
Mythical Class

I woke up because of the shaking ground and the trees falling down I live quite far from the city, so I was more or less used to earthquake's but this one was different it was allot stronger then the normal ones, I ran to my TV turned it on the news channel it was happening all over the world. ‘is this the end of the world’ I said out loud, a minute after that all was pitch black I passed out, the next thing I know I wake up In a really soft bet with smooth silk blankets, this looks familiar just… just like the manor I built in the city game I stand up look outside the big window connected to a balcony, I was still in my world all the mountains where the same the city in the distance was also the same the only difference was this big city, or so I thought next thing I see a big bird like thing fly in the sky, no it was no bird like thing this THIS WAS A DRAGON. This is my first actual novel so tips are always welcome, and thank you for trying it.

Kaiju_9 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

city’s downfall


As I came back to reality I thought about what to do.

"Your majesty what should we do?"

That is when I remembered something in the game I played there was a guild I created for the protection against the monsters that roam in the world.

So I command the following.

'First give me a mask to cover my face with, second get 5 strong swordsman from the guild we will go out there and kill all the monsters to save the people that are close to our borders'

As to why I need a mask simple. I want to hide my identity for now if people know me they would be confused and in the state they are right now it wont help.

"Yes your majesty, but why swordsman and not magicians?"

'Simple, we came to an unknown land where the people are freaking out at the sight of monsters, thus I conclude they need to get used to this so if we get the strongest magician to kill the monsters imagine their shock, they are already in shock, and have many emotions borreld up inside, they lost loved ones, so seeing a powerful spell right now would not help the situation of these people.'

"I understand your majesty!"

10 minutes later.

We met everyone at the gate, the beautiful woman called Sophia gave me the beautiful mask I asked it was made out of the most beautiful gems and something that I have never seen before as the outline of the mask.

I was a bit confused it had no holes in the part where my eyes should go.

I focus my eyes on the mask.

King's mask: leaks out an aura that is terrifying yet beautiful.

+20 mana +5 defense +8 speed

I was stunned but didn't have the time to be so I put it on without thinking and I could see trough it, I was confused and impressed I would have to ask Sophia later about it. Next she gave me a Katana, it was also a really impressive item in my eyes.

King's katana: A katana made for king's, lets your mind feel calm and collected when needed.

+50 speed +25 strength +15 defense

These numbers are even more terrifying then the mask, shortly after that we left the city and went outside. It smells disgusting outside the smell of blood, we see a big group of people running towards us, and not far behind the group I could see some monsters running after them.

I turn my face towards the 5 strongest swordsman in our city.

'Kill those filthy monsters leave nothing behind!'

They could hear a faint sense of rage withing my words.

I was panting a little bit underneath my mask, I realized that this worlds rules where changed, its no longer civilized people, or people that have studied that make the rules! No this became a world where only the strong can make the rules!

The 5 people look at me with the will to fight for their city.

"Yes your majesty"

They vanished from their spot almost instantly after that. I saw them in the swarms of monsters killing every single one of them.

'Sophia, get allot of doctors here we need to be prepared for these people also notify the hotels to prepare food and rooms if they ask for payment tell them, that ill pay for everything'

"yes sire"

She also vanished from her spot. I walk I little more towards the people, while I did I saw the group of people stop in their tracks looking at me.


I shout while releasing a little of the kings aura so everyone would focus on my words and no one would stray away. The peoples faces changed from despair and fear to a little more relaxed face.


They started walking towards the city gate, when I noticed some monsters coming towards us. My heart started to beat faster and faster.

I disappear from the spot where I was standing, dashing towards the creatures that killed so many people. I let out the King's aura to its fullest. The monsters stopped running towards us, they felt the pressure, everyone could feel the pressure, they felt like a huge palm could kill them right on the spot like they where flies.

I dashed towards the monsters, I stand behind them now I swing the katana to the right to clean it a bit of all the blood that is hanging on it.

The 3 monsters fell apart they had not even a chance to fight back.

'Well that was easier then expected'

+4 status points are given.

Congratulations! Learned skill swordsman

+ 1 lvl swordsman

+ 1 lvl swordsman

+ 1 lvl swordsman

'I will check out my status later'

I feel eye's staring at me from the group some are in admiration some in fear and some with curiosity.

