
Chapter 5: she was teasing you

The dead pig body had now a hole in its center. Parts of its body were emitting smoke.

'So I just need to imagine an explosion and it happen. Truly interesting! If I fight another mage then I will have to read the changes in the environment in order to induce what he is doing. Amazing!'

"Are you satisfy with the result, master?" Laura asked while they came closer.

"Yes I am" I said before kissing her.

She seemed surprised.

'I am happy, that world is so cool'

Anna coughed a little.

"Do not be jealous" I said before kissing her too.

"Should we continue master?"

"I want to exercise a little before"

'Let us do a sand castle like the children at the beach'

I focus on the ground as I pictured the result. It began to take form but suddenly crumbled.

That is when my head began to hurt.

"Master you put too much details! You are still level 1"

"Yes master you should rest" said Anna while sitting on the ground.

"So magic use mental energy?" I realized. Why else would my head hurt?

Anna forcefully put my head on her thighs.

"That is right" she said while I was looking at my sand castle.

'Maybe the windows were a little too much. I got too excited'

"Do you wish to see what you can do at level 10?"

"Yes please" I replied to Laura.

"What a show off" Anna commented.

She looked at a wood pig and plunged it into darkness. Nothing was left from it.

"So cool" I muttered.

"I know I know" she replied.

"You should not spoil her" Anna said before putting her hand on my hair.

"You are just jealous" Laura replied.

"He chose my tights" she replied.

"You forced him" Laura snorted.

"How could I? He is our master"

I sighed. Sometimes they really are childish.

'Eh? They felt silent. Why are they both looking at me?'

"Master who do you prefer?" asked Laura.

I sighed again.

"I like both of you! Thanks for your help, I feel better" I said before standing up.

"You-you like us?" said the redden Laura.

I could heard Anna breathing heavily.

"Yes. It is not love yet but maybe one day… anyway should we go hunt some wood pigs?" I said before walking into the wood.


"He said love! He said love!"

They both laughed like mad women.

"Scary" I muttered before walking quicker.

"Wait master" said Laura before running after me.

"Master love master" giggled happily Anna while running too.

'Oh boy why did I say that? I have no choice… diversion!'

"Oh a wood pig! Anna kill him!" I ordered.

'Now I should run away'

Laura grabbed my arm.

"Master master" she said before kissing me.

"I like you too" she whispered after it.

"Eh? You kiss behind my back?" Anna said before stealing my lips.

I could see behind her the pig cut in two.

"We should call it a day right? I mean since we killed 3 pigs I am level 2 now"

"Are you sure master? You did not even try to use illusions"

"Laura, he was exhausted a minute ago. Master should rest" Anna said before taking my hand.

"Yes we will return tomorrow"

'I never expected magic to be that tiring'

"We should at least take a corpse"

"The first exploded, the second disappeared and the third is cut in two…" I summarized.

"Ah so we cannot take any"

"Not really…"

"Apart for increasing your lifespan, what is the use of levels?" I asked.

"More energy in your body"

'More energy? Then the higher their levels the higher their needs? No no no… well mine should be higher too...'

"Master you will be able to use more magic" Laura said to cheer me up.

"That could be great! You could learn more magic too" I added.

"I could master"

"I should think about battle strategy… wood pigs are easy but what about the others? I know I should buy some books about monsters" I muttered.


"It is nothing, I will just have to buy a book when we arrive at town. Like a monster encyclopedia"

"Oh that is common. The guild should update it regularly"

"Well then we should go there even if we only kill 3 pigs…"

"Yes master!"

"Tomorrow we will hunt all day"

"Yes master but you will have to not use magic too much" advised Anna.

"I know"

"Good" she said before kissing my cheek.

After walking back to the city we bought two books. One is the monster encyclopedia while the second one is the plant encyclopedia. I learned that one can collect them and sell them at the guild since they are used for medicine.

We then finally went back to our room even thought it was only the middle of the afternoon.

"Master let us undress you" Anna declared as soon as we arrived.

"Yes Anna but you should undress first"

"No! Master should always come first" she replied.

"But your armor will hinder you!"

"I will manage, master" she insisted.

"Oh fine" I gave up.

Sometimes it is better to let them do as they want. It was already the case with my wife…

"Master today we are very frustrated" Laura said before kissing my cheek.


"You spend 3 millions credits for each of us…"

"And?" I asked while putting my hand on her bottom.

"And you only paid 20000 to buy us…"


"So master why would you spend so much?"

"I do not want you to get killed" he said while smiling.

"So frustrating" she replied before laying me down on the bed.

"I did not finish to take off his armor!" Anna complained.

"Just take off the lower part" Laura replied before kissing me.

'Here we go again… I definitely came back too soon'


I woke up exhausted. Yesterday was a fight against two frustrated succubus. My whole body is aching. Before I could even thought of something two tongues attacked mine.

"Good morning master" Laura said before passing her hand on my head.

"Good morning" Anna said while caressing my chest.

"Were you bored while I was sleeping?"

"No master we read" Anna said while showing me the plant encyclopedia she had put next to her.

"Oh yes, I bought those… are they interesting?"

"Yes master we learned a lot"

'Maybe I should read them too'

"Do we go hunting master? I ordered food to be packed for lunch" Anna said.

"Yes we go. We will stop until I am level 5"

"But this will be too much for your mental energy master…" Laura explained.

"I will use my weapons only"

"Then I should teach you how to use your two swords" Anna said.

"Yes yes but first we should take a bath"

"And eat breakfast" Laura added.

