
Mythical class

march 21 2098


I was playing on my phone as usual at this time of the day, it is an app that is only played by me where you need to built your own village.

I have a whole village with roughly 1753 villagers there are all variety of ages, old people, adults, kids, etc, the village is what you usually come across in the real world quite modern and a bit more advanced, the hospitals are top notch even better then the real ones. The game has it all, after I was done with the game I just went to sleep.

March 22 2098


I woke up because of the shaking ground and the trees falling down I live quite far from the city, so I was more or less used to earthquake's but this one was different it was allot stronger then the normal ones, I ran to my TV turned it on the news channel

it was happening all over the world.

'is this the end of the world'

I said out loud, a minute after that all was pitch black I passed out, the next thing I know I wake up In a really soft bed with smooth silk blankets, this looks familiar just… just like the manor I built in the city game I stand up look outside the big window connected to a balcony, I was still in my world all the mountains where the same the city in the distance was also the same the only difference was this big city, or so I thought next thing I see a big bird like thing fly in the sky, no it was no bird like thing this THIS WAS A DRAGON.

The city defense system kicked in, I remember in game that this would happen sometimes when a dragon cam the city would turn invincible, I stood there watching the dragon fly towards the city I ran back inside my body started shaking cold sweat falling of my forehead.

Congratulations gained skill: fear resistance

I was shocked at this sudden voice in my head, but I couldn't focus I heard the violent wind, the wings flapping up and down from the dragon I almost pissed myself and once again blackness befell upon me, I woke up 15 minutes later at the headache I was experiencing I kept hearing the voice.

+1 lvl fear resistance

+1 lvl fear resistance

+1 lvl fear resistance

+1 lvl fear resistance

+1 lvl fear resistance

+1 lvl fear resistance

+1 lvl fear resistance


I am so glad It is over, after some time recollecting my thoughts I stand up go to the immense bathroom to freshen myself up and put on new clothes after enjoying the best shower in my whole life I put on a suit that fit perfect, after that I sit down on the bed and say.

'status screen'


Name: Raiden Glaucus

Class: Mythical

Age: 22

Strength: 15

Speed 13

Intelligence: 18

Spirit: 8

Mana: 75/75

Luck: 9

Defense: 6

Status points: 15


I was unexpectedly calm when it showed in front of my eyes, my class is... mythical? I don't know what this means but I am happy non the less it sounds special. I also don't know if I should be happy with these numbers or sad I have no one around here right now to compare it with, but something caught my eye my mana was 75 and the rest was not even above the 20s, it could mean I'm very weak in everything and my mana was just regular or reversed I was average for everything and my mana was high, of course I hope the latter I will find out eventually the next words that come out of my mouth where of course the obvious.

'skill screen'


Passive skills:

Fear resistance lvl 11, Calm mind lvl 3, Elemental love lvl ∞

Non-passive skills:

Mana absorption lvl 12, Fire element lvl 1, Water element lvl 1, Wind element lvl 1, Earth element lvl 1, Ice element lvl 1, Spacial element lvl 0

skill points: 15


'Oh that explains why I was so calm after I woke back up and didn't freak out'

And calm mind explains why I didn't feel anything when the screen popped up before my eyes, but what really peaked my interest was the Elemental love skill would everyone get those skills or is it the same as in games but instead of choosing the class u want it just gives u one at random. Interesting maybe that is why I have the basic elemental skills but there is an extra skill spacial manipulation… strange ill worry about it later, I'm more curious about the city I built in game so I went outside the room and was met with a big hallway with a few rooms, but I ignored them all and went downstairs the income hall was absurdly huge, I opened the doors and was met with a fresh summer breeze I breathed the fresh air in that now feels different, it must be the mana that is in the air everywhere.

I walked through the big garden where some people where working and greeted me politely I greeted them with a slid nod I was not used to people greeting me and being respectful towards me I was mostly ignored by people around me so this felt like a fresh sip o f water u get when you wake up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth, it made me extremely happy so I took a stroll trough the city and was faced with the same thing everyone greeting me respectfully till someone in a beautiful suit greeted me.

"good morning king how was your nights sleep"

this threw me off a bit but nor a second later I responded with a smile

'it was a good nights sleep I slept amazingly'

wow the calm mind skill really helps allot, I was looking forward to allot more skills I could gain that passively work.

"ah that is great to hear my king, but why are you out without the usual guards?"

'I just felt like taking a stroll in peace without the feeling of someone tail me all the time and what could go wrong in this beautiful city of mine!'

I said with a confident face and smile.

"yes of course, and indeed this city you created is beautiful"

the man said with one of those smiles that you just know are genuine which made me very happy, the city I build in the game for 2 years is actually reality and he thinks that its beautiful. I had a little chat about trivial things with the older person named Sam, I said my goodbyes and strolled further in the city, all the shops that where open the hospitals everything was as beautiful as I imagined it would be.

I took a deep breath of fresh air and went back to my residence. I was greeted with 5 guards giving of a powerful aura but had worried looks on their face, the biggest one came up to me giving off the strongest aura of them all I looked up to his firm yet beautiful face for a guy and took a big swallow.

"Your majesty we where looking everywhere, where were you?"

he asked with puppy eyes, he looked like a big dog.

' Haha, I felt like taking taking a stroll this morning on my own enjoying the beautiful view this city has to offer so no need to be worried.'

once again the answer came so natural, that is when I heard the voice again in my head.

