
zhu xian 14

Shaw Danon was afraid, he just wanted to get away from these two strange things, the farther the better. He used all his strength to get up, but before he could take a step, he felt dizzy, his whole body was swaying, his legs were weak, his body tilted and fell on the ground again. The two energies of the green pearl and black rod were entangled in a fierce battle. However, the black energy seemed to have gained the upper hand.

After a moment, the black energy invaded, the green light retreated, unable to resist. At this moment, Shaw Danon suddenly felt a sharp pain in his palm, his heart almost jumped out from his mouth. In his palm, around the Sinister Orb, dark red blood seeped out of his skin, endless, gradually converging into a big drop of blood.

Shaw Danon's body trembled, his face lost all color. Correspondingly, Sinister Orb bathed in the blood drop, immediately the green light brightened, counterattacked, not only turned the situation around, but also gradually suppressed the black energy.

As more and more blood seeped out from his hand, Shaw Danon gradually lost consciousness. The bright red blood flowed up, gradually flowed to the joint between the black stick and Sinister Orb, then stopped flowing. No matter how the green light and the black energy fought, after a moment, the blood seeped in there, gradually dyed the part where the stick and the orb touched red.

A faint smell of blood, floated in the air.

As time passed, the red grew deeper and deeper until it was almost glistening. For some reason, the green light and the black Qi that were originally fighting each other dimmed. Instead of rejecting each other and fighting each other, they gradually showed signs of merging.

After a long time, this strange change finally came to an end, the black stick and green orb completely lost their light, fused together, with a "ka" sound, fell from the unconscious Shaw Danon's hand, fell to the ground.

"Xiao Fan! Xiao Fan! Xiao Shidi! A series of anxious calls, echoed in Shaw Danon's ears.

His mind was a mess, only felt the extreme pain in his head, it seemed like even opening his eyes used up all his strength. Tian LingEr's anxious face with a trace of panic, seemed to be far yet near, slowly became clear in front of his eyes, he moved his lips, quietly called out, "Senior sister."

Hidi was overjoyed, said: "Xiao Fan, you are awake?"

Shaw Danon forced a smile, said: "I am fine, Shijie."

Hidi helped him to sit up, Shaw Danon first looked at his palm, the skin of his right hand was not damaged, except a little pale, there was nothing strange. He was startled, he clearly remembered a large amount of blood came out from his palm, how come there was no trace?

Is that a nightmare?

"Xiao Fan." Tian LingEr saw that after he sat up, he was in a daze and looked as if his soul had left his body. She was worried and pushed him.

Shaw Danon woke up. He was about to tell her about the strange thing, but he didn't know where to start. He thought it was too strange. He startled for a moment, then finally said: "No, nothing, Shijie."

Tian LingEr was then relieved, after she woke up, she saw that the sky was already dark, she was lying under a big pine tree, her junior brother was lying on an empty ground far away, unconscious. She was afraid and quickly ran to Shaw Danon. Luckily she woke him up after a moment.

Hidi looked around, said to Shaw Danon: "Shidi, this place seems strange, we should leave here as soon as possible, tomorrow I will ask mother to come check."

Shaw Danon nodded, was about to get up, suddenly his whole body was in pain, his head was dizzy, if not for Hidi quickly holding him up, he would have fallen down again.

Hidi saw his face was extremely pale, not even a trace of blood could be seen, she was really worried, she carefully helped him up. Shaw Danon calmed himself down, looked at his body, did not see any wound, said: "Shijie, I am just a little dizzy, nothing serious."

Hidi looked at him carefully again, it was true, nodded: "Then we should go back quickly, the sky is already dark, I am afraid father, mother and Shixiongs are all worried."

Shaw Danon said: "Yes."

Hidi took a deep breath, checked her body and found nothing strange, she was wondering why she fainted for no reason. Following that, he gestured with his hand, and with a flash of red light, the Amber Vermillion Soul whizzed out.

Hidi and Shaw Danon were about to go up, suddenly they heard a "squeak" sound, they turned around and saw the grey monkey was standing next to them, grinning at them, his hand was dragging a two feet long stick made of unknown material.

In front of Bamboo Peak's Hall of Quietude, Tian Bolis paced back and forth, his eyebrows frowned, his face was slightly anxious. This morning, his daughter and that useless seventh disciple went to the back of the mountain to cut bamboo and play, until now the sky is dark, they still have not come back. Surin had gone out to search early in the morning, now all the disciples were sent out by him, but there was no trace of them on Bamboo Peak, the surrounding mountains were undulating, dense forest, to find two people was like finding a needle in a haystack.

