Naruto's not the jinchuuriki, his younger brother is. After an attack, Naruto is left without something important and forgotten by his family. A hidden bunker will help him grow into a fine ninja and show his parents what they threw away. His memory...will be Avenged! This story was written by love2read69 but was unfortunately abandoned by the author. It is a great story that I have chosen to adopt and continue.
Last Time:
Naruto paled and sped towards the rec room. If there was one thing you didn't want, it was an angry Natalya after you.
Naruto grinned as he and Hawkeye stood at the entrance to the rec room. "Well, go on kid." Naruto entered the room to see Steve, Black widow, and Jarvis standing over a table that had a large cake on it and some food. "Surprise!" They yelled in unison as Naruto walked in with Hawkeye. "Congratulations on finishing your apprenticeships Naruto!" Natalya said as she led Naruto towards the cake.
"Congratulations!" The cake read. Naruto smiled as Natalya cut him a piece and served him. "Well done Naruto!" Cap said as he sat next to Naruto with a slice of his own. Hey just because he was a robot replica didn't mean he couldn't join in, did it? "Thanks Cap! These last couple of years have been brutal, but definetly worth it! I'm way stronger now than I ever would have been, even with Chakra!" Naruto replied happily.
" Speaking of which, you turned 14 last week Naruto. Doesn't that mean your chakra coils are healed enough to be able to handle chakra?" "Yea, it does Natalya. But I don't have anyone to teach me anything and I don't even know the basics." Naruto replied sadly. "Maybe I can help." Naruto turned to see Tony's robotic replica approaching him. "I've been reading the information you retrieved from the Namikaze archives, and I believe I have figured out enough about chakra to train you in it. I can't offer much, but I will teach you to the best of my abilities."
Tony said as Natalya laid a piece of cake in front of him. "no talking business at the dinner table." Natalya said glaring at Tony. "We'll talk later." Tony whispered into Naruto's ear. "Thanks Tony!" Naruto said as everyone else sat down with a piece of cake before them. After a quick prayer led by Cap, they all dug in. "My god, this is delicious! You cooked it didn't you Natalya?" Naruto asked. "Yes, thanks for noticing." She replied, blushing under the compliment.
"Alright Naruto, quit embarrassing her. There is one more thing before this small celebration comes to an end." Cap said as he brought over various boxes. "Presents?" Naruto asked. "Sure why not? We might have taught you what we know, but that doesn't mean you know everything we have to teach." Natalya said as she grabbed a hand crafted wooden box and brought it to Naruto. Naruto grinned and opened the box. Inside were three holsters. There were two Beretta M9 pistols and one standard issue M1911.
"Are these.." Naruto began. "Yes, they're the same weapons I used during my time in the Avengers. The Berattas have clips that can hold 17 9mm rounds. The M1911 holds only 7 rounds, 8 if you keep one in the chamber, so it's a better backup hand gun. I'll teach you the maintenance later. They have 2 spare cartridges per gun, three per if you count the ones already in the guns. I have a personal cache of bullets around here, but you will have to find a good metal worker so you can make your own when I show you how." Naruto jumped up and hugged her closely. "Thank you so much Mo ... Natalya!" Naruto caught himself in his reply.
"Next up is mine!" Tony said as he pushed a small box to Naruto. Naruto opened it to see a small mp3 player and a note. "This pass entitles you to one big favor." Naruto read as he turned on the mp3 player. "Filled it with Black Sabbath, AC/DC, and a lot more bands. I also managed to tweak a lithium ion battery to continuously renew itself, so no worries there. Enjoy!" Tony said as he went to get another piece of cake "Here." Naruto looked up to see Hawkeye handing him a small box. "Um.. thanks?" Naruto said as he opened the box.
