
Chapter 5

Last Time:

"I'm Hawkeye, and for the next two years, you're my apprentice."


Naruto nodded as he looked at Hawkeye. "Now, Cap and Natalya have been teaching you everything from fighting styles to infiltration and assassination. I am here to teach you weapons training and accuracy. By the time we get done, you will be able to hit a target from 500 yards away easily. Now, for my training you only need one thing." Hawkeye started as he went to the weapons cache and threw a pair of fingerless gloves at Naruto.

"Now, to begin I will teach you how to handle blades in hand to hand fights. Afterwards, you will begin to learn metalworking. And finally, accuracy practice. This includes but is not limited to: throwing knives, guns, bows and arrows, high speed launchers, and everything in between. After you have learned the basics, you will craft your own bow and we will match it to mine to see if it is up to snuff. "

"Every so often, you will leave the base for a week with nothing but a small hunting knife and the clothes on your back. This will teach you how to survive and remain hidden in enemy territory. If I deem you are ready, I will at one point take you into the climate room. There, the toughest climates on earth can be recreated down to the littlest detail. I am talking snow blizzard, blistering heat, pouring rain, hail, and everything else. Think you can handle it?"

Naruto nodded as Hawkeye walked towards the weapons cache and threw him a katana. "Now, let's see how you handle a blade." Naruto nodded and got into what he thought was a stance, only to be smacked by a large bamboo stick. "Straighten your back." TWHACK! "Part Your feet a bit more." TWHACK "look directly in front of you, not to the sides." TWHACK "Well, it's a bit rough, but at least its something." Hawkeye said as he led Naruto to a tree trunk in the middle of the training area.

"Give it 200 vertical slashes in the up, down, left right, left foot to right shoulder, right foot to left shoulder, then reverse them. When you are done, report to me. It's still a bit early for you to go into metalworking, but that will come with time." Naruto nodded and threw the first slash, bending his back. TWHACK "And stay in your stance!" Hawkeye absent mindedly warned him.

~ 3 Hours later ~

Naruto groaned as sweat poured from…everywhere really. He had been going at the slashes for what seemed to be an eternity, and he was almost done. 'Just a few more..' Naruto thought as he finished the slashes. "Alright Hawkeye, I'm done. What's next?" "Accuracy practice. Come here." Naruto excitedly walked by where Hawkeye was and saw 2 shuriken, one was the standard ninja used, and the other seemed to bee more…curved at the ends of the edges.

"Naruto…what's the difference between the Shuriken from Konoha and the Shuriken I made?" "Yours are more…curved near the edges." "And what differences does it make?" Naruto groaned as he concentrated. 'The standard kunai will only pierce skin ion a stabbing motion, but this other one seems to be able to do more damage. But how?' "It doesn't just pierce skin, like a rotor saw it can cut through skin and muscle." Naruto's eyes widened at that. "See how a simple change can make a big difference?"

Naruto dumbly nodded and sat down as Hawkeye started to go over the weapons available. " Now, come here." Hawkeye said as he led Naruto towards the targets , holding three versions of lightweight, thin Kunais and 3 regular kunais. "Now throw them" Naruto nodded and threw them, beginning his critical 2 year training.

~ Time skip – 2 years ~

Naruto groaned as he laid down on his belly in the weather room . He stood at 5'12, and was wearing a pair of pants and a large coat , both tundra camouflage style. He stood holding a bow and arrow perfectly still in a bank of snow. 'Damn it, how long is this going to take?

~ Supervising Chambers ~

Hawkeye looked down at his protégé as he held a switch in his hand. "Come on, he's been down there for 3 hours and hasn't moved an inch." Jarvis said behind Hawkeye. "Spoilsport " Hawkeye replied as he flipped the switch. A large cage was set open and 13 rabbits with white coats of fur were set loose onto the icy terrain.

~Downstairs ~

Naruto groaned as he saw a slight movement in the snow. 'Kill the one with a beige line running through his back ONLY, no others.' Naruto pulled back his string and let the arrow loose. A splash of red fell onto the snow as all of the rabbits scattered. Naruto got up and ran towards his kill. As he approached it, he picked up the lifeless animal into his hand and checked the back. "Target confirmed. Beige stripe on the back."

"Good. Bring your kill in and get ready for the next test." "Yea yea yea.." Naruto said as the tundra climate powered down and he walked out of the door. "My ass is frozen." He said absentmindedly as he changed out of his uniform.

~ Training Area ~

"Naruto, where have you been?" Hawkeye asked. " Defrosting with dinner." Naruto replied. "Alright fine. The next part is simple. You have to make this mannequin," Hawkeye said pointing to a mannequin holding a kunai in it's left hand. "Kill itself without getting near 10 feet of it. You have 5 minutes." Naruto nodded as he reached into the weapons pouch strapped to his thigh and pulled out one of his specialized kunai and a length of ninja wire.

He quickly tied the wire to the kunai and threw it, piercing the mannequin's hand holding the kunai and holding it in place. He then looped the string over the mannequins left shoulder and looped the string again around his shoulders to avoid movement. With a strong pull, the pierced wrist swung upwards and ran the kunai through the mannequin's neck.

"Alright, what's next?" 'Maybe I trained him a bit too well." Hawkeye thought. "Go retrieve the bow you made and meet me here." Naruto nodded and headed to retrieve his possession. 5 minutes later, he came back holding a brown box . He opened it and pulled out a folded bow. "If you're wondering how it folds, it's like Hawkeye's.) He unfolded it , careful to avoid the razor sharp edges made for close range combats. After he unfolded it, he clicked on the laser sight and took out an arrow.

"Alright, there are 2 different lanes. You have to outshoot me. I shoot one lane, you shoot the other. Best score wins." Hawkeye stated. "Ladies first." Naruto said , making Hawkeye growl. 'He is so going down!" Hawkeye thought as he took his shots. TWHACK! TWHACK! THWACK! TWHACK! Naruto's eyes widened as he looked at the range. "perfect bulls eyes." Naruto said. "Your turn."

Naruto shrugged as he put his quiver on his back. He walked to Hawkeye's lane and started firing. TWHACK! TWHACK! THWACK! TWHACK! Hawkeye's eyes widened in surprise. Every arrow Naruto shot had split his down the middle! "But…but.." "Whats the matter Hawkeye?" Naruto said with a grin. "Nothing brat. Congratulations. Your weapons expertise has succeeded my expectations. You officially graduate from my training." Hawkeye said as he wrapped an arm around Naruto. "Now come on… Natalya has a celebration planned and I don't want to be late."

"Cause she'll quick your ass in about 5 seconds flat?" Naruto asked with a wide grin. "No. Your ass is on the line, not mine." Hawkeye replied. Naruto paled and sped towards the rec room. If there was one thing you didn't want, it was an angry Natalya after you