
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Anime & Comics
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522 Chs

Chapter 21



After Naruto and Shun's heartfelt moment at Kushina's side, Shun eventually decided it was time to return to Hanagakure with Haku.

He knew that his family was waiting for him, and he had a responsibility towards Haku as well.

Shun's homecoming was met with joy and excitement. His family rushed to greet him, and his elder sister, Yasuno, was the first to embrace him tightly.

"Shun, you've been away for so long! We've missed you," Yasuno exclaimed, her eyes shining with sisterly affection.

Shun grinned and tousled her hair affectionately. "I've missed you all too, Yasuno-nee. It's good to be back."

His parents joined in, expressing their relief that he had returned safely. They sat together in the living room, sharing stories and laughter about their respective experiences over the past months.

As the conversation flowed, Shun gently shifted the topic to Haku. "There's someone I've brought with me, Haku. He's been through quite a lot, and I believe he could use our help."

His father leaned forward with interest. "I'm afraid a little detail is in order, Shun."

Shun nodded and proceeded to explain Haku's background, the challenges he had faced, and how he thought Yasuno could provide guidance and support. His family listened attentively, and Yasuno nodded in agreement.

"I'll do my best to help him, Shun," she said with determination.


After leaving his family, Shun made his way to the Hanakage's office. The Hanakage, a new and somewhat stern figure unlike Keshiro, looked up as Shun entered.

He was actually the proctor of Shun's Jounin Exams years back. The former Captain of the Tactical Squad of the Village.

"Shun, you're back," the Hanakage said, eyeing him with curiosity. "I've heard some interesting stories about your adventures during your absence."

Shun flashed a mischievous grin. "Well, what can I say? I have a talent for getting into interesting situations."

The Hanakage raised an eyebrow but decided to get to the point. "You brought back a young ninja named Haku. What's his story?"

Shun leaned against a wall casually. "Haku is a skilled young shinobi with unique abilities, but he lacks proper guidance. I've brought him here to Hanagakure, and I believe he can benefit from training under Yasuno's watchful eye."

The Hanakage folded his arms, clearly pondering Shun's proposal. "We can't just accept anyone into our ranks without proper evaluation."

Shun nodded in agreement. "I understand, Hanakage. That's why I didn't bring him here to join us. I wasn't Nee-san to train the kid is all. He has so much untapped potential. Plus, he's already sworn his allegiance to someone else."

"Zabuza. The Demon of the Mist. I know all about that." He said to which Shun didn't find surprising. "Is this about their civil war?"

"Sort of. With Haku in their ranks, the resistance would probably fare better." Shun replied.

"He's only one man."

"So was Hashirama Senju, Madara and the first Generation Kages."

The Hanakage finally relented. "Very well, Shun. Haku can train under Yasuno for now. But he won't be allowed into any of our facilities as a precaution."

Shun grinned. "Hahaha, you're far too cautious Kage-chan. The time is coming when all this secret stuff will all be for naught."

"Heh. Till then, Shun, I'm in charge of the village."

"I understand. I promise you won't regret this decision." Shun nodded.

With that, Shun left the Hanakage's office, leaving behind a lingering sense of curiosity about his unorthodox but confident approach to matters.

"This kid... I wonder what he sees that I don't..." the Kage muttered to himself in wonder before returning back to his work.


Three months had passed since Shun's return to Hanagakure with Haku. The village welcomed him, but it was Yasuno who would guide him on a transformative journey.

Haku's training began with an intensity that tested his limits. Under Yasuno's watchful eye, he delved into the depths of Ice Release, a Kekkei Genkai that allowed him to shape and manipulate ice with precision.

In the secluded training grounds they had chosen, Haku learned to wield his newfound power.

The training ground was an entire field, terraformed by Yusano with her Ice Release.

Haku had watched this in awe while thinking she must have been his long lost clansmen. Yusano however was quick to deny as she explained that this was an ability she learnt through sheer hardwork, unlike his that it was ingrained in his gene.

This led to Haku developing a new found respect for Yusano while also pledging to learn all he can from the older female.

As the weeks passed, Haku's abilities blossomed. The creation of ice mirrors, once a mere glimpse of his potential, became a display of precision and artistry.

He had decided to focus on improving and perfecting his Ice mirror after seeing and hearing of Yusano's ice domain and it's influence on those caught within.

