
zhu xian 13

Shaw Danon looked at the bead for a while. His breathing gradually calmed down. But aside from the color and brightness, he could not see anything else, so he put it back in his chest. He looked at Tian LingEr beside him and saw that she was still unconscious but her face gradually had colour, her condition was much better.

He picked up that Amber Vermillion Soul and looked at it carefully. This was the first time he looked at this treasure at such a close distance. He felt that it was soft to the touch and very comfortable. Recalling Tian LingEr's graceful figure flying in the air, his heart was filled with envy.

He looked for a while, then made a gesture with his hand like Hidi did, then shouted: "Rise!"

The Amber Vermillion Soul was like a dead snake. It didn't move at all.

"Ji ji ji ji", it was the gray monkey holding its stomach, fell on the ground, laughing.

Shaw Danon glared at it. But after going through the hardship together with the monkey, he felt a little bit closer. The previous hostility was gone. He stuck out his tongue and made a face at the monkey, then ignored it. He put the Phoenix Soul next to Hidi, then looked at the pond in the middle of the open space.

It was a small pond. The area was not big, and the source could not be seen. It was probably formed by the underground spring. The water in the pond was dark green. Looking at it from here, it was impossible to tell how deep it was. There was a gap on the west side of the pond. The water flowed out from there and formed a small stream.

In the middle of the pond, there was a pile of rocks of different sizes and shapes. A small part of them was exposed above the water. Among the rocks, there was a short black stick sticking out of the water. The rest of the stick was submerged in the water. It was black. It was hard to tell what material it was made of. It was very ugly.

Shaw Danon did not mind. He felt this place was strange. It was better to leave early. But Hidi had calmed down, but she was still unconscious. No matter how he called her, she would not wake up. In contrast, the grey monkey was very energetic, scratching its ears and cheeks, scratching tickles and catching lice, could not calm down for even a moment. It even went into the forest and picked some wild fruits from somewhere, threw two to Shaw Danon, then sat on the ground and ate them with relish.

Shaw Danon took a bite of the wild fruit. It was sweet and juicy. His appetite increased. He went up the mountain in the early morning and chased all the way. It was almost noon now, and he had not had a single drop of water. He was already hungry. He ate one in two or three mouthfuls and was about to pick up the second one when he suddenly shook his head and gently placed it beside Tian LingEr.

After eating the fruit, the hunger in Shaw Danon's stomach was reduced, and his spirit was much better. He stood up and stretched his body. He looked around, only to see the ancient trees and the gurgling brook. The scenery was quite beautiful, but who would have thought that it would be so strange.

At that moment, Shaw Danon felt his chest was hot, then he heard "ka ka ka" sound, like something was broken. He was shocked and quickly took out the bead from his chest. He was shocked to see that the entire bead was glowing with a green light. The green gas inside was like a wolf and a tiger, desperately hitting the wall of the bead. The 'swastika' mantra that was stopping it was getting weaker and weaker. It was getting dimmer and dimmer. It looked like it would not be able to withstand it.

How could Shaw Danon know, this seemingly ordinary bead, is actually the world's most dangerous object - "Sinister Orb". The origin of this bead was unknown, but it has a strange characteristic. It is fond of living creatures' blood. If any living creatures get close to it, their blood will be sucked dry by "Sinister Orb" and they will die, leaving only their skin. It is really a very terrifying evil item. Thousands of years ago, this bead was obtained by the Felkin elder Elder Blackheart. Because of his blood sucking ability, he made it into an esper. For a time, it was invincible, killed many righteous people, and became one of the four treasures of the Felkin. After the death of Elder Blackheart, the bead disappeared without a trace.

Tian Yin Temple PuZhi Divine Monk by chance, thirty years ago in the Western Great Marsh accidentally discovered this fierce pearl, at that time within a radius of ten miles, white bones piled up, there were no living things, it could be said that the people were in misery and suffering, resentment soaring to the sky. Puzhi's merciful heart was moved, he used Buddhism's great power to keep it, after that every day and night he used Buddhism's Subduing Evil Secret Technique on it, to deter the evil power, for thirty years without a break, he also used Buddhism's most valuable treasure 'Jadeite Prayer Beads' to use its pure energy to resist the blood-devouring evil thoughts, finally this evil spirit was suppressed, tightly bound in the beads, under layers of Buddhist power, it could not see the light of day.

Unexpectedly, in the battle of Grasstemple Village, Puzhi was heavily wounded by the mysterious black-clothed man. Although the black-clothed man was wounded and escaped, Puzhi knew he was not hurt. He also knew that the black-clothed man was determined to get the "Sinister Orb". After he took the "Three Days Must Die Pill", he could only extend his life by three days. So he took the risk and gave the Sinister Orb to Shaw Danon. He told him not to show it in front of others and to throw it down the cliff. Although it may hurt some innocent people, it was much better than falling into the hands of the heretic.