Inside was a black beret with no insignia and a pair of fingerless gloves, similar to his own. "They were my gloves from my time as Hawkeye. I know we didn't connect much, but I still taught you and I don't want you forget that." Naruto smiled and nodded as Cap handed him his last present. "And this one is from me." Naruto opened the box to see a Kevlar woven bulletproof vest, standard issue with SWAT . "that vest can stop bullets traveling at 300 miles per hours. I'm sure it can help you deflect a few kunai and shuriken."
Naruto smiled and hugged cap. "Thanks you guys. This is without a doubt the nicest thing anyone has done for me. But if you don't mind my asking, what training comes next?" Naruto asked. "That's up to you Naruto. We have taught you all we know. Now its time for you to make it your own. You will have two years to learn all that you can about Chakra from Tony and whatever else you deem necessary. After this two year period, there will be one final test you must pass." Natalya started.
"If you pass the test, you will be instated as the first Avenger in 500 years." Hawkeye continued. " But if you fail, you will be expunged from the records and any trace of you will be erased." Captain said with a grim expression on his face. "oh come on, no time for melancholy. It's a party!" Black Widow said as she tried to put the fun back into the room. Naruto nodded as he got back into the mood.
~ Next Day ~
Naruto groaned as his alarm clock went off. "It's too damn early!" he cried softly as he hopped out of bed and into the shower. After he was done, he dressed in sweats and headed out to meet with Tony for his chakra lessons. "morning Naruto. Glad to see someone was able to get up. " "Just barely." Naruto replied off handedly. "So, what do you plan on doing this next year?" Naruto's eyes lit up at the prospect of getting help with his ideas.
"Well, I was hoping you could fit any information you had on sealing and fuinjutsu into the lesson plans. I also want to try to mix Caps boxing and Natalyas styles into one explosive mix. I have to practice my accuracy with the handguns too, but as far as weapons go, I have a pretty good idea of what to do to give them that extra oomph they need." Naruto said excitedly. "I'm listening." Tony replied as he took a seat. "Well, I …"
~ Time skip – 2 years ~
"Forget the herse 'cause I'll never dieI got nine livesCat's eyesUsin' every one of them and running wild.." It's a well light workroom where we find one 16 year old Naruto Uzumaki using a handheld precision laser to carve symbols into the heads of his arrows. "Naruto, do you have any idea what time it is? You should be practicing your charka control!" Tony yelled as he walked into the mess of a workroom.
"Tony, relax. I've got it covered." Naruto said as he pointed to the window. There a squad of shadow clones were water walking and using chakra strings to manipulate kunais. "Why did I ever teach you the secret to that?" Tony asked himself. "Because two years wasn't enough time to teach me everything from the clan library and you wanted me to master my chakra affinities." Naruto said as he finished his carving of the symbols. "I need something quicker.." Naruto thought absentmindedly.
"Here." Naruto turned to see a ring from Tony. "The top is flat, so you can laser carve any symbol you want into it then with a bit of heat, you can burn the symbol easier into the arrows." Naruto nodded and hurriedly carved the symbol into the ring. He then used a low level fire jutsu to super heat it and pressed it into the arrowhead, engraving the symbol onto it. "Perfection. Thanks tony!" Naruto said as he finished engraving the rest of his arrows.
"Its time Naruto…" Naruto turned to see Black Widow and Captain America standing at the door. "Alright.." Naruto said as he fixed his back. He was wearing black loose cargo pants and a black T-shirt. There was a kunai/ shuriken pouch attached to his leg with black tape. He wore his Kevlar vest and had one large tattoo on his left Arm. It was a pitch black raven pecking into the eye of a skull. Under this laid 2 sealing tattoos. In these tattoos, his bow and his katana were sealed. At the middle of his bow was a small sealing tattoo where Naruto stored his bows.
Naruto put on his fingerless gloves and his black beret. He had a Beretta strapped to his belt and another strapped to his Kevlar vest. Around his ankle his M1911 laid. In the pockets of his vest were his spare clips, fully loaded and prepared. "Alright, I'm ready." Naruto said as he began walking towards the Avengers. Today would prove whether he was worthy of joining their ranks or if he would fall short.