His ice projectiles, like frozen arrows, struck with unerring accuracy.

Physical conditioning accompanied his mastery of Ice Release. Yusano, despite being a lady was born into a family of swordsmen, and as swordsmen, physical conditioning was a necessity.

Haku's body underwent a transformation, building strength, speed, and endurance. His previous lean and lady-like looking body now looked quite manly.

However, this only led to him being so handsome that he rivaled Shun's in the neighborhood.

It wasn't just his physical prowess that improved. Yasuno emphasized the importance of tactical thinking...no, nearly the entire Tengoku clan emphasized it.

Their brain processing speed allowed them to think quite fast, in comparison to an average human.

Together, they explored combat scenarios, honing Haku's ability to adapt and strategize in the heat of battle.

In Yusano's domain, Haku was forced to think quite critically as even a split second of relaxation.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, a bond grew between mentor and student.

Yasuno not only trained Haku in the ways of the Ice Release but also provided emotional support and guidance.

In her, Haku found not just a teacher, but a friend who understood his journey. Haku came to understand that his previous view on life we're akin to a frog who thought the sky from the well was the entire world.

He still retained his trust in Zabuza however. To him, Zabuza was both the father and brother he never had.

While Haku's training continued, he interacted with the villagers of Hanagakure and more importantly, with the Tengens.

He came to understand that this clan was a clan that had they been in Kirigakure, they may have reigned as Gods.

They were just so invulnerable that it didn't make sense. In nearly every aspect of life, there was always someone you could go to in the clan for answers.

Children were particularly fascinated by his ice-based abilities as it was unique to only Yusano in the past. Due to that, he often found himself demonstrating his skills to eager onlookers.

Slowly but surely, he became a part of the village, though his initial motivation for coming here still burned brightly. He came here to acquire the strength to be of better use to Zabuza.

The watchful eye of the Hanakage was never far. He recognized the potential that Haku held and saw the advantages of having such a talent associated with the village, even if unofficially.

However, knowing where his allegiance lay, he was content in only keeping an eye on him.

Amidst Haku's transformation, Shun continued his adventures. His reputation as an unconventional and skilled ninja grew, and he occasionally returned to Hanagakure.

Each visit was a chance to check on Haku's progress, exchange stories with his family, and prepare for new missions.

The three-month timeskip came to an end, marking a new chapter in Haku's life. This was the time Shun had promised to escort him back to Kirigakure to reunite with Zabuza.

Shun on the other hand, had just returned and was immediately thrust into a position of a responsibility he wasn't expecting...


"So lemme get something straight..." Shun said as he looked around the room filled with the honchos of the village. "You want me to lead a team to Konoha?"

"I believe that's the third time you've asked that question over the past thirty minutes." Kurotsume, the current second oldest captain of the council spoke.

"And I believe I'm still mistaken." Shun said sharply.

"Unfortunately, you're not." The Hanakage said.

(A/N: I've honestly forgotten his name so bear with the title alone.)

"Why!?". Shun asked with a voice filled with grievance.

"You're just that good..." one of the captains, a woman, said. "Isn't that your motto in almost every situation?"

"Bah. You got it wrong." Shun scoffed.


"Yeah. It's 'I'm a genius.'" Shun corrected.

"Exactly. For that reason, you'll be assigned this delicate mission." The Hanakage said with a tone of finality.

"How the fuck is that delicate?!" Shun snapped. "I don't got no time to be babysitting a couple of delusional kids."

"Come now Shun. They're not some delusional kids." Kurotsume said while stroking his beard he had allowed to grow out. "They're our delusional kids."

"What difference does it make?" Shun asked incredulously.

"They're the future of our country Shun. You were once their age whe you also participated in something like this." Another captain said. He was sort of the youngest in the room slightly older than Shun by a few years.

"Yeah, but the difference was-"

"You were a genius. We know." Another captain said in a tired voice.

"Exactly. That should tell you guys something."


The Hanakage banged on the long ass table in the hall causing everyone to keep quiet and focus on him.

"Shun my boy..." he Began. "You know, you're the only Black ranker in the village yet to train up someone. You haven't really done anything of note for the Village..."

"Yeah, I've only been offing a few people the village deemed dangerous. Nothing of note at all."

