
Naruto:All for One

After Jason does, he meets a Random Omnipotent Being (ROB) who offers him the chance to achieve his childhood dream of becoming a Demon-King. With newfound power, Jason sets out on a journey to conquer the world and assert his dominance as a true demon king. Using power from MHA in the world of Naruto. I do not own MHA or Naruto only my oc

Jesterkeitt · Anime et bandes dessinées
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49 Chs

Ninja World Reaction

Kurogiri, along with his Nomu and clones, lurked in the dark depths of the cave. Their captive was a ninja who would soon become Kurogiri's second Nomu. The ninja was bound by one of Kurogiri's clones, while Kurogiri himself approached to interrogate him.

Upon making contact, Kurogiri's polygraph quirk was activated, but the ninja remained unresponsive. Subsequently, Kurogiri used his telepathic powers to instruct the Nomu to break the ninja's limbs.

The ninja's suffering broke his will, and he finally began to divulge information about the five major ninja villages, including the strongest, which was Konoha. The ninja also mentioned the existence of smaller ninja villages and provided Kurogiri with access to the coveted bingo book.

Kurogiri proceeded to drain the ninja's chakra to create his new Nomu. He acquired enough chakra to make two medium-level and two low-level quirks. Kurogiri focused on giving his creation the engine and Overclock quirks for lightning-fast speed. He also added the infrared quirk for detection purposes.

The Nomu creation process was long and tiresome for Kurogiri; he made two clones to keep the area under surveillance. Satisfied with his progress thus far, Kurogiri rested, knowing that creating such a powerful Nomu would serve him well.

As Kurogiri rested and his Nomu creation continued, the Ninja World was entering a period of frenzy. The hunt for Kurogiri, the mysterious creature, had begun. Wanted posters bearing his likeness were being plastered up across the various ninja villages in the hopes that even common civilians could identify him.

 Flyers were rapidly circulated to spread awareness and speed up the search. The initiative had started in Konoha, where Kurogiri had already been identified as a significant threat. His wanted posters were prominently displayed all around the village.

Meanwhile, at the Hokage's office, Danzo barged in, furious at the Third Hokage for revealing the creature's details in the bingo book. Danzo yelled, accusing the Hokage of risking Konoha's advantage.

The Third Hokage calmly explained that he had deemed Kurogiri, and his potential danger to the entire ninja world, to be more important than keeping him a secret for the village's benefit.

Also, the Third Hokage stated that when it has been defeated they could still reap some benefits from the corpse. Danzo was still not satisfied but couldn't do anything to change it now anyway.

Turning to leave Danzo proceeds to tell the Third Hokage that the other villages may not even leave a corpse for Konoha, and when that happens the third will answer for it.

Despite the Third Hokage's explanation, Danzo remained unsatisfied, but he realized there was nothing he could do to change the situation at this point. As he turned to leave, he warned the Hokage that the other villages might not even leave a corpse for Konoha to recover.

Danzo also made it clear that if that were to happen, the Third Hokage would have to take responsibility for it. While the weight of the responsibility settled on his shoulders, the Third Hokage remained resolute in his decision. He knew that the hunt for Kurogiri had to continue, no matter the cost, for the safety and peace of the entire ninja world.

Meanwhile, in the Village Hidden in the Clouds, which was situated high among the mountain tops to the northeast of the Land of Fire. The village was known for its exceptional Lightning Style, Taijutsu, and Kenjutsu, and its leader, the Fourth Raikage, had his office located on the highest mountain overlooking the entire village.

The Raikage was a muscular, brown-skinned man with white cornrows, and he sat at his desk reading the newly updated Bingo book. He focused particularly on the entry about Kurogiri, considering all the benefits his village could reap by studying and potentially breeding it.

The Raikage was confident in the strength of his village, though other villages may argue differently, he knew his village was the strongest. However, he was keenly aware that his village had no bloodline ninja, which only made the opportunity to capture a creature like Kurogiri that much more tantalizing.

His mind was already ticking away at the possibilities this powerful creature could offer and how they could possibly incorporate it into their village's fighting force. After reading about Kurogiri's powers and regenerative abilities, the Raikage realized that his village could greatly benefit from capturing this creature alive. He quickly organized an order to be passed down to all of his ninja, emphasizing the importance of capturing Kurogiri alive.

On the other side of the continent, in the Village Hidden in the Stones, the Third Tsuchikage was also reading the updated Bingo book. The Third Tsuchikage was a short, white-haired man with a bald spot and light skin. He remembered the reports of the first creature like Kurogiri and its regenerative powers. He recognized that his village, which had been weakened since the end of the Third Ninja War, could greatly benefit from capturing Kurogiri alive.

The Third Tsuchikage realized that he couldn't spare many of his forces for this mission, but he did have one particular ninja he could send: Roshi, the four-tailed Jinchuriki of his village. The Third Tsuchikage knew Roshi would be the perfect candidate to catch Kurogiri. With this mission in mind, The Third Tsuchikage hoped to both benefit his village and appease Roshi's anger towards him, stemming from the Third Ninja War.

In the southern land near the Village Hidden in the Stone lies a vast desert, and deep within it lies one of the Five Great Ninja Villages - the Village Hidden in the Sand, ruled by the Kazekage. Previously, the Third Kazekage was the strongest leader until his abrupt disappearance sparked the Third Great Ninja War.

The Fourth Kazekage now leads the village as the youngest of all the Kages but still a fierce leader. Since it is one of the five great villages closest to Konoha, it quickly received the Bingo book and began high-level meetings to discuss Kurogiri's entry.

While the Kazekage was all for sending out squads to search for and capture the creature to strengthen the village, the elders Chiyo and Ebizo were taking a wait-and-see approach. They did not wish to rush into sending squads to their deaths and felt that waiting to gain a better understanding of its abilities would be more sensible.

Once they had a better understanding of its powers, they expected to capture it and bring it back to the village. Since the Fourth Kazekage was new to the office and still young, he was unable to refute them, and the only suggestion offered was to issue a bounty, increasing the pressure on the creature. The elders had no issue with it and agreed to release a bounty that was half the amount of Konoha's.

The last of the Great Ninja Villages situated to the far east across the sea and was a cluster of islands recognized as the Land of Water. The Land of Water's ninja village was called the Village Hidden in the Mist, ruled by the Mizukage. At present, the Land of Water was the only place that was not discussing the Bingo book because of internal issues in the Mist Village.

The Fourth Mizukage was hunting their bloodline ninjas, and the village was often referred to as the Bloody Mist. However, the smaller villages were in favor of capturing and containing the creature, as they had always been at the mercy of the larger villages. They saw Kurogiri's powers as a chance for them to rise up.

Unknown to Kurogiri, most of the world had turned their attention to him, and the hunt for him now involved bounty hunters, rogue ninja, and ninja organizations in addition to the large and small ninja villages.

With all these forces moving against him, the world was about to undergo an explosive change. Only time could tell whether Kurogiri would be caught and contained, or whether he would tame the world.


Back with Kurogiri in the cave, waiting for the Nomu process to finish on his second subject, he absorbed the leftover chakra from the quirk creation slowly. Though he had enough chakra to create a low-level quirk, he decided to absorb it into himself as he had done before.

As the amount of chakra was much more significant when compared to the last time, Kurogiri could observe noticeable changes in himself. He felt that his height, weight, chakra levels, and muscle mass had increased slightly.

Satisfied with his progress, Kurogiri stopped as he noticed that the Nomu process had finished, and his new-speed based Nomu was complete. Now, with two Nomus in hand, he was ready to leave the cave and hunt some ninjas to strengthen himself and his subjects.