
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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519 Chs

Chapter 20

Title: Legacy of Love


After a convincing conversation with Zabuza, both he and Shun came to a profound agreement.

Whether what Shun said about Gato wanting to kill him was true or not, since Shun was going to kill him anyways, using his money to help his village wasn't a bad deal.

As soon as he was released from Shun's Illusion, much to the surprise of the others, his attitude took a total turn.

To them he was just glaring at Shun with deep hatred in one moment, and in the moment, he had a friendly air around him.

"Haku, you're useless to me as you are right now." Zabuza said as soon as he laid his eyes on his godson standing beside him.

"What?!" Haku looked at him with horror while Naruto glared at the man in anger.


"What's the problem brat?" Zabuza asked Naruto with annoyance in his tone.

That he had been calm in Shun's Illusion didn't mean he was built to be calm when being yelled at by a kid.

Snorting at him, Zabuza turned to Haku and continued. "To achieve my dream, I need you to be stronger. That is something you can't be with me."

Haku's expression softened after hearing that explanation. "I'll be leaving you in Shun's capable hands, and if I'm not mistaken, then you'll be learning under the famous White Ice Princess."

Haku's eyes widened at the words of his master. "You mean...that's White Ice Princess?"

"The one and only." Shun answered as he tapped Haku on the shoulder. Haku tensed but didn't make any movement. He hadn't felt Shun approaching him once again, making him question himself.

"There they come." Shun suddenly said to Zabuza as several silhouettes began appearing on the horizon.

"Oh-ya? What do we have here Zabuza? Are you fraternising with the enemy? What a pity." A stunt chubby man spoke from the crowd.

"Gato..." Zabuza acknowledged his presence. "What are you doing here? And why did you bring all of them?" Zabuza questioned even if he already knew.

"Hehehe. There's been a slight change of plans Zabuza...or rather, a change in your plan. This is what I had in mind all along you see..." Gato said with a sinister smirk.

"You're going to die 'Demon'" Gato mocked. " here and now..."


Shun looked at the exchange and felt that this two would probably begin narrating their behind the scene schemes.

If there was one thing he wasn't fond of, it was this lengthy narrations that didn't really affect his life nor the cause of history.

He looked at Naruto and Haku and felt that this may actually be a good time to teach them a good life lesson, and decided to just let it play out. In so doing, he directly took his.mind off of the scene and switched to his clone currently ransacking Gatos stash of cash.

Moments later, he felt a good couple souls leaving the plane, causing him to return, only to see a blood bath, singlehandedly created by the Demon of the Mist.

Not long after, Inari along with a couple other villagers came along with their shabby farm tools to fight against Gato's thugs only for them to wretch at the work of art created by Zabuza.

'Well, it's the thought that counts.' Shun thought with a shrug.

After that, Shun carried Sasuke back to the house as Naruto and Sakura stayed behind to complete their mission of safeguarding Tazuna.

The days quickly flew by and the day came for them to return.

Not to any ones surprise, the Bridge was still named after Naruto. Afterall the boy had used his clones to facilitate the speed of the building.

Coupled with his Ninja physique, doing the heavy lifting was left to him and his clones.

Sakura just sat around twiddling with her fingers or something, Shun didn't know as he wasn't paying her any attention.

On another note, Sasuke and Naruto's relationship took a whole new turn as Shun had sat them both down as soon as Sasuke regained consciousness.

He has heard Sasuke say he hated Naruto. He knew, or rather, felt that this wasn't supposed to happen.

Under his kind and brotherly persuasion, both Naruto and Sasuke poured out their feelings to eachother.

Turns out they both just wanted to have the life the other person had.

"Well, too bad, you Can't. You're two special individuals born into this world by two special families. You can't be eachother, but you can be the best version of yourselves." Shun had told them with a sagely air.

"What does that mean?" Naruto had asked after trying to understand but failing.

Shun shrugged at him and said. "that's for me to know and you two to find out. Trust me, the moment you both live eachother's life, you'd find that life isn't all it seems to be."

After saying that, the two boys and toned down their usual squabble much to the surprise of Sakura and Kakashi.


Days passed and they finally returned to Konoha with Shun.

Shun had remembered his promise to Naruto concerning his Kushina. He had promised to tell him all about her when he became a Genin.

Three months had passed and he had yet to make due on his promise, ergo the reason of his returning with them.


Naruto and Shun walked the streets of Konoha. They weren't just walking randomly but actually towards Konoha's hospital.

"Where are we going Shun-Nii?" Naruto asked with annoyance. Shun had just dragged him out of his room minutes after he had finished cleaning himself up without any reason whatsoever.

"What? You got something better to be doing right now?"

"Yeah!" Naruto yelled. "Like sleeping! We just came back from a month long mission."

"Oh... Anyways..." Shun said as he spotted a bench nearby and walked towards it.

Shun and Naruto sat together under the shade of a tree, enjoying a rare moment of tranquility in the Hidden Leaf Village. The sun filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground.

Shun, suddenly said. "You know, Naruto, it's funny how things work out sometimes. I had a lot I wanted to tell you about your mother, but right now, my mind is currently blank."

Naruto, Curious, asked. "Really, Shun? That's not possible. As you'd always say...'You're a genius.'"

"What does that have to do with this?" Shun asked the blond boy incredulously.

"Well, geniuses don't forget things." Naruto cheekily answered.

Shun smirked. "You'd be surprised how often we do. You know, when she was pregnant with you. I was just a little kid, around six years old back then, but I remember her being incredibly kind and caring."

Naruto looked surprised and asked "You lived with my mom? That's awesome! What was she like?"

