

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 11: Your son is a second hand

"For now take care of your wife, when she recovers we will discuss the way forward" Emu said calmly. While his wife was not settled all this while they were discussing. If she had not aborted the pregnancy even after the death of Ose we would have had an unborn baby to hope on, but now Ose is gone, the pregnancy is gone and she does not have womb to conceive another baby. She no longer have use in this family, God forbids such a liability in this family. Thank God that Itohan is still very much available, I can arrange them to be together when the time come, she thought in her mind.When Ifada left his parents home he went straight to the hospital while his mother went to her friend and narrated everything that happened between Itoya and Ifada. Omo was so sad for her friend, Ifada was the first child and only son of his parents that was the reason they allowed him to marry early even when they were not happy that he would be dropping out of school so as to take care of his wife and after four years of his marriage to Itoya they had Ose, child birth was what united Itoya to her parents in law but the bound is cracking, before it breaks there need to be a replacement."Where is Itoya presently" Omo asked "she is in the hospital and my son had gone there to accompany her" Ifada's mother said pitifully and continued "remember I was never in support of Itoya marring my son in the first place , my mind had always be on your daughter"."Uhmmm"."Yes I mean what I said"."we agreed that our children will get married but your son abandoned my daughter when he saw a younger flower, he was not even patient to finish his secondary education before he dumped her, how am I sure he will not do it again when he sees a much younger girl tomorrow I will not agree to this" Omo said angrily."Please help a friend in need and I will never disappoint you" she said helplessly."My dear friend you are not in need but desperate" Omo said without emotion.Ifada's mother went down on her knees, put her two hands together to beg her friend "I can't deny the fact that am desperate, you of all people know that Ifada is my only son, even if my husband is no worried now, am worried" "Do you think Itohan that has gone to teacher training college and come back will want to marry your son who stopped his education in secondary school?""Why not, my son is still young and able" she whispered more to herself, but Omo got wind of what she said"Your son is a second hand and I don't think my pretty and well educated daughter will want to have anything to do with a second handed husband""you daughter still have feelings for my son, have you ever imagined why she went to Edo and came back without being engaged to any of all the promising men around her. The last time I went to Edo to visit my daughter in her school I ran into your daughter and a guy discussing in their school canteen, she told him that she cannot open her heart to any man because her heart had been sealed by the love of someone she cannot approach because he was married, I was so sad for your daughter at that time but I will not be able to change the fact that my son had only Itoya in his eyes at that time. "Did she see you" Omo was shocked that her friend knows about her daughter secret, but did not show it in her voice"no I was sitting quietly behind them, I also left quietly because I was heartbroken that my son is the pain of my good friend's daughter, her secret are safe with me" she said hoping to get a positive result from her friend"You are wrong my friend, my daughter will never weep over a man because men are all over her and she is waiting patiently for the right choice". She said still trying to build her ego."what will happen to Ifada because the only two women he is close to apart from his sisters is Itoya and Itohan , he will never fancy any other woman , please help me" she sobbedOmo was confused because she had always told her daughter to remove Ifada from her mind because Ifada belongs to another woman and she does not want her precious daughter to turn out to become a second wife, which is not what she wanted for her daughter. Knowing the special place occupied by Itoya in his heart she could not bear to see her daughter living a sad life ,so all she had to do is to avoid it because she had already being heart broken when Ifada choose Itoya over her. She did not know what to say to her friend. Ifada and Itohan are two years apart, they grew up together. They were like teeth and tongue that always go together; they quarrel, fight and settle themselves without external interference. To Itohan Ifada was her prince charming, even their parent were waiting for the right time to regard themselves as in-law but Ifada only sees Itohan as his younger sister until Itoya entered the picture when it done on them that they could never be in-laws, after Ifada married Itoya, Itohan was forced to leave Ewosa for Edo to attend a three years teacher training course.Looking at her speechless friend she continued "please help me" "It's not in my power to decide for my daughter, she is old enough to choose for herself" she said bluntlyMama Ifada had a little hope that things will work on the side of her friend; she embraced her friend without warning.