
Chapter 6: giant toads

Giants toads? Just go near the pond and you will find a nest. Too much for you? Go a little further and find the isolated ones. Finding them was quite easy. That really was not the problem.

At first, I thought it was easy. In fact, I exploded two of them. Laura also made one disappear with her darkness magic.

The problem was Anna. Her swords were useless. The toads kept attacking at distance with their tongues and when she was close, they simply jumped away.

Even by using her wings, she could not keep up. Maybe she was lacking proficiency in flying. I should let her use her wings more often.

"I think I am at my limit" I said after exploding the fourth one.

"Master, we can take a break" Laura replied.

"Yes master you use my thighs as a pillow" Anna said before sitting on the ground.

"That way you are finally useful" Laura said.

"That is mean Laura!" I scolded her before putting my head on Anna's thighs.

"But that is true master" Anna declared with a sad face.

"It is not true! You keep them busy! It is my fault for not finding a solution! I should be the one feeling bad!"

They both were silent.

"Maybe we need to have more long range attacks" I said to break that long silence.

"Should I learn one?" asked Anna with a pitiful face.

"No no no! I know you love swords, so I will not force you"

"But master I was useless…"

"For those ones yes. Some monsters might be resistant to magic, in that case you will be useful while Laura will be unable to help. We all have our forces and weakness. Yours is giant frogs. Now that we know it, we can think of solutions"

"Yes master"

"Stop worrying, Anna"

"I will keep that frustration for later"

'Ah… not good'

"So master, what solutions did you find?"

"Well... we could recruit another mage or someone who know how to use a bow… in the worse case one of us can learn archery but it will take long before getting efficient with it… this way the frogs will be busier and it will be more difficult for them to jump away from Anna"

"That can be a solution" Laura approved .

"Any other idea?"

"Not for my part"

"No master"

"Well then I will go to the slave trader when we come back"

'It has been only 3 days… I am not sure she got new succubus since then… in that case I will have to go somewhere else…'

"Yes master"

"Is it fine with both of you?"

"Yes" they both said.

'We are already limited with only giant toads… I do not want to imagine what will happen if we have to fight stronger monsters… I guess it is better to have more companions'

"By the way, how will the guild know that we killed 5 giants toads?" I asked.

"The monsters we killed are written in your card. You will have to show it to them master" Anna explained.

"Oh, that is cool! I was afraid we would have to bring their bodies… they are too big for us to transport"

"Yes that is true… and none of their parts can be sold at high price…" Laura complained .

"Anyway, their parts would be too big I supposed… I feel better, let us kill a last one before going back"

"Let me do it" said Laura.

"If you wish"


After killing the last one, we went back and took the reward. I was feeling guilty because I was not sure if they were mad at me or not… they kept saying that it is fine to have more companion but I am uneasy… are they hiding something from me? Or I am just overthinking?

"Are you sure you want to come with me?"

"Yes master" they both said.

"But it might bring you bad memories"

"We want to see them"

"Will you tell me what you think of them?" I asked.

"If you wish master"

'Well it will be their companions too… I should heard what they think of them'

"Will you be able to talk once we are inside? I remember that you could not when I bought you"

"We will not, but we will still be able to nod"

"Oh I see. Then let us enter"

We entered the shop. That crappy street still made me feel uneasy. Same for that shop. At least, once I am inside, they are not people looking at me strangely.

"Welcome my Lord. Are you unsatisfied with them?" the shopkeeper asked.

"Eh? No no! I am more than happy with them"

'They are even too much sometimes...'

"I am glad to hear it! I was afraid for a moment! You would have been the first dissatisfied customer I had. I also found it strange, since all the money you invest on their equipment... Then are you here to buy?"

"Yes that is right" I said anxiously while looking at Anna and Laura.

"What are you looking for? Succubus again?"

"Do you have some?" I asked happily.

'Damn I should feel ashamed, not happy'

I quickly remained calm.

"Yes I got two yesterday. They also finished school not long ago. They might know each other" she said while looking at the girls next to me.

"Oh that will make things easier. Can we check on them?"

"Of course. Follow me" she said before walking deeper in the shop.

"Level 10?" I asked.

"Exactly. Do you wish to know their capacities?"


"One of them can use holy, chains and barrier magic. The other one use archery and dual daggers"

'Archery? Stay calm stay calm… she might increase the price if she noticed your joy. I cannot be too careful even if she said prices are regulated…'

We arrived in front of a cage. I did not pay any attention at the other ones we passed.

Inside it where two naked succubus. One with brown hair while the other one had red one.

"Do you know them?" I asked to Anna and Laura.

They both nodded.

"Do you like them or not?" I whispered to their ears.

They kissed my cheeks. I guess it is a yes. If it is a no then it will be their fault! what kind of no would that be?

"How much?" I ask to the shopkeeper.

"40000 credits. As I said prices are regulated, they are in the same category than when you bought them" she replied.

"Deal" I said before giving her my card.

"Do you want to buy plain clothes?"

"No need of them. I already bought clothes before coming there" I said before Anna opened her backpack.

In fact it was clothes from Anna. I told her to take some before coming there. I will have to stop and buy their equipment once we left the shop.

"Alright, then they are yours" she said while giving my card back.

She then opened the cage and they both went out.

Anna gave them the clothes that were in her backpack.

"I am happy to sold them to you" the shopkeeper said.


"You do not mistreat them" she replied.

Another customer entered the shop. It was the elf I saw yesterday.

"I have to go, please come back if needed" she said before going and see him.

I waited for the new ones to finish dressing and decided to leave immediately.

I passed the elf and lowered my head. I am too ashamed.

The girls were following me closely.

"See you next time, my Lord" the shopkeeper said while I was opening the door.

"Bye" I replied.

'Why next time? Do you really think I will come back?'

"Lea, Emma" Laura and Anna said happily before jumping on them.

I could heard them crying and attracted attention.

"Can we go somewhere else?" I asked impatiently.

"Yes master" Anna said while wiping her tears.

'Why do I keep feeling uneasy?'

"Girls, we should go to the room. It will be more comfortable to talk while eating lunch, right? We can go shopping in the afternoon"

"D-directly in the room?" Lea asked, panicking.

"He will not jumped on you Lea" Anna replied.

'So Lea is the red haired one. Then Emma has brown hair'

"Ah fine"

"Master, will it be fine if we stop buying shoes first?" Laura asked.

"Eh? Why? Ah yes we forgot to bring a pair for them… yes, let us buy it first" I declared before heading to the shoes shop.

"Is that alright?" Emma whispered to Laura.

"Oh yes, be ready to live like princesses"


"Yeah you see this? He could have bought hundred of us instead" Laura replied while showing her equipment.

"H-hundreds?" Emma replied with wide eyes.

Laura nodded without seeing anything.

"Did you heard?" Emma asked to Lea.


"Master is like this" Anna commented.

'Do they think that I cannot hear them?'

I quickly entered the shoe shop and decided to not pay attention to them anymore.

"Hello, 2 pairs of leather shoes for those two please" I asked the shopkeeper.

"Welcome My Lord, with pleasure"

"Leather ones? Is that fine master? We could just take your old ones" Lea said.

"I do what I want" Laura said while imitating me.

"Hey! Do not steal my words!" I scolded her.

She giggled. Both Lea and Emma seemed surprised by this sight.

"They can try those" he said before giving two pairs.

"Sit" I ordered both of them.

"Yes master"

"We will begin with Lea, give your foot"


'What a delicate foot she has… She must have suffered walking without shoes'

I put her a shoe.

"Is good? If it is too small or to large tell me, we will try another one"

"It is fine master" she said with a red face.

"Fine then the other foot"

"Yes master" she said before looking down.

'So cute'

"Is that one good too?" I asked.

"Yes it is perfect"

"Then can you prepare another pair with the same size?" I asked to the shopkeeper.

"Of course my Lord"

"Now Emma, your turn" I said before noticing that she was ashamed too.

'In fact, I enjoy seeing them embarrassed. It reminds me when I did the same to Laura and Anna'

"Are you fine Emma?"

"Yes master… you did not need to do this master"

"As Laura said, I do what I want"

"You will get used to it" Anna said confidently.

"Are they comfortable?" I asked.


"Then we will buy two pairs of those too"

"It will be 1333 credits"

"Fine" I said while giving him my card.

"Thank you, see you next time" he said before giving me the card and the shoes.

"See you" I replied before leaving.

'Why did i buy succubus? How could I forget that two of them are so hard to satisfy? I was blinded by my desires' I thought as l remembered last night.