji-sama, Whitebeard-sama has captured the eight-tailed Jinchuriki of Kumogakure Village, and the two-tailed Jinchuriki of Kumogakure Village is suspected to have also been captured by Whitebeard-sama."

Kirigakure Jonin "Ao" is currently telling the most respected elder in the village about the intelligence he has obtained.

The wrinkles on the old face of the aged master are even more exaggerated than those of the old man Madara, compared to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He leaned on his cane, and Blue's hoarse voice slowly sounded: "It seems that the Whitebeard Pirates want to collect other people's Tailed Beasts, then we should cooperate with them."

Genji paused, then continued: "The Kirigakure Village's Anbu forces have been mobilized collectively. All Anbu are searching for information on all the tailed beasts in the ninja world. Once any information is discovered, it is to be relayed to the Whitebeard Pirates."

Regardless of the Whitebeard Pirates' motives, Kirigakure Village must cooperate fully with them.

After all, Kirigakure Village's Mizukage, still wearing the straw hat, is currently under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates.

This clearly indicates that Kirigakure Village and the Whitebeard Pirates share a parent-child relationship.

Evidently, Kirigakure Village is the son.

The Whitebeard Pirates are the father.

"By the way, Ao," Genji suddenly asked, "Has the village collected and stored the financial revenue from the previous year?"

Ao nodded, "Yes, Genji-sama. It amounts to 300 million ryo. After all, the village's fiscal income was significantly lower due to tax policies last year." 

Genji said, "Let Terumi Mei take some shinobi and deliver the money to Whitebeard-sama. This is the promise we made to the Whitebeard Pirates back then."

Ao had no objections.

Having already decided to cling to the Whitebeard Pirates, Kirigakure Village's money is essentially the Whitebeard Pirates' money.

It's merely shifting from one hand to the other.

Of course, the Whitebeard Pirates' money is not Kirigakure Village's money.

This distinction must be clear.


"Whitebeard, that old man... really makes trouble wherever he goes!!"

As a master of ninja intelligence, Jiraiya received news earlier than most.

When he noticed that many people in the ninja world were discussing this matter, he couldn't help but sigh, "Are the Whitebeard Pirates trying to turn the entire ninja world upside down?"

Jiraiya felt somewhat helpless; he knew that with his own power, he couldn't stop the Whitebeard Pirates' rampage.

At this moment, Jiraiya had already left Konohagakure.

Staying in Konohagakure made him feel quite uneasy.

The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, had faced widespread criticism, and his reputation had even become tarnished in friendly nations. Jiraiya, as his "good disciple," was inevitably linked to this situation.

Jiraiya hadn't expected that a few careless words would plunge his teacher into such a remarkable public controversy.

He dared not admit his role in this mess to his teacher.

With this sense of guilt, he used the excuse of tracking Orochimaru...

And decisively left Konohagakure.

"I heard Tsunade might have also left Konohagakure to join the Whitebeard Pirates. I wonder what Tsunade is thinking."

Jiraiya shook his head.

His two best teammates—one had betrayed Konohagakure to join the Akatsuki, and the other was now wandering the ninja world with Whitebeard.

Not one of them can give me peace of mind!


When the major ninja villages in the entire Shinobi World learned that the target of the Whitebeard Pirates was likely to be the Tailed Beasts, some villages possessing Tailed Beasts and Jinchuriki began to worry involuntarily.

Especially Takigakure Village, Sunagakure Village, and Iwagakure Village.

Among them, Iwagakure Village is relatively better. They believe that the strength of Iwagakure Village is not weaker than Kumogakure Village, and even stronger!

Otherwise, how could the Third Raikage have lost to Iwagakure Village back then?

Although they did use the unsporting tactic of human wave attacks to besiege the Third Raikage alone at that time.

But a win is a win.

Is there such a thing as sportsmanship during wartime?

Takigakure Village and Sunagakure Village are the most worried.

Sunagakure Village is one of the five major ninja villages, and it is a difficult brother with Kirigakure Village.

