
Naruto: A Real Shinobi

Kaos a cook and restaurant owner who would consume all the content he could get his hands on. This escalated from anime, manga, manhwa and finally novels. But never did Kaos thought that he would be transmigrated after a good night's rest after coming back from a late night walk. Waking up to an empty feeling in his stomach, he could only helplessly look up to the starry sky to where a huge monster was wreaking havoc. There was an undeniable crushing pressure Kaos has never felt before suffocating him. With his eyes started to close with a new fear took root in his brain. The horrifying chakra of the now-identified Kyubi was permanently sunk into the civilians that night and to the newly transmigrated Kaos, the fear was undeniable. Thousands of the villagers were traumatised just from the sheer presence of the Kyubi. This late trauma would constantly be reminded from the depths of hell, by a blonde child which would terrify the populace. With Kaos not being an exception... But instead of cowering and letting his fear take over. He would push through and pave a path for a safer future for himself. Others? What a joke. Being selfish is the only way to succeed in this world! But first, I need to flip patties...

Del123 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Business Strategy?

"Make sure to get home safely, this is a really bad time to go outside."

Hearing Auntie say this I just nod. The woman named Yahara saying this, packed some fresh items into a plastic bag and handed them to me.

"Thanks, auntie, could you tell some people about my place please!" I ask while taking the bag. Yahara knowing how hard it must be to be a kid like me after the Kyubi attack, accepted the little request.

"See ya and don't break too many hearts in the academy sweetie." She said with a sly grin as I walked away. The woman who I usually buy from at the market just gives a strained smile as I waved back and made my way home.

Fresh ingredients like lettuce and tomatoes that she sell are home grown which makes me want them even more. I can advocate for her claims as I've seen the huge garden myself.

It's currently the next day and I've thought of another dish to make. This is very unhealthy with the recipe that I'll be using but it's okay.

The food is pretty basic but is a favourite from people back on Earth. So I wouldn't doubt that people here would love it here as well.

In no way shape or form will people hate this food because of how iconic it will be in the future. A famous side for almost every meal that doesn't include rice or sweets.

This snack is of course french fries.

Now I'm not willing to waste too much money on this as I haven't gotten second opinions or the budget, so I bought only two potatoes and salt to test this out. There's already a fat amount of oil at home as my parents still have loads shelved up.

"I need to find a place to practise," I murmur remembering my purchase yesterday. I had a lot of kunai but no stump to practise on. While it's possible to put a target inside my house, trusting my aim to not break the surroundings is not a good idea.

Learning my stance and how to throw a kunai would help as well.

Walking back home I spot the usual Genin group walking by. Most people that walked the streets right now are civilians in a rush or shinobi which I've thought of before, but more shinobi have been "visible" to me. Looking at him made my vision a little blurry.

On the way to the market, I saw my first Jounin who had this aura or more like lack of "presence". I'm not sure how to describe it but it seemed like he wasn't there or was an illusion, he never made a single noise.

But he physically there interacting with items in a weird robotic way. Otori also feels the same sometimes but I guess he expresses himself more with me.

Then again shinobi must instinctively have a lack of presence if they've trained so much.

"You guys remember that night?"

"My body was shivering I couldn't even move."

"That huge ball of chakra got warped somehow, I wonder who did that."

"I guess the announcement lord third will say should explain it."

Eavesdropping a little from these guys, I silently just made my way home which took just a few minutes. My little hands could only handle so much weight of these bags.

'It seems like Hiruzen will control what most of the population knows in general.' I thought to myself. Obviously, they would believe someone akin to a symbol of wisdom if the title "The Professor" said anything.

So it's very unlikely they wouldn't believe any of his words. I do wonder if he'll twist any of the information besides the obvious parts.

Just curious about the outcome of the Naruto boy.


As I was opening the double doors to my restaurant, a gust of cold morning wind hit me which made me shiver.

"I need a heater man," I murmured.

After heading inside I do my usual stuff with setting up, but this time there was an added frying pan to use. Taking some oil and placing it under the table, I sigh at my aching muscles.

"This is a workout in itself," I murmur looking at the huge bottle of oil.

With everything set up and tidy flip the open sign and get ready for another boring day. It wouldn't be too bad though as I'm gonna make myself some fries to test out.

Who knows I might give some customers free fries to get them coming back. This is to get their opinion too of course.

"Thanks for the BLT you call it? I'll come back another day little guy."

"Thank you, sir!" I respond with a happy smile and happy I am. With that man being the 36th customer today I've sold more food than yesterday.

And it's still the afternoon!

While my brain was celebrating in my head making me zoom off to space. New customers silently walked into the restaurant, which I wouldn't usually notice but they were noisy.

Especially this one guy wearing a skin-tight suit?

"But Kurenai we need to get Kakashi out of there! That Anbu thing is destroying my greatest rival's spirit!" A man passionately says extending his arms. The woman who I identified as Kurenai just had a complex look and just nodded in response.

"Guy, I'm sure you're right but talking to lord third is a bit far don't you think? Shouldn't we just try to convince Kakashi to resign?" She responded timidly not wanting to get into any trouble. Next to her was I assumed to be Asuma Sarutobi was just silently staring at the ground not saying much.

