
My way through marvel

Every thing is owned by their people. i only own OC'S A guy gets reincarnated in marvel( with comic elements) and will do his own thing no matter what people say. He will mess things up or he will let thing go as is. lets wait and see. He will be the biggest scumbag so if u don't like don read ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i will do it the way i want to is you have negative things to say please dont i already lost interest in my other stories because of other people so if u dont like it just please stay away

tykee554 · Films
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 ~ Slaughter

'April we are starting now, it's time to pick my first avatar'

[Yes sir, where do you want to start.]

'The Constellation That Returned From Hell, but I want to change some things and I need to pick my starting point.'

[Ok Ty, what do you want to change]

'1st I want to be the MC, 2nd I want him to train with batons. I want to appear after he leaves the first mana storm.'

[Leaving in 3..2..1..]


Getting up off the ground I look around and I'm beyond excited, this all still feels like a dream to me. I see my batons a few feet away, going to pick them up I'm hit with his memories. I'm not an expert but it looks like the technique was changed for the batons, so it's a plus for me. Picking up the batons it felt like they were an extension of my body.

I felt my feet vibrate, I knew what caused this vibration the pokemon. "hahaha" I can not wait to see what kind of Constellation I will become.

Running to the rock snake, I start to go through the motions. Then I felt it, I felt something swell up in my body. Once I struck it again it exploded, it was an incredible feeling.

{Baton arts ranked up}

{You have reached first class}

"THIS FEELS AMAZING" I shouted to the sky

I looked at the rock snake.

"I can not hear you but from now on I'm your master nod your head if you understand." I said with a menacing smile

It nods its head eagerly. I hopped on its head

"Alright, let's go walk around until we find a magic storm," I said with a smile

I couldn't see it but I know it was scared. Walking around for a few hours we found the magic storm, signaling it to go on through the storm. I did the same breathing style the previous owner did, I could feel my body filling with more power.

We walked for a while until we arrived at the poison water knowing what I had to do, I dived in the water to start killing every fish I could in that breath. My hits didn't have much power in them considering I'm trying to hit them in the water. Leaving the water with two fishes in hand I started eating them including the bones, drinking the water when I'm thirsty. Mind you it tasted like cherries, I'm not a fan of cherry flavor anything.

For the next 150 years that's all I did, fight fish and talk to rock snake. Now that I haven't seen any fish for two days it's time to leave.

"It's time for me to leave now"

It dropped its head down but reluctantly agreed, but it still gave me the adamantium. I gave it a hug then dived into the water, looking at the bright light and reaching for it.

{The divine cosmic art anticipates a fight}

{All ki gate have been opened automatically}

Looking at all these ugly creatures I don't even hesitate to start the slaughter, bodies are dropping left and right. It's one of the times I'm thanking the heavens I can't hear them.

While I'm killing them I start to talk to April.

'Hey April, long time no talk. Can you collect the bodies automatically and sell them for me.'

[It was certainly been a long time, but I can do that easily.]

'I also need you to buy supernatural senses and a blindfold that blocks the senses of whatever it's covering.'

[Ok Ty]

I continue to fight the demons and I'm having a blast seeing the break and the blunt force trauma im inducing. I can feel the biggest grin creep on my face. I stopped for seconds to put the blindfold on and then continued the slaughter.

A couple of hundred years later, to be precise 479 years later.

They stopped rushing me this is the first time I took a break since it started.(i took my blindfold off) The feeling of fighting with just my nose was amazing It was slowly getting stronger because of my Absolute body. I looked at the hunter's card.

{Name: Choi Yeonseung

Hunter Rank: B

Aptitude: Martial Arts

Prowess: Master

A Rank: Divine Cosmic Art

A Rank: Dantian Alignment

A Rank: Martial Arts Aptitude

A Rank: Martial Arts expertise

? Rank: World Resonance}


It seems I'm missing skills the original had but my hunter's grade is better. Can't tell if that's good or bad but ill roll with the punches.

Then I see a demon he's different from the rest he's bulky, and he starts to transform his body getting bigger and taller.

There was no hesitation in my attack dodging blows. He backs away and starts charging an attack. Anticipating some sort of beam attack I put my guard up. In the next second blood starts to fall, at least that's what I thought.

The smell of mana came from the blood, it was very concentrated that it was hard to focus.

See this as a new opportunity to try something new, I take the (calling the blindfold cloth from now on) from my inventory and cover my nose. It may seem it should be the other way around but I haven't used my eyes for hundreds of years.

Every drop that falls I try to hit it with the utmost precision while trying to be precise in my footwork to get faster and light on my fight. I'm not going to lie I feel like some young master.

After 2 hours it's time for me to end this, with a quick succession I just up and hit him on both sides of the neck killing him instantly.

{Learned: Water light step}

{Your World Resonance gets stronger}

{You are freely able the manipulate KI}

I can feel the power welling up inside of me, I feel limitless.


{The world awaits your cry}

I couldn't help but smile.


People I need a title that goes along the lines of slaughter give me ideas