"Of course I did. Why do you think you're calling me Nii-san?" Shun knocked on his head in fake anger at his stupidity.

Looking at his grimacing face, Shun chuckled and then looked Nostalgic. "She was amazing. Always cheerful, with a fiery spirit. She had this beautiful, bright red hair, unlike yours."

"And she would often talk about how excited she was to become a mom. She'd always make sure the whole neighborhood knew she would soon become a mom. She cared for everyone around her, like a big sister."

Shun looked at Naruto whk had this smiling face that made his mouth nearly reach his ears. "That sounds like her. I wish I could've known her."

"Yeah, she would've been so proud of you, Naruto. You have no idea how your parents were expecting you. You've got her spirit, no doubt about it." Shun ruffled his head and laughed.

Naruto brimmed with joy at the compliment. "Thanks, Shun. I like to think I take after her."

Shun nodded and then leaned closer. "And your father... well, your dad was a true hero. He was incredibly skilled and a great leader. I looked up to him a lot."

Naruto looked serious and said. "My dad, huh?"

Shun nodded. "Yeah, he did save the village, Naruto. He was a strong and caring person, just like your mom. I think you got the best of both of them. They'd always smile, no matter the situation they found themselves in."

"They weren't idiots though." Shun joked as he bumped Naruto's shoulders.

Naruto chuckled while scratching his nose. "I wish I could've met them. But knowing you and hearing stories like this helps me feel closer to them. Thanks, Shun.

Shun smiled. "Anytime, Naruto. We're family, after all. And I know your parents would've been proud of the ninja you've become."

Their conversation continued, with Shun sharing more memories and stories about Naruto's parents, bridging the gap between the past and the present.


The sun was setting over the Hidden Leaf Village, casting a warm, golden hue over the familiar streets.

Naruto and Shun walked side by side, a sense of solemnity in their steps.

They were heading to a place that held a profound significance in Naruto's life—the secure wing of the Konoha Hospital, where Naruto's mother, Kushina Uzumaki, had been placed since she slipped into a coma.

As they approached the entrance to the hospital, a pair of skilled medic ninjas made to stop them, but seeing Shun, they just greeted them and went about their business.

These medical experts were tasked with guarding and caring for Kushina's body, ensuring her continued well-being despite her unresponsive state.

They nodded respectfully at Naruto and Shun as the duo entered the highly secure area.

Inside, the atmosphere was quiet and serene. Soft medical equipment hummed gently, monitoring Kushina's vital signs.

She lay in a specially designed chamber, her red hair spread out around her like a halo.

Despite the years that had passed, her appearance remained unchanged, as if time had stood still.

Beside her sat a blond haired man whose hands were on Kushina's forehead.

"Yamanaka-san, I see you're as dedicated as ever." Shun greeted the man causing him to startle and look up.

"Ah! Shun, you're here...and I see you brought him." Yamanaka Inoichi, Ino's father and Konoha's head psychologist said.

"Yup. He has the right to know."

"Hm. I'll leave you both to it then." The man said and made to leave the room before stopping and looking at Naruto with a smile. "It's nice meeting you."

Saying that he turned and left without waiting for a reply.

Naruto looked at Shun in confusion but Shun merely shrugged. However, he was thinking. 'Naruto should've been a young master of sorts if Minato was actually alive... Nah, Minato-nii would never allow his son to be like that, I dread to even imagine Kushina's reaction if Naruto turns out like that.:

Naruto immediately walked and stood by her Kushina's side, his expression a mix of sadness and longing.

Shun offered his support, placing a reassuring hand on Naruto's shoulder. The medic ninjas observed from a respectful distance, allowing Naruto and Shun their private moment.

Naruto Softly said. "Mom... It's been so long. I wish you could see me now. I've become a ninja, just like you and Dad."

"Your mom would be so proud of you, Naruto. You've come a long way, and you carry her spirit with you every day." Shun supportively said while thinking. 'Like, literally. You're carrying her spirit in you.'

Naruto gazed at Kushina and muttered. "Yeah... (Pauses) Shun, I wonder what she'd say to me if she woke up. If she could see all the things I've done, the friends I've made."

"I think she'd shower you with love and encouragement, Naruto. And she'd probably have the biggest smile on her face, just like you do." Shun reflectively said

"Thanks, Shun... He was a hero, right?" Naruto asked smiling through his emotions.

Shun nodded his head and said. "Your dad was an incredible Ninja. He made sacrifices to protect the village. I'll tell you about him when you're stronger than me."

"Eh? But that's impossible!" Naruto yelled.

"Now. Now. Nothing is impossible as long as you put your mind to it. How many times have I told you that?"

"Yeah... you're right. I'll surpass you and make you tell me everything about me dad. Believe it!" Naruto yelled.

"Quiet down you idiot! You're disturbing your mom's peace." Shun said while knocking him on the head.

"I want to make them proud, Shun. I will make them proud. I want to become the best Hokage ever and protect the village." Naruto resolutely said.

He had wanted to be Hokage just for the shear reason of having the village acknowledge him, however, this time, he wanted to make his parents proud of him.

Shun seeing this change smiled and kept silent. People needed reasons to dream and grow. Naruto was just at the beginning of his journey, there was no telling how much he'd accomplish if his mind is focused on a particular goal.

"I have no doubt you'll achieve that, Naruto." Shun said.

As Naruto and Shun continued to stand by Kushina's side, the room remained filled with a sense of hope.

Though Kushina was in a deep coma, her presence still resonated in the hearts of those who cared for her, especially in the heart of her son, Naruto.


That's a wrap guys. Give me your honest review on the chapter. Personally, I feel like the later part of the chapter lacks emotions. I dunno.

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