It seems like big man has been having some daddy issues recently. He should be going to the fire daimyo to be his bodyguard in a few year's time.

So I wouldn't be surprised if this is his rebellious stage in life before he leaves.

Realising that this isn't a comedy skit and the guy wearing a green tight suit was Might Guy in the flesh, I got a surprised look.

Watching the three with Chunin vests walk into my place. They take a seat near the corner of the restaurant making me exit my little kitchen to walk over there.

"Hello my name is Izuya, I'm selling a BLT for 125 ryo each!" I say looking up as they were all taller than me.

The three stopping their little conversation looked down at me which made me feel uncomfortable. Soon after this though, Kurenai changes her uncomfortable expression and does that little hair adjustment behind her ears.

"Hello to you little guy, can you get us three orders of that BLT?" She said with a sweet voice and she puts some money on the table. "Keep the change as a tip."

"Thank you, pretty lady," I say taking the ryo which ended up being 600 ryo. Kurenai hearing this made her smile into a full blown smirk.

Looking at the other two I see Might Guy look at me while showing a thumbs up.

"Keep on training hard, I can see the youth emanating from you!" He says encouragingly making me raise my eyebrow. After pocketing the money I realised that Might Guy might have seen me at the park yesterday.

'Did he see my fall at the park?' I thought with an embarrassed blush on my face as I walked back. 'I know something like this isn't much money. But are shinobi so rich to give out money like this?'

Just from this alone, I can smell the business opportunity from here.

If I'm able to impress them and get them to eat here. They could potentially make this place famous in multiple different ways.

I reckon that complimentary fries to ask for their "opinion" is good enough. While making some fries earlier they tasted amazing with a crunchy outside and fluffy inside.

"I'm gonna fill Kakashi's world wi-"

Ignoring whatever they are conversing about. I walk back to my kitchen, and it took me a little over seven minutes to prepare their food and get it on a plate.

While I was making their food though, I was also in the middle of making fries to ask them a simple request after their meal.

Taking the plates I excitedly moved over to their table with the plates on hand and arm.

"Here's your food!" I announce placing them on the table. The three of them taking a plate for themself start to dig in.

Heading back to my little kitchen, I also plate up the fries to be able to give it to them.

Now it was just the waiting game…

Thankfully this wouldn't take too long as after a little bit they started to each finish their food. Of course Asuma was the last person to finish his food as he was in his depressed arc right now.

"Do you guys want to try out some food for free? I'm not sure if they taste good."

The three of them seeing me with my hands behind my back and head down, accept my offer as they enjoyed the food.

"If it's as good as your BLT I just had then of course! This is the taste of true youth!" Might guy comments which made me chuckle. The three of them seeing my reaction smile.

Taking the plate of fries and putting it on the middle of their table, I just stick around to see their reaction.

*Crunch* *Crunch*

"Thish ish shoo gud!" Kurenai squeals out outting a hand on her cheek. While this was happening the other two boys caught her lacking and didn't let it slide.

After the first few fries Asuma and Might Guy got a new profound energy and started to devour the food.

One chip? Two chip? Three?

It didn't matter as they would pull off comboes of grabbing multiple at once and stuffing it in their mouths.

*Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*

"You guys what the hell!" Kurenai shouts realising that most of the food was already gone and consumed by her friends.

This went on for a little bit more as the fries quickly ran out as if a starving future Choji devoured them. The speed and precision of the two Chunins got the job done. While the woman who was trying to savour the food didn't get to eat much of it.

"You need to make more of this." Asuma says with a wide grin plastered on his face, speaking up for the first time since getting here.

"I'll come back tommorow for some more sandwiches if your open."

"If you make something as delectable as this again. My youth will sky rocket before every mission!"

Listening to their words I just get an excited expression and wave the three people goodbye. At least the food was able to elevate Asuma's mood today.

This can be counted as a succes!

With this encounter now over and with there still being quite a few hours before the end of the day, I decided to pack up and train.

'I'll find a place to train kunai throwing tommorow, for now stretches and jogging is good enough.' I thought to myself packing up.

Putting up the closed sign and everything I went to the park for my daily dose of "training". This time though it didn't go as I expect but for the better.

As the time went by I was able to finish my little jog which took longer than before. Panting even more than yesterday, I started to look around for no reason.

"Alright that's just about farther than last time." I pant out while proceeding to drink some water from the bottle I brought.

Looking back at the field, the laps I was able to run was higher than yesterday. Maybe it's because of chakra and fast recovery but that's quick progress if I've ever seen it.

My physical body should be a priority so it can tick all the requirements to learn things like sage mode. From what I could remember there was a requirement like a strong body which Orochimaru of all people couldn't tick. Interestingly enough even someone like Jiraya couldn't master sage mode, so the requirements are something I want to know.

Besides having a large chakra pool as I already know that.

"Nothing again today huh."

Taking another look at the scroll of chakra control. I read about some of the notes like all the hand seals that could be used.

'If I can't use chakra for now, practising hand seals wouldn't be a bad idea.' I thought taking a better look at the paper in hand.

Taking a step back from my little meditation my eyes was practically yearning for some sleep after that jog.

Settling into my bed I realised that my daily routine from now on would probably be the same for a few years at the academy.

Well let's see…

I've just gotta wait for then.