Although Kirigakure Village is second only to Konohagakure in terms of geographical location, the village's strength has been weakened due to the blood mist policy.

Sunagakure Village is because the geographical location is too bad, there is nothing in the big desert, and the strength of the village is not strong.

Konohagakure Village, Kirigakure Village, Kumogakure Village... these three ninja villages, all have no way to stop the Whitebeard Pirates.

If the Whitebeard Pirates kill their Sunagakure Village, do they have a way to stop Whitebeard?

Takigakure Village is even more panicked, they are just a small ninja village.

Their original confidence, with the Whitebeard Pirates defeating one strong enemy after another, gradually vanished.

These ninja villages all began to order the Jinchuriki in the village to find a place to hide as soon as possible.

At the same time, one after another Anbu ninja was sent out to closely monitor the movements of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even if they can't beat the Whitebeard Pirates...

But before the Whitebeard Pirates "gracefully arrive", they can move the Jinchuriki out in advance.

It's still possible, right?


On the other side.

Inside Amegakure Village, the real core base of the Akatsuki organization.

Nagato and Konan have already frowned because they also learned this information.

And compared to other people's guesses, they are more certain that the Two-Tails Jinchuriki of Kumogakure Village also fell into the hands of Whitebeard.

After all, when they sent a few members of the Akatsuki organization to investigate the Two-Tails Jinchuriki, they accidentally ran into Whitebeard, and then the seriously injured were seriously injured, and the missing were missing.

Under this circumstance, can't they guess what the end of the Two-Tails Jinchuriki of Kumogakure Village is?

"Nagato, it's troublesome."

Konan's tightly locked eyebrows have not been relaxed, she feels that this is a big trouble: "If the Whitebeard Pirates also target the Tailed Beasts, it is definitely the worst news for us."

The purpose of the Akatsuki organization is to use the power of the Tailed Beasts to make the entire Shinobi World feel the pain of war.

The most important part of this is the need to use the power of the Tailed Beasts.

In order to complete that plan, the Akatsuki organization has done a lot of preparations.

Just waiting for the day to start directly.

Now, the Akatsuki organization hasn't managed to capture a single tailed beast. Instead, the elusive Whitebeard Pirates have already secured several of them.

"The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is Whitebeard's adopted son. The Eight-Tails Jinchuriki and the Two-Tails Jinchuriki are both in Whitebeard's grasp. And as for the Three-Tails Jinchuriki, Whitebeard himself killed them..."

Konan continued, her voice filled with frustration, "At this rate, all our previous efforts and plans will be utterly destroyed by Whitebeard."

"Nagato," she said, "we need to find a way to stop the Whitebeard Pirates. We can't allow them to continue wreaking havoc."

Konan proposed, "We can't remain passive. Perhaps some of our plans need to be accelerated."

Nagato knew Konan made sense.

If the Akatsuki organization continued waiting...

If the Whitebeard Pirates managed to capture all the tailed beasts, they'd become the biggest jesters in the ninja world.

Seated in his wheelchair, Nagato took a deep breath. "Our tailed beast capture plan indeed needs to be expedited."

As the de facto leader of the Akatsuki, he made that decision.

Nagato added, "We'll need an entirely new strategy—some way to steal those tailed beasts from Whitebeard's grasp."

"Do we need to talk to that guy?" Konan referred to "Uchiha Madara."

Nagato's expression turned cold. "The Akatsuki was founded by Yahiko and us. This latecomer has no say in our decisions."

Konan nodded.

After a moment's thought, she spoke, "Nagato, I have an immature idea. If successful, we might gain detailed information about Whitebeard."

Nagato raised an eyebrow. "Go on."

"From what I know," Konan said, "Whitebeard has a penchant for adopting sons and daughters. He accepts almost anyone—whether it's Hatake Kakashi or Hoshigaki Kisame, they're all Whitebeard's 'children.'"

"If..." Konan hesitated, "we arrange a suitable candidate to approach Whitebeard and recognize him as a father figure, could we infiltrate the Whitebeard Pirates?"



(End of Chapter)

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