But Puzhi never expected that Shaw Danon remembered his kindness and kept this evil item as a souvenir. This "Sinister Orb" lost the suppression of Puzhi's Buddhist magic, and without the pure energy of Jadeite Rosary to resist, the evil spirit's energy began to corrode the prohibition. But Skysong Temple's Exorcist magic was not simple. Although the prohibition lost its master, it was still loyal to its duty and suppressed the evil spirit's energy for three whole years. But as time passed, it could not withstand it anymore. Gradually, it became weaker and weaker. Today, the Sinister Orb was about to break out of the prohibition and bring disaster to the world.

Although Shaw Danon did not know all the twists and turns, he already had a bad feeling. During the battle of Grasstemple, when Puzhi was fighting with the black-clothed man, the incantation of "Shaman" appeared many times. Although he was young, he remembered it very well. Seeing the situation of the incantation on the Sinister Orb was getting more and more dangerous, he became anxious. He gripped the orb tightly, channeled his shallow "Fawin Wisdom" and infused it into the orb.

Both of them were from the same source. The incantation of "Shaman" on the Sinister Orb brightened a lot. But before Shaw Danon could smile, it dimmed again. At the same time, a cold energy invaded his body. Half of Shaw Danon's body became numb.

The grey monkey saw Shaw Danon's face was in pain. The green energy on his face brightened. It called out anxiously. But Shaw Danon did not care much. He felt all the blood in his body was flowing in reverse toward the direction of the strange orb on his right hand. The Fawin Wisdom in his body collapsed immediately. It was not the opponent of the cold energy. His meridians were convulsing and painful.

He could not bear it any longer, staggered a few steps back, suddenly his body trembled again, a familiar nauseous feeling returned, rushed straight to his internal organs, he had accidentally entered that empty space again, just that this time, there was no longer that warm air to resist.

The grey monkey was very anxious and kept squeaking, but it didn't dare to take another step into the open space no matter what.

Shaw Danon's soul left his body. He did not know what to do. He felt his body was hot and cold, like thousands of ants were biting him. He wanted to vomit, but there was nothing to vomit. It was worse than death. His consciousness became blurred. He stumbled forward. He did not know he had gone in the wrong direction. All the strength in his body was disappearing.

His body was shaking. His limbs were weak. His feet were soft. He sat on the ground. He had reached the edge of the pool. He used the last bit of his energy to activate Pure Essence. He managed to draw some spirit into his body and turned it into Fawin Wisdom. It relieved the pain a little. But after a moment, it was gone. Shaw Danon did not care much. He tried his best to ease the pain. But the cold energy was too strong. There was a strange feeling of nausea. It almost turned his organs inside out and went straight to his brain. Stars were flashing in his eyes. His breathing was disordered. Suddenly he felt something sweet in his throat. He spat out a mouthful of blood and almost fainted.

At this moment, a muffled sound was heard. In that instant, it was like the sky darkened. The Sinister Orb glowed with green light, the entire orb turned green. A dim golden light flashed. The Buddhism's "Swastika" mantra was completely shattered. Shaw Danon's body was immediately shrouded by green energy. Like a bloodthirsty demon, reborn.

However, the strange thing was not over. Almost at the same time when the green gas regained its freedom, a loud sound came from the middle of the pool. Suddenly, the wind and clouds surged, and the gravel in the pool shot out in all directions, making banging sounds. The green pool water rippled. It spun rapidly around the center and became a large whirlpool. And in the middle of the whirlpool, between the splashes of water, an object slowly emerged. It was that black short stick. It was about two feet long and seemed to be made of neither metal nor metal. A wave of fiendish aura rushed out.

Shaw Danon screamed and fell backward. The Sinister Orb seemed to be stuck to his palm and could not be shaken off. Faintly, it could be seen that a faint blood color was slowly entering into the orb from Shaw Danon's body.

A whistling sound, in the sound of water waves, the black short stick suddenly shot out, charged at the green Sinister Orb. After a moment, a loud bang, the two ferocious objects collided together. Shaw Danon was shaken, his whole body was thrown up more than ten feet high. On the ground below him, a large pit was created by the strong force.

Shaw Danon fell back to the ground. His seven orifices were bleeding. His head was dizzy. But the pain in his body seemed to have lessened. He only saw a patch of red in front of him, his eyes were bleeding, he used his hands to rub his eyes, only to see that strange black stick smashing onto the Sinister Orb, the black energy was endless, attacking forward. Sinister Orb seemed to have intelligence. It knew it was a great enemy. It withdrew the green energy and used all its strength to resist. The cold and nauseous feeling in Shaw Danon's body gradually faded.

Shaw Danon was panting, frightened. He swung his hand, but the two strange things were like a part of his hand, he could not shake them off. The black gas and green light were still fighting against each other.