
My place in this world

Dracul had to do it. He had to fake his son's death by lying to the world. He knew that if anyone found out that Abraham was still alive, the doctors around the world would make him a lab rat trying to find out how the baby was still alive. So many major painful events happened during the year, and Dracul wanted nothing more than to live a peaceful life with his two sons.

He had to make Albus understand their situation and had made him promise to never take about his brother Abraham with anyone. As for Jane, Dracul exchanged her silence for more credit points.


After the war occurred, all governing bodies started to fail and the economy crashed. Later on, when "the original", the one with abilities took control of the world and stabilized the situation, they introduced a global currency. The credit point.

It was used for everyday transactions and for buying/selling beast crystal or beast weapons.

Times went on and quickly three years were over since Abraham was born. Due to his great achievement in war and having lost his right arm, Dracul retired from fighting. He had also gotten himself a good sum of credit points for his actions to defend humanity. Now he was spending the rest of his days with his family. Jane the foster mother of Abraham has also stopped coming.

Currently sitting in front of him, his two pride were each occupied in their own activities. Albus was playing a video game while Abraham was reading a book. But the scene in front of Dracul felt wrong. For someone his age, Abraham was supposed to be looking at a coloring book for kids, but here was Abraham reading about the "Different beast and their characteristics".

Dracul knew for sure that Abraham was very different from the other kids his age. The boy having defeated his death sentence of 4 months kept on improving. At first, he was very much premature compared to others, however slowly but steadily he caught up. Now he could run, jump, and play like any other kid.

But Abraham's behavior was not like any others. He was very disciplined, always ate in a clean manner, and was very much interested in reading. On top of that Dracul would sometimes even find him sitting like a statue and meditating for nearly half an hour.


Closing the book about beasts, Abraham look over at his father and gave him a big smile. Abraham had come to terms with his situation and this year has been extremely going well. Firstly, he managed to recover and be physically healthy like a normal three years old, and also he was able to access all of his previous life memories without fainting.

With his family name Talen and the dalki creature, Abraham knew exactly where he was.

"My vampire system". This was a book that one of his students gave him during his time in prison and the main character was a boy named Quinn Talen. Quinn was 15 years old at the start of the book and the war against the dalki had come to a pause with a peace treaty between humans and dalki. Analyzing the events that were going on, Abraham was convinced he was a generation above Quinn.

"My body was not supposed to live if a normal baby with no memories was born. So I can rule out that Quinn will be my son. On top of that, the year is currently 2653, and based on my calculation Quinn is supposed to be born two years from now. Yeah, Albus should be Quinn's father."

Albus was already fifteen years old and based on the new law, he was required to join the military school for two years. With the world turning into the survival of the fittest, everyone became an adult as soon as they got 15, thus required to train and fight to adapt to the new world.

The world was being controlled by four big factions. They were known as the Big Four. It consisted of the Greylash family who own the ability of electricity/lightning; the Sunshield family who control fire and the Bree family who was able to tame beast. The four one was a combination of the Truedream family and the military.


Abraham got off the chair, went to the bookshelf, and put back the book. Then through the corner of his eyes, he looked at his future power, his evolution; the book that gave Quinn his ability.

The book was unique. Its front cover looked like it was made from blood due to its red color. In the center, a complete brown jaw could be seen. Pointy teeth came out from the jaw giving the vibes of biting and piercing.

But the most special feature of the book was that it was sealed and not even acid or abilities could damage or open it. This book was created by an ancestor of Abraham. He knew the way to open it, but Abraham decided to do so when he get older as he was scared his body was not strong enough.

Abraham then went on to sit in a lotus position to start his meditation for today. The inner energy that he found inside his body was known as Qi. It was an energy present inside the body of every living being but very few knew of its existence.

After three years of training, Abraham has improved by leaps and bounds in his manipulation of Qi.

The size he could gather increased to that of a golf ball. He could also easily flow the energy to a different part of the body in no time.

Today he was going to stimulate his cells using Qi. Dispersing the Qi everywhere to his left arm, he started focusing on using the energy to strengthen his arm. After a few tries, he was successful. Abraham felt that if he punches something, his arm will generate more force than usual. And to test that he put a pillow against the wall and started punching it.

He could feel the difference.

Now, he wanted to do another type of training and for that, he required the help of his father.

Dracul was on his bed relaxing when he heard a knock and Abraham asking permission to enter. After allowing him, Abraham started explaining to him about a force he can feel inside of him and was requesting Dracul if he could help him to train.

For a split second, Dracul thought that this was one of the imaginary tales coming from a 3-year-old baby, but looking at the determination in Abraham's eye, he decided to go along. Even though his son was different, he was not convinced of such power. It was around 10 that a child would start to show signs of using ability if they had one.

"I need you to use this plastic toy to hit me randomly at different placed on my body". As bizarre as the request was, Dracul decided to give it a go and considered it as playing with his son. He hit as lightly as possible to not hurt his son half expecting his son to show ability.

But nothing happened and the toy tapped against Abraham's left shoulder.

As for Abraham, he prepared for the swing and on seeing the hit going to hit his shoulder, he did his best to move the Qi inside his body and strengthen his shoulder.

That was the start of Abraham's real training of Qi to take his body to the next level.

system incoming...

ShadowGrimcreators' thoughts