
Court results and normal acquaintance.

"And what should I say? On the one hand, I have to fulfill my part of the promise and help him. Otherwise, I'll lose my self-respect. However, on the other hand, is there a way to control him? If he becomes a deserter in the future, I will also be accused of committing perjury. Argh, damn you, the man from the coffin!" - these thoughts were thought through by the woman in a split second.

- Haah, I think, that... -she replied, finally decided, and stood straight up. - The man from the coffin will be useful for the Reich in the future. Given his abilities, I'm more than sure he'll prove to be a pretty powerful unit.

This answer has caused a strong reaction in the courtroom. Some people who came to enjoy the spectacle were dissatisfied with that response, while others saw it as the most advantageous one for the situation. Of course, there were also those who didn't care.

- Quiet! - The judge in his golden robe shouted outrageously. At that moment his aura began to be felt in the courtroom, overwhelming everybody with its weight and hate, emitting from it. After that, all conversations were instantly stopped. The only one who was not pressed by the aura was the talking woman.

- As for loyalty to the Reich, I believe that if we show this man that he can fully realize his ambitions and potential in our country, there will be no point for him to betray us.- Outwardly, the woman continued calmly.

"Fuckin' hell. Why am I always being ignored? If I was in a romance, I'd have to be the main character. I have everything the main character needs: Unusual appearance, tragic past, unique abilities, shitty character. So where are my adventures, harems and so on? And instead, I'm on trial... I'm so fucking tired. I wish I could go out and eat meat now and get some sleep, and then I could..." - The man from the coffin was thinking sadly. He was wondering at what point things had gone wrong.

- That's it. There's nothing more to say. - Meanwhile, the woman finished her speech.

- Okay, we're clear about your position. Then the court leaves for discussion. - The judge in black has concluded. At that moment, a rune circle emerged under him and his colleagues and teleported them somewhere.

{In the discussion room, after teleportation from the courtroom.}

Three rune circles appeared in the dark room, lighting the space around them. Afterward, three men in black, white, and gold robes appeared in their place.

- Gentlemen, of course, I understand you, the dark room, the cool atmosphere, the mystery, and so on. But can we at least light it up a bit? - The judge in black spoke first.

- I agree with August. Moreover, I want to sit down, I'm tired of standing up. - He was supported by the judge in white. -Besides, why do you act cool? Why the hell are you wearing a golden robe?

- Guys... I hate you. I mean, we're old, respected magicians, we have an image to maintain. - The man in gold answered in a hurt voice. - But if that's what you want, then okay.

With these words, he snapped his fingers to light up the whole room.

- Helfrid, I... I'm just gonna keep quiet. - Surprisedly said August, the judge in black.

- Well, I'm not. Maybe I whine too much, but the candles, really? You could've just used light bulbs. - The judge in white was expressing his opinion tiredly. - I won't say anything about the room. Walls, floors, and even a marble ceiling, sofas, tables, mahogany chairs. It's a little too much, don't you think?

- Guys, please, stop it... I tried. Do you understand how much money I spent on all this? And you know that I almost always have money problems... - Helfrid, the judge in gold, answered, almost crying.

- Well, then don't spend them on jewelry. You're not wearing it anyway. - The judge in white said with a dissatisfied voice.

- Joseph, that's enough. He's about to cry. - August laughed. - We can make fun of each other later. Let's decide quickly what to do with the man from the coffin, and go home. Moreover, I'm... hungry. I was called at lunchtime...

- What's there to think about? We'll justify and assign him to a squad. Let him realize his potential. - Helfrid answered with a yawn. - Just how do we make him loyal to our country? What do you think, Joseph?

- It's simple. Let's give him some high rank for obscure merit, that's all. If he has the power, he won't want to lose it. - The judge in white said lazily. - It's the easiest and most effective way. What's the rank of the woman who guarded him?

- Brigadeführer or something. Let's give him that title and finish. What do you think of that idea? - Helfred exclaimed cheerfully.

- Helfrid, you're a dummy sometimes, but you have good ideas. - August said joyfully. - Let's make him part of the army and allow him to work on us.

- Welp, that's it, then. Let's go tell them about it. By the way, what do you think about going for a drink after this? - Joseph asked his colleagues. That's when rune circles started to form under their feet.

- I'm in, I think August is too. - Helfid answered with a smile. - Wait. August, did you just call me a dummy?!

And then they teleported out of the room.

{Again in the courtroom.}

Suddenly rune circles showed up in the courtroom, and then judges appeared, radiating confidence and seriousness.

- After a long and intense discussion, we made a decision. We also took into account the information we had received from an anonymous source. It turns out that the camp that destroyed the man from the coffin would, in any case, have been captured by the devils, thanks to the traitors in it. So its destruction was only in our favor. - The judge in gold said the stunning news.

- Thus, given the credit before the Reich, the man from the coffin was not only justified but also deserved promotion to the Brigadeführer. We think that's quite fair. - The judge in black stunned the crowd.

- Fair!? You have got to be kidding us! We're against it!- Right away, some people started to resent it. - Reconsider your opinion. Or are you doing this because he's a man? What are you, sexists? Racists? Sadists? Egoists? Antichrists?

- Quiet! Don't interfere with the court! - The judge in white tried to calm people down. However, no one even tried to listen to him. - SHUT. UP!

