
Naruto: A Real Shinobi

Kaos a cook and restaurant owner who would consume all the content he could get his hands on. This escalated from anime, manga, manhwa and finally novels. But never did Kaos thought that he would be transmigrated after a good night's rest after coming back from a late night walk. Waking up to an empty feeling in his stomach, he could only helplessly look up to the starry sky to where a huge monster was wreaking havoc. There was an undeniable crushing pressure Kaos has never felt before suffocating him. With his eyes started to close with a new fear took root in his brain. The horrifying chakra of the now-identified Kyubi was permanently sunk into the civilians that night and to the newly transmigrated Kaos, the fear was undeniable. Thousands of the villagers were traumatised just from the sheer presence of the Kyubi. This late trauma would constantly be reminded from the depths of hell, by a blonde child which would terrify the populace. With Kaos not being an exception... But instead of cowering and letting his fear take over. He would push through and pave a path for a safer future for himself. Others? What a joke. Being selfish is the only way to succeed in this world! But first, I need to flip patties...

Del123 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

First Stages of Training

It took a couple of minutes to arrive at the park. The place was quite spacious but didn't have many obstacles or items to play with.

Walking around I spotted a weirdly designed slide with a hole under it to run in between, five wheels coloured differently and two swings with a mini red fence to show a safe distance.

The place felt hollow, this park in particular was empty and because of it being in the shinobi district, I thought maybe some kids would come but I suppose not. Considering what happened yesterday then it made complete sense that no kids were out.

"Alright let's do full stretches," I murmur. Getting to an open spot on the grassy fields, I first started with some toe touches.

But when I tried to touch my toes my body ended up falling down due to my shit coordination and body control.


'Holy shit, how does someone physically fall sideways while doing a toe-touch.' I thought to myself knowing that someone probably saw that. This is the ninja world after all, if they aren't patrolling the outside then I'm not sure what those shinobi be doing. Especially right after the Kyubi attack, these idiots better be patrolling the village.

Getting back up I finally try to do my stretches without falling. This included toe touches, butterfly stretches, shoulder rolls, arm circles and leg swings.

"That took a while but I shouldn't rush these things."

My body is still young and getting myself flexible and active now will benefit me in the long run. There's no need to overload this body just because I want to get stronger. There isn't a rush right now considering that I'm not gonna be 16 when pain comes to Konoha, I've got time.

While this was happening unknown to me, a certain Chunin was watching me with some interest. A man with a downtrodden look had a small glint in his eyes watching the kid trying hard.

This helped him regain his own spirit. Even after the kid fell down, he got back up to try again.

'Fvck I could just fall flat and sleep.'

My body felt so lax right now and I could definitely just take a nap on the floor. Forcing myself up, I started to jog around the park with diligence.

"Sheeet, I need air my boy." I huffed out after an eight-minute jog. Knowing that excessive exercise would be bad, my body stopped working out as soon as any sort of pain acted.

My limit for jogs seems to be around eight minutes before I just fall flat. I know chakra exists but I'm not gonna risk my health over a magical energy that my body shouldn't have a huge amount of.

Improving this stamina over time should be my priority for now. Controlling my chakra will be an idea for when I enter the academy.

Slow and steady wins the race after all…

After that short jog, I dragged my body out of the park towards a shop. A certain shop I remembered sold weapons of all different kinds.

Why would I go there?

To buy a weapon to practise with of course. Now what weapon is quite the interesting option as I'm not a big fan of using swords. While I always loved them from a watcher's perspective, you better bet I'm not using one in a real battle.

In Naruto, ninjas have super strength, dexterity, speed and reaction time. So from what I thought of was to use something like a spear and maybe a shield.

It's something that "wouldn't" make sense in the Naruto world which in hindsight is true. Because you need to use your hands for ninjutsu or throw kunai.

But this doesn't take into account the future aliens that can shrink ninjutsu to an atom basically nullifying them. So if this is the case then what would be so bad about a spear as it would achieve more than a sword?

Plus I've got some ideas about chakra shields. These ideas won't be put into use for a while though, so I should make some notes in a different language at home.

I'm mostly gonna incorporate non-hand seals ninjutsu into my arsenal as wasting time is horrible. So ninjutsu that enhanced my speed, strength and other stuff is a priority. Why drag out a battle due to weaving hand seals and using ninjutsu, if I could have just stabbed the guy using my speed?

'Like damn my boy, they can't use mystical magic if they're already dead.' I thought to myself as I walked through the semi-empty streets of Konoha. Only a few shinobi would walk past me during my little trip to the place.

It took almost seven minutes to make it to the weapon store. Thankfully the park was in the shinobi's district so the shop was close by.

Looking up at the title of the shop, it spelled out Higurashi's Weapon Shop. The name felt familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it. With this thought in mind, I entered the place

*Tinkle* *Tinkle*

A bell could be heard ringing as I entered the place, looking around the shop had a cold feeling to it. As I was looking around after initially entering the place, a voice entered my ears.

"Hello there youngin, are you here to buy some kunai to practise at home? The competition in the academy will definitely spike up after yesterday." A tired voice asked. Turning my head towards my left, I saw a man at the counter.

He had brown hair, grey eyes and a brown kimono. With a small nod, I just play along with whatever he said as I didn't want to get kicked out.

'Thankfully there isn't an age check here.'

A simple nod never hurt anyone, there's nothing to overcomplicate here.

"I've got a basic set of kunai for academy students right here. They will last you for a few years, but aren't too effective for real combat so don't forget that." He tells me while pulling out a box from under the desk.

"Add another set to the academy kunai. Also, can I buy one real kunai then?" I asked curiously. The man not looking up just gives me a curt nod. "How much does everything cost sir."