The 5 people I send out, are back.

"Your majesty, we completed the order"

'Good jobs, I owe you guys a favor'

"No need sir, we are happy enough helping the city out"

I smiled at them and, we are going back to where Sophia is.

'how does it look?'

"Most of them will be fine but some have really serious injuries."

'what about their mental state'

"Most are in shock but with the help of our best doctors and psychiatrists, they will be fine"

'Good, and how many are there in total?'

"Let me see, there are 200 people in total, 37 elderly, 59 woman, 67 men, and 37 children."

'Okay make sure the kids get the best care and feel like they are at home, settle everyone in and build more houses I have a feeling these are not the last people we will see I these days!'

'Oh yea and just in case build more orphanages, I'm afraid not everyone will be lucky enough to have their parents survive... also send out 10 squads of 5 people to go into the city and search for more survivors!'

"Yes sir!"

'Also after everything is calm take these monster corpses to the science lab. Let them experiment with it see if there are things useful to us, or just useless.'

she gives me a nod.

I walk past the group of people, when a young boy catches my eye he has a strong look in his eyes.

'I see no grown up around you are you alone?'

he looks up to me, he looks no older then 6

"That's right, I lost my parents and older sister told me to run towards the mountains and forest while they stayed behind to buy time, will you go help them mister?"

'well… if u tell me where they last were ill send some of my finest men to help them how about that?'

I pat him while asking. I hope its not to late

"Okay, you see that big building near the outside of the city that's where they stayed with allot more people from the police and military!"

he says with a hopeful voice.

I look at the 5 people who just killed the monsters

'Can you guys still go on or you need to rest?'

The strongest one of the group named Levi looks at the other 4 people and they give him a slight nod.

"Sir we can go to the city and save as many people as possible, if that's what you want of course?"

'Yes go as fast as possible ill ask Sophia to send backup and thank you guys!'

they once again disappear from their place and can be seen running towards the city where all the chaos is.

'Sophia I need you to contact the guild and let them send their strong swordsman and also mages this time. Tell them they need to go to the city to help and protect as many people as possible!'

"I'm right on it sir"

She said while holding a phone against her ear, I look back at the kid and decide ill take him with me in the mean time, clean him up and give him a fresh pair of clothes.

I can see that he is strong minded and I wanna see that bloom into something spectacular. I'm definitely in need of strong people from this planet for in the future to lead those that are weaker.

'So what is your name little fella?'

I ask wile messing his hair up.

"I'm not little, and my name is Noah Blois!"

Noah Blois huh.

'ill see you soon Noah.'

I went back in the city, the first thing that happens is my realization of what I just did, I killed

something, I start to run towards the mansion I woke up from.

I rush towards the bathroom not realizing how fast I was going I was there in mere seconds while a normal person running would do 30 minutes about it.


I slam open the doors, I trow my mask and katana on the bed and run towards my bathroom and throw up.

After trowing up I cleanse my mouth with water and wash my face I look at my reflection.

I am disgusted with myself at how I could mindlessly kill something, next was anger at how all this could have happened all the innocent people that would be killed by these monsters.


Something happened, my eyesight was gone I could only see short movies play before me about how monsters are killing humans my people

'is this a dream?'

but a scene I was familiar with played that changed my mind it was me killing the monsters these are no dreams these scenes are things that happened or are about to happen.

I opened my eyes and I am as calm as could be.

'I'll kill everyone or thing that threatens my city, status.'


Name: Raiden Glaucus

Class: Mythical

Age: 22

Strength: 15

Speed 15

Intelligence: 18

Spirit: 8

Mana: 85/85

Luck: 9

Defense: 10

Status points: 4



Passive skills:

Fear resistance lvl 11, Calm mind lvl 5, Elemental love lvl ∞, King's aura lvl 25, Pain resistance lvl 6

Non-passive skills:

Mana absorption lvl 12, Fire element lvl 1, Water element lvl 1, Wind element lvl 4, Earth element lvl 1, Ice element lvl 4, Swordsman lvl 3, Spacial element lvl 0,

skill points: 0