Skill: A king's aura has been added successfully

I wanted to see what this skill did so I quickly apologized to the guards and went back inside to the oversize living room with everything squeaky clean, the couches where made of the finest leather and on top of it the softest cushions I ever felt in my entire life.

I sat down and pulled the skill screen up.


Passive skills:

Fear resistance lvl 11, Calm mind lvl 3, Elemental love lvl ∞, king's aura lvl 20

Non-passive skills:

Mana absorption lvl 12, Fire element lvl 1, Water element lvl 1, Wind element lvl 1, Earth element lvl 1, Ice element lvl 1, Spacial element lvl 0

skill points: 15


I focused my eyes on the skill king's aura and there was a description

king's aura: emits an aura different from everyone, calm and collected in every answer and decision you do or make, normal people will feel a pressure from the aura you emit, if the skill bearer feels like it, the higher the skill level the more pressure can be put upon people.

That explains allot, but why is it already lvl 20?

then I remembered it.

'a yes'

Its from the game my king was lvl 20, that is the only explanation I could think of.

I looked at the skills I already have and thought it would be better to split up my skill points after I know what the skill does.

So I checked the description of the skills I had.

Skill: spatial element: lets you manipulate the space around you however you see fit.

ERROR Lvl too low to see full description.

A sudden headache came my head felt like it would burst open.

congratulations gained skill: pain resistance

+1 lvl pain resistance

+1 lvl pain resistance

+1 lvl pain resistance

+1 lvl pain resistance

then the headache suddenly stopped, it was like nothing had happened man was I glad I gained this skill and ill also leave the spacial skill for now, I once again looked at the skill screen and zoomed in on the rest of the skills.

Skill: Fire element: control fire however you see fit

Skill: Water element: control water however you see fit

Skill: Wind element: control wind however you see fit

Skill: Earth element: control earth however you see fit

Skill: ice element: control ice however you see fit

Hmm so pretty basic explanation and pretty basic skills except for the ice element and spacial element. I think the ice element would be a perfect fit for me ill try it out.

The next thing I knew I saw some ice particles form a sharp spear like object, after playing with it and guiding it around myself and the living room I somewhat became used to it and I actually want to test out how strong it is so I went outside found the nearest tree and send the ice spear fly towards the tree.

The tree was not badly damaged but you could see some cracks on it

and I was pretty happy for it being a lvl 1 skill it had pretty decent fire power.

And I tried it with all the rest of the skills.

Next came fire, I managed to make a ball of fire and send it towards the ground so not to burn the tree, the ground had a little crater it was descent, but I still liked the ice element more.

Next up was the water element, I send a ball of water towards the tree, as expected not really powerful.

Next was the wind element instead of using it as a weapon I tried to use it as a manner to export myself like flying.

I levitated for about 5 seconds and I was 1 meter of the ground, I liked the wind element.

Next up was earth, I tested its fire power first I send spikes from the ground into the tree it did a significant amount of damage, and then I tested its defense capability's.

I put up a wall of 1 meter in length and 1 meter in height I shot 2 ice spears towards



The wall still stood strong with some cracks in it but it was definitely useful.

+1 lvl ice element

+1 lvl earth element

+1 lvl defense

Hoo look at that I leveled up my skills and my defense by just using some skills that is good to know, now how to distribute the skill points and also the status points? I brought both my status window and kill window up.


Name: Raiden Glaucus

Class: Mythical

Age: 22

Strength: 15

Speed 13

Intelligence: 18

Spirit: 8

Mana: 12/75

Luck: 9

Defense: 7

Status points: 15



Passive skills:

Fear resistance lvl 11, Calm mind lvl 3, Elemental love lvl ∞, King's aura lvl 20, Pain resistance lvl 4

Non-passive skills:

Mana absorption lvl 12, Fire element lvl 1, Water element lvl 1, Wind element lvl 1, Earth element lvl 1, Ice element lvl 1, Spacial element lvl 0

skill points: 15


I put 10 of my status points in mana so my mana right now is 85 in total and the other 5 points ill split them up 3 in defense and 2 in speed.


Name: Raiden Glaucus

Class: Mythical

Age: 22

Strength: 15

Speed 15

Intelligence: 18

Spirit: 8

Mana: 13/85

Luck: 9

Defense: 10

Status points: 0


Now as for my skills ill put like 3 in ice element for now and 3 in the wind element,

and 2 in pain resistance and 2 in calm mind and 5 in kings aura.


Passive skills:

Fear resistance lvl 11, Calm mind lvl 5, Elemental love lvl ∞, King's aura lvl 25, Pain resistance lvl 6

Non-passive skills:

Mana absorption lvl 12, Fire element lvl 1, Water element lvl 1, Wind element lvl 4, Earth element lvl 1, Ice element lvl 4, Spacial element lvl 0

skill points: 0


I was happy with the levels of my skills when I was done I heard someone coming in, it was a beautiful woman with white hair and the most bluest eye's I have ever seen in the entire world.

"Your Majesty, there are people coming to the city asking for help!"

That is when when I came back to reality dragons where flying around and assuming that would also mean there are monsters roaming around and the city would probably be in trouble.


first of all let me thank you for reading the first chapter of my first novel ever!

second of all if you have any tips or sugestions you could always leave them in the comments, that would help me out allot once again thank you!

Kaiju_9creators' thoughts
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