"1000 Ryo for the academy-set of five kunai which adds up to 2000 for you. 1500 ryo for one new kunai." He states pulling out another box from the desk. After he pulled out everything I took 3500 ryo from my pockets and bought everything. Was thing purchase just over the amount of profit I made yesterday?


But this is a long-term investment, as I'll be using this till hopefully the end of my academy years. So the amount of money as long as I can pay is fine.

"Do you guys also sell a wooden spear for training?"

The man as he was tidying up all my items, raised his eyebrow at my words. It seems like the spear wasn't that common of a weapon.

"An unusual weapon but yes we do have a few. Now they're not your size but you can grow into them." He said pointing to a corner of the shop. Nodding at his words, he tells me to go check them out as he kept the items on the counter for me to take at any time.

Shivering a little due to the cold I made my way towards some of the wooden items in the shop. I walked past quite a few items such as Katanas, Ninjato, Axes and other such weapons.

'An axe could be interesting but using a spear will be in my best interest because of keeping a distance.'

After a little bit, I found the section I was looking for and grabbed a wooden spear. There was another wooden spear but it was way too heavy for this body to take.

When my strength increases I could potentially buy that one next to improve on my dexterity.

Making my way back to the counter, the wooden spear cost an extra 570 Ryo which I quickly bought.

This ended up leaving me with around 2000 ryo left which wasn't too bad. In addition to the complimentary cloth to clean kunai, I'd say today was quite successful.

"Good luck at the academy junior." The man says with a nod. Taking all my items, although somewhat awkwardly. I made my way back home with a huge smile that couldn't be hidden.


"I've got some stuff to check before signing out," I say with a sigh. Closing the door behind me I headed towards the desk near the window of my room and neatly organised everything.

I brought just around 2000 ryo back while still having over 4000 ryo at home. This makes my total Ryo 6000.

I'll need to be careful about how much I spend as from what I've seen at the bank. The bank is roaming with people and it would take the whole day to even be able to talk to the front desk for a withdrawal.

The two academy kunai boxes were on the left corner of the table, while the single kunai was to the right corner and the wooden spear was off to the side.

'Those ninjas from before gave me some scrolls.'

In the middle of the desk was the initial box I was given by those Chunins before.

"I wonder what jutsu is inside," I murmur in excitement. Opening the lid, I grabbed the first scroll that came into contact with my hands.

Unrolling it, I took a peek into what the scroll was named.


[Electricity Resistance Training (D-Rank)]

Description: takes about 5 months on average to train and fully adapt to. Helps the user resist the pain of lightning and is a secondary training to leaf nature transformation.

Note: This is passive and if trained correctly is instinctively used when using Raiton.


Now that's something useful alright. If my parents owned a scroll like this then I would assume that one of them had the lightning affinity.

I've got something to train with even after the leaf exercise which will extend my mastery of lighting. Now apparently nature transformation is something only Chunin's start to train. So I won't be touching this in a while.

"Now that's good."

Even though this technique would potentially take up to five months. It's alright as I have a decent amount of years to power up with 13 till canon starts.

Is it delusional of me to think like this? Most likely but I'll try my best to make a base for myself in the future to work on.

Rolling the scroll back up, I take the other six and look at them separately.


[Fire Release: Flare Technique (D-Rank)]

Description: The baby steps of any higher-ranked fire ninjutsu. This makes a flame that you let out of your mouth which creates a bright spark to blind your opponents. It also helps you get used to protecting your lungs and mouth with chakra from burns of higher ninjutsu.


[Fire Release: One (D-Rank)]

Description: The introduction to fire ninjutsu. By using any hand seal, you can make a fire on the top of your finger. It will take a few months to learn as the fire can burn your finger.


[Lightning Release: Lightning Bolt Technique (C-Rank)]

Description: By using nature transformation. You can send all the lightning onto your hands and send them to whatever your hands are directed at.


[Body Flicker Technique (D-Rank)]

Description: An movement technique. This ninjutsu can "teleport" a person to another area in a nearly instant speed in long to short distances. The distance depends on the control, mastery and chakra used for the technique.


[Academy Chakra Control]

Description: Through meditation, you can feel the chakra in your body and start to move it around. This will give the user a warm feeling and a better understanding of how much chakra the user has. This includes being able to mould chakra using specific hand seals.

Note: Can be used without supervision, and will not hurt the user in any way.


[Lightning Release: Lightning Blast Technique (B-Rank)]

Description: A more advanced and powerful iteration of the lightning bolt technique. Using these hand-seals you can produce more power with the cost of more chakra.


Most of them are going to be useful when I start to get used to using my chakra. But I'm definitely gonna try the [Academy Chakra Control] right now before I sleep.

The rest of the scrolls mainly were introductory ninjutsu to train and get resistance for the said element. Which will help me a lot but I'll look into them later.

"Let me separate these," I murmur putting each scroll in a little group depending on their rank. With the chakra control being the lowest without a rank and the [Lightning Release: Lightning Blast Technique] being the highest.

After tidying everything up, I took the chakra control scroll and went over to my bed.

'So I need to get meditative and try to feel for my chakra.'

While the instructions were very vague I tried my best. My attempts thought were futile due to obvious reasons.

So it seems like I'll have to keep on trying this every night until I achieve the feeling of my chakra. Now on the instructions, there's an option to have another person insert their own chakra to find yours. This isn't a guarantee to help though but it certainly helps.

But that won't be possible unless I ask Uncle Otori to help me which I'll ask maybe after a week of failing.

As expected even after a few hours of trying I felt nothing. With this it was already late and I snuggled into bed with an eager feeling.

"I'm looking forward to using chakra."