After the shouting, a terrifying aura filled with horror and hatred fell on the courtroom.

- This matter is not negotiable. Thanks to the man's from the coffin actions, the devils not only did not get a well-protected place but also did not have time to start their cruel experiments on people too. It is enough to remember how the village, where, by the way, the man from the coffin lived, carved out a small group of devils with only one middle class. Imagine what would have happened if a group of high-class devils had attacked. - The judge in gold made a pretty convincing fact. - We believe the man from the coffin knew about this information, and that's why he did it.

- You're absolutely right. That's why I killed everyone in the camp. I couldn't let the traitor escape unpunished and the devils take over the camp. However, I was not sure if it was worth divulging such information in the courtroom, so I decided to sacrifice myself and take it to the grave. - The man from the coffin said with absolute confidence in his voice. At that moment he looked like a worthy and magnificent example of an ideal man, ready even to die for the sake of his homeland.

"Was there really a traitor there? Oh, shit... How lucky I am. All I have to do now is lie convincingly." - However, he was just as stunned as the people in the courtroom. - "And they all forgot how I killed a young magician in the beginning. What idiots... Although, it's good for me."

- So it is clear to everyone that the man from the coffin not only found and killed the traitor in our army but also saved countless lives and destinies of ordinary people. That is what a noble magician's example should be. - In the end, the judge in white said.

- Thank you for such flattering words, but I am not worthy of them. It is my duty as a soldier and a magician. I'm sure anyone would do the same in a similar situation. - A man answered from a coffin with a gentle smile showing his kindness and generosity. "What the hell is going on? How did we end up like this?" -But in fact, he was puzzled.

- Thus, in Berlin in 1938 at 15:18 the court decided that the man from the coffin was found not guilty. He is also awarded the rank of Brigadeführer for services to his homeland. - The judge in white read out the verdict. - Until a man from a coffin is assigned to a certain unit, the government will provide him with the minimum necessary for life. This meeting is now adjourned.

{Five minutes later.}

After the session was over, only four people remained in the courtroom: the man from the coffin, the woman, the tall man, and the short man. Now they were sitting on a bench at the very edge of the room and talking.

- First of all, congratulations on the unexpected acquittal... Although I think we've all just been played... - The woman mumbled unhappily. - Second of all, congratulations on your promotion. You son of a bitch, I worked nine years without a weekend and rest, and only recently I was promoted, and you just slaughtered the whole training camp, and even not personally.

- Thank you for your congratulations! I'm so glad I have such good and kind friends. - The man from the coffin answered with sarcasm. - It's rare these days.

- Fuck you. I'll just remind you that we only met this morning. - The woman noticed quickly. -So we hardly even know each other as good colleagues, not even friends.

- Then we need to change it! - The man from the coffin said cheerfully. - By the way, you promised me a date, so I think this is the best time for it.

- Not a date, but to help with your clothes and feed you. It's a little different than that. Especially not the two of us going out together.

- And with who? Don't tell me what's going on with your boyfriend. Although I highly doubt there's anyone who can stand your character...

- Shut up. These two are coming with us. - A woman interrupted a man from a coffin and pointed at a tall guy and a short guy. - They deserve it. Just pay for yourselves.

- Ma'am, yes, ma'am. - In unison, these two exclaimed.

- Guys, stop talking so officially. Let's just relax. - The woman asked tiredly. - By the way, it's not like we know each other's names. Let's get to know each other. My name is Agna von Hasenclever*. You can just call me Agna, though.

- A woman of Chaste? That's not a good name for yo... -wanted to say the man from the coffin, but didn't have time. He was interrupted by Agna's fist, which hit him right in the jaw.

- I think I'll say my name, too, then. - Quickly said the short man. - My name is Volker von Klein**. Call me Volker, it's easier that way. It's nice to finally introduce myself.

- My name is Jervas von Stachelberg***. - Also called himself the tall guy. - It's pretty ironic because I'm fighting with a spear. Call me Jervas. Nice to meet you.

- What's your name? It's not convenient to call you the man from the coffin. It's too long. - Asked Volker from the last person who didn't introduce himself.

He stood up from the shop and slowly walked to the exit and stood with his back to the wide window through which the light was coming, the man from the coffin looked at his acquaintances.

- In fact, I gave up my name and wouldn't accept a new one. - At that moment, the sun rays began to fall directly on the man's back, forcing everyone who looked at him to cover his eyes because of the brightness. The only thing you could look at was a black blindfold and gray hair. - So just call me...



Clarification (Experimental bullshit):

*Agna von Hasenclever. Agna - "chaste", "holy". Hasenclever - hase means "hare, bunny," clever - "smart".

**Volker von Klein. Volker - "National Army". Klein - "small".

***Jervas von Stachelberg. Jervas - "worker of the spear". Stachelberg - Stachel base stands for "thorn" and berg translates as "mountain".

Hello, everybody. The author is with you. I've been gone for more than two days, but I have a good reason. I watched Plastic Memories. Without breaks. Given my psychological state afterwards, I couldn't write. Or rather, I couldn't write anything other than a sad, heartless and merciless drama, and you want it? Well, that's the way it is.

The only thing I want to say is... Isla, thank you for being in our lives.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sliarcratcreators' thoughts