"That is our duty Shun. You shouldn't bring that up." Kurotsume said with annoyance in his tone.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know." Shun rolled his eyes

"What I am trying to say is, Keshiro-dono saw potential in you, and so do we, so do I. That's the reason we've been allowing you to do whatever you wish."

Shun scoffed at this... 'Not like you can do anything to me...'

"I know you're probably thinking we can't do anything to you, and yes, we can't. That's why I'm asking you, not ordering you, I'm asking you to perform this one mission properly."

"...Will there be commissions?" Shun asked after a moment of hesitation.

"Yea. It's an A rank mission, so there would be commissions." The Hanakage said. "But there's a catch!"

"Danm it!"

"Now now. It's nothing too demanding. You just have to bring the kids ability to proper above Silver Grade levels."

"Oh... just that?"


"Kay. No problems there, just...." Shun hesitated.

"But what?"

"I doubt they'd be able to win the competition." Shun replied.

"What do you think that?" A random captain asked. "I doubt any village could train Genins like we do."

"Yeah, they can't, but this era of Genins will be quite unique, unlike my time." Shun said and looked up in a 45° angle.

"He's doing that thing again..." a captain muttered.

"Unlike my time," Shun continued. "They're quite capable Genins now. In Sunagakure, Gaara of the sand. A Genin who had completed nearly 60 D rank and 26 C-Rank missions in the spam of 6 months."

"Oh? That's remarkable..."

"Yeah, I've heard about him, the Jinchuriki of the One tail. But that isn't what you're trying to tell us is it?"

"Nope, despite the number of missions, he hasn't been injured once. Infact, he hasn't seen his blood since he was born." Shun replied with a serious tone.


"What's does that mean?" A captain asked after a moment of silence.

"It's just as I've said. His sand seem to be sentient... that's aside the case. In Konohagakure, there are quite a few who would give our current Genin a run for their money." Shun said.

"My point is!... don't expect them to win." Saying that, he disappeared from the room.

"...I'm Batman..."

However, he didn't forget to leave his name behind causing the occupatlnts of the room to sigh tiredly. They had given up trying to understand how he seems to disappear despite all their sensory abilities activated to their minimum.


Shun's POV.

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

Now I have to look after a bunch of delusional kids who think too highly of themselves during these coming days.

I doubt I can cope with their nuisance like Yamato did with team Seven. I can't even begin to fathom the stress I'll be subjected to in just having to pay attention to three idiots...


Come now Shun, you shouldn't be insulting some innocent kids. It's not thier fault that you're this good.

Sigh. I even wonder whether Orochimaru would even attack the Village like he did in the original.

Orochimaru of this timeline is vastly different from the one of the original timeline. In this timeline, he values his body so much more than the Original.

I was surprised when I found that despite all his experiments, he hadn't swapped bodies. However, he still hasn't cracked the code to cloning technology.

I don't blame him though. That code is hidden in the Hashirama cell, or rather, in the enormous amount of Vitality hidden in his Cells.

He would come to posses this later after studying the Zetsu Clones which have the same composition as Hashirama's cell.

It seemed like nearly all the problem of this world had to do with either A Dojutsu or Hashirama Cells.

Another thing different about him is that he hasn't experimented with his soul. I found this so disturbing that I had to watch the guy from the mirror dimension for more than a month...

...And I got to say, the guy is one sensitive mothafucker. Despite being hidden in a parallel space, he was still able to perceive he was being spied on on three different occasions.

In all occasions, he would relocate with his trusty Kabuto to a new hideout.

On a totally unrelated case, Kabuto was quite the pitiful soul, it's a pity I took no interest in him earlier, causing his life to be as it is now.

I could've helped his mother before she was brainwashed and made to go against him but alas...

Well, I can always rely on my original to give them a better next life.

I gotta say, my thinking is becoming rather skewered when it come to things relating to life and death... Is it because I know there's a next life after death?


Continuing on, Orochimaru holds no interest in the Sharingan, perhaps due to having come in contact with The Rikugan. I dunno.

Still, I gotta check if he has an interest in destroying the leaf. I'm interested in how it'll play out, considering he's stronger than his order original timeline counterpart.

Well, so is Hiruzen, making it a clash to look forward to.

I've always felt that Orochimaru didn't just attack the leaf out of spite or the urge to take over the village. It must be something more... something deeper.

I couldn't read all minds so I better check up on him and know his ideas in crushing the leaf.


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