
My Vampire Saviour

Fay Winters, a witch who's been dealt a bad hand in life meets a Vampire who will throw her for a loop but will she resist the allure and not fall in love? Find out

Whovian698 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 5-The Ball

Three days later and Fay was in her room trying to find a dress to wear to the ball. She was still nervous as hell but Adrian had been very helpful in getting her to be comfortable with his touch.

Fay looked at herself in the mirror. She actually looked beautiful for the first time in a long time and for the first time in years she had a genuine smile on her face. Her smile faded when there was a knock at the door. Fay walked over and opened the door to see Adrian wearing a three piece black suit and his hair was neatly styled.

Adrian stood there staring at Fay.

"Wow. You look...beautiful"

Fay smiled and laughed a little " Thanks, your not so bad yourself"

"Ready?" He asked holding out his hand.

Fay hesitated but took it without flinching which was a big accomplishment for her.

Adrian smiled at her and they left the penthouse and got into the limo waiting outside.

When they arrived there were many people arriving and Adrian sensed that Fay was nervous and so he squeezed her hand to let her know it was going to be okay.

The man opened the door of the limo and Adrian got out and held his hand out to help Fay out of the limo. They were the center of attention because it had been a long time since Adrian brought a date to the ball.

They walked inside and Fay sensed that she was the only witch there, the room was full of vampires, now she was even more nervous.

"I'm the only witch here" she said loud enough for Adrian to hear.

"You'll be okay. No one will hurt you, I won't let them"

Fay seemed to calm down a little but she was still nervous.

"And now starting off the night with the first dance Lord Adrian Night and his date Miss Fay Winters!" Exclaimed an unknown voice.

The vampires parted and made a space in the middle of the room and all eyes were on Adrian and Fay. Adrian took Fay's hand and led her to the center of the space and got ready to dance.

Adrian Placed his hand on Fay's waist and took her other hand in his. Fay put her free hand on Adrian's shoulder and smiled at him