While he was anxious, suddenly there was a sound of breaking the air, Tian Bolis looked up, it was Surin who came back with the two little rascals. Hidi and Amandla appeared to be fine, but there was a grey monkey on Shaw Danon's shoulder. No one knew where it came from.

Tian Bolis was relieved, but the anger on his face did not recede. Shaw Danon looked at his master, his heart was scared, did not dare to move, lowered his head all the way to his chest. But that grey monkey was very naughty, reached into Shaw Danon's hair, seemingly trying to find a few lice there.

Tian LingEr kept the Amber Vermillion Soul, from the corner of her eyes, she saw her father standing in front of the hall with a face full of anger. Her eyes rolled a few times, her smile was like a flower, extremely innocent and adorable, she bounced and skipped to Tian BuYi's side, pulled his hand and said, "Father, we are back."

Tian Bolis snorted, said: "Where did you go?"

Hidi giggled and said: "When Xiao Fan was chopping bamboo, he was bullied by a monkey. I went to catch it to help Xiao Fan vent his anger. Oh, it's that monkey." Then, she pointed at Shaw Danon.

The grey monkey on Shaw Danon's shoulder was startled, "Zhi zhi" twice, made an angry gesture, then scratched its head, and put its attention back to Shaw Danon's hair.

Tian LingEr made a face at it, and then roughly told it about the chase, and said, "After chasing to the valley, I suddenly felt a wave of nausea, and fainted for some reason. When I woke up, I saw Xiaofan lying on the ground, unconscious. But luckily we were not hurt, when we were about to come back, I saw that the monkey seemed to be very attached to Xiao Fan, so I brought it back. "

Tian Bolis frowned, turned to his wife, said: "What happened?"

Surin shook her head: "When I found them at the back of the mountain, I went down to check, there was nothing unusual. I think it is most likely because Hidi's cultivation is not enough, and she forced herself to ride Phoenix Soul with Xiao Fan, in the end she was exhausted. "

Hidi said coquettishly: "Mom, what are you talking about, how can my cultivation is not enough. Xiao Fan, don't you think so? "

Shaw Danon quickly said: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Tian Bolis rolled his eyes at Shaw Danon, said coldly: "As a Jadeon disciple, being bullied by a monkey, if this gets out, my face will be thrown away by you."

Shaw Danon's face turned red, did not dare to say a word, lowered his head.

Surin walked over, held Hidi's hand, said softly: "You haven't eaten for a day, hungry?"

Hidi stuck out her tongue, smiled: "So hungry, mom!"

Surin glared at her, pulled her to the kitchen, said: "Little kid but big mischief!"

Shaw Danon also felt hungry, but in front of Tian Bolis, he did not dare to move. He heard Surin and Tian LingEr had gone far away, but his master did not make any movement. He secretly looked up and saw there was no one in front of the hall, Tian Bolis had left. Probably in his heart, he was scolding this idiot disciple and felt it was a waste of energy.

Shaw Danon was at a loss, stood there for a long time, until his stomach was roaring, then he turned around, but did not want to go to the kitchen, instead went to his room.

Returning to his room, he closed the door. That gray monkey on his shoulder looked left and right, then squeaked, as if it knew that it was home. It jumped down from his shoulder and scurried to the bed in two or three steps. It jumped up and down, then grabbed the pillow and threw it around, as if it was very happy.

Shaw Danon looked at the grey monkey, a smile appeared on his lips, but it was immediately suppressed by the hunger. He sat next to the table, poured a cup of cold water from the teapot, and drank it.

A chill went straight into his heart.

He sat for a while, then took out something from his clothes, it was that ugly short stick. At this moment, the bead that Pozhi gave him was tightly connected to the unknown short stick, even the color became dark green, black, and the place where it was connected was dark red, like solidified blood stains, not only ugly, but also a little disgusting.

He looked for a while, suddenly smiled bitterly, threw the short stick at the wall. The short stick hit the wall, made a loud sound, then fell down, landed at the corner of the room.

The grey monkey was surprised, looked at Shaw Danon, did not know why he was angry. Shaw Danon sighed, took off his shoes, went to bed, covered his head with the quilt and slept. The monkey touched its head, did not understand.

That night, Shaw Danon tossed and turned, hungry, until late at night, then fell asleep.