

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 15: Sexless or boy-girl

He smiled mocking himself. "why don't you give birth to a baby for me lets fly around the world together" Ifada said looking lovingly at Ason , she was so happy because that was what she had been waiting for, she quickly moved over to Ifada and sat on his lap. Having being intoxicated by alcohol Ifada did not know what he was doing anymore. He held her firmly with one hand inside her big boo "You will give birth to a baby for me but the baby will neither be a boy or a girl, what should I call it…..uhmmm sexless or boy-girl" he said happilyOn hearing the last statement Ason was shocked, but knowing that he was under the influence of alcohol she corrected him saying "Our baby is either going to be a boy or a girl not sexless or boy-girl and we are going to live ...."before she could finish her statement Ifada had sealed up her mouth with a kiss, he kissed her passionately with his hand going straight into her blouse, she could not imagine that even at his drunken state he would still left her breathless. In the nest seconds he grabbed her waist wanting to rid her of her clothes. Ason was so happy with how fast things were going but snapped back to sense that they were in public place, close to the door for that matter and it would be shameful to have sex in front of so many people. She quickly held his hand and said "let's do it in my room not here" pulling him up. They both left the bar holding onto each other.Immediately they got to the room Ifada fell straight to the bad and slept off, Ason was so disappointed, this means that Ifada will not touch her she complained in her mind, she have to move fast because Ifada will never lay his hands on her on his right mind, she removed Ifada clothes and also her clothes and scattered them on the floorOn the other hand when Doctor Uwaifo, Ifada good friend left the ward, he had read between the line that mama Itoya must had driven Ifada way and it will be very difficult for Ifada to come and check on his wife during this period, so he arranged for a nurse to take care of Itoya and her mother needs while they were in the hospital.The next morning Ason woke up before Ifada so she arranged herself properly into Ifada arms and pretended to still be asleep. Ifada woke up with headache, he felt he was holding someone on his arm and remembered that his wife had been hospitalized and opened his eyes to see that he was holding onto his wife best friend, he was shocked, he used his other hand that was not engage to open up the blanket, to his dismay they were both naked. How could this be, he thought to himself the only thing he was able to remember clearly was that he was eating with Ason, he got drunk and was saying all sort of things he wouldn't had said, he also remembered telling Ason to give birth to his child. When he remembered how passionate he had kissed Ason he was disappointed in himself to find himself to also find himself on her bed Oh I have failed I slept with my wife best friend while she is being hospitalized, he told himself and gently woke Ason up. Ason pretended as if she didn't know what was going on, she checked herself and quickly used the blanket to cover her body and used her hand to also cover her face. Ifada jumped down from the bed facing another direction and put on his clothes. After putting on his clothes he felt so ashamed of himself he turned his face slowly to look at the woman on the bed like a child that has done something wrong, when his eyes met with her eyes he quickly turned his face away and said "am sorry" "You shouldn't be, we are adults and there is nothing wrong in what had just transpired between us" she said sadly in pretence"what about my wife, you are her best friend and you are well respected by her, she will be heartbroken if she gets wind of it that we slept with each other" Ifada said but Ason laughed in her heart because she only see Itoya as an enemy."that is if you tell her, or will you tell her and destroy the relationship that we had built for years, do you want the people of Ewosa and Ubiaja to label me as a home wrecker and a dangerous friend that people will need to avoid?" she said almost crying at least for the time being she need to keep low key because Itoya is still hospitalized While Ifada was still looking opposite direction but he could tell that she was at the verge of breaking down "No, no I will not tell her, this must be a secrete between us I will never tell anyone" he said consoling herIfada walked closer to the door and put his hand on the door knob and stop on his track, he turned slowly and said "please let's stay away from each other from now on because I don't want what happened last night to repeat itself again, and please let's not spill the beans so that we will not call for unnecessary attention". Ifada said hoping that things will return back to its normal place.Immediately he finished talking to her, he opened the door and left Ason apartment. Ason did not utter anything she watched him talked all he had to say before leaving the major thing was that the deal had been done and he did not discovered that he never touched her throughout the night apart from kissing, nothing actually happened between them . She was so happy; at least she has what to hold onto.