"We could do both at the same time"

"We can try" I answered.

"I am afraid that master will be too distracted" Anna said before entering the bath.

"What do you mean?" I asked following her.

"Well you know master… your thing…"

"Ah! No! Not in the morning!"

"Master, answering your desires are our duty" she said before pressing her body against mine.

"Anna we should not… we have to go hunting…"

"Just a quick one" she whispered before putting my thing inside.

"You really cannot resist her" Laura complained before entering the bath.

"It is not just her…"

"You are so cute master" Anna said before moving her hips.

She started moaning faintly.

"Does it means that the two of us satisfy you?" Laura asked before grasping Laura's breast from behind.


"Then you will not buy new slaves right?"

"I do not know… I am not sure we can hunt a lot of monsters just the three of us… and I could help more slaves you know…"


"Well you have a better life than other slaves right?"

"Yes master"

"Then I should help more.." I could not continue since Anna began kissing me passionately.

"You are too kind" Laura said.

After some time, we finally went for hunting.

'Why did she ask if I wanted to have more slaves?'

"Is there a problem if I want more slaves?"

"No no master" Laura said while we were walking.

"Then why?"

"You should not over-exhaust yourself that is all"

'Then you should let me rest'

"Master cannot even resist in the morning" Anna said while giggling.


"It is because he likes us too much" Laura said while blinking.

"We should stay focus" I said before walking quicker.

I could heard them giggling even louder.

'Damn why am I so ashamed? Is it because I feel guilty because of my wife?'

"Hey there is a wood pig master" said Anna before running toward it.

"Right I should focus too" I sighed.


"Finally level 5" I say after looking at my card.

I cut a pig with my katana a minute ago.

'They both took a level too. I should also pay attention to their progress'

"Congratulation master! Should we stop for today?" Anna asked.

'I do not really know… I want to increase my level but it is boring to always kill inoffensive pigs'

"Yes I guess we should stop and think about where we can go tomorrow. Take a corpse each, I will take the last one"

"No master should not work"

"I am free to act as I want, right?"

"Right master, please forgive me"

'When will they learn?'

On our way back, we passed a few kids that were running in the fields. I got nostalgic while thinking about mine.

"Master you seem sad" Laura said.

Anna was staring at me.

"I am just thinking about the past" I said before resuming walking. Carrying a dead pig on my shoulder is not that fun. That smell…

"We will have to wash once we arrive"

'I should not think too much about the past… it makes them worried… but at the same time how am I supposed to forget them?'

"Yes master" Anna said.

"I will wash your body master" Laura declared.

"Me too" Anna quickly added.

"You did it this morning" Laura complained.


"Now it is my turn"

"There is no such"

"You will both do it every time we wash. Happy?" I said to calm them down.

"Yes master" they both nodded.

I saw an elf surrounded by cat-women. Are they from the same race than the old man I saw fishing?

"Seems like he is fond of that race" I commented.

"Is master jealous?" Anna inquired.

"No I prefer succubus"

"Maybe you are jealous of the number of them…"

"I can have as much him… money is not the problem"


"Let us sold those dead pigs" I interrupted her before entering the guild.

They followed behind me. The hall was as noisy as ever. I rather prefer this than being the center of attention. I directly went to the counter and sold the dead pigs to the succubus that was there. Apparently the vice guild leader asked her to take care of me. Maybe it is because of her race… or because she was the first employee I talked with. Anyway, it allowed me to earn 300 credits. Well that is not a lot, I know.

"I recommend you to check the mission. You will earn money and depending of its content you will also be able to sold the materials collected" she said.

"Alright I will check it. Are you sure my level will not be a problem?"

"As long as you do not take one difficult it should be fine"

'Ah that smile… is she single?'

"Master we should go, people are waiting" Anna said impatiently.

'Damn she noticed it… My starring must have been obvious'

"Yes Anna. See you" I said before leaving the counter.

"See you" she replied in my back.

'Is he aware I am married? That is funny anyway' she thought.

I look at the boards where the mission where exposed. There was clearly too many of them.

"Master, look at this one" Laura said before giving me a piece of paper.

"Kill 5 giant toads in the surrounding of Repis. Reward 1000 credits"

'I am still far from the cost of one night at the central palace…'

"Which level are giant toads?" I asked them.

"4 to 9 master. I learn it in the encyclopedia" Laura said.

"Really? How strange"

"Strange? Why is that strange? It is in its beginning since monsters are ordered by their level"

"Oh I thought they would be classified by name"

"Name? How strange" she replied.

'I guess logic is different in that world'

"So master should we take this one?" Anna asked.

"Yes we should. Do you know where we can find them? The surrounding with quite large"

"I know where we can go" Laura affirmed.

"Then we take it. Should we tell someone?"

"I will tell her" said Anna before going to the counter.

"Alone?" I muttered before Laura pressed her body against my arm.



"She is married"

"Eh? Who? Anna?"

She giggled.

"No, not Anna"

"Then who? I do not understand"

"The one at the counter"

"Eh? How do you know that? Did you ask her? That not something to ask"

"It is obvious, you see her tattoo on her neck?"

"That little circle? What is that?"

"When someone got married, a tattoo will appear on their body… for her it was on her neck"

'Ah… it is like rings on earth'

"So they do not receive rings?"

"Rings? I have never heard of that master… Maybe for the rich ones"

"Then you already know that I was not married… why did Anna asked?"

"She was teasing you"

It shows that my slaves did not behave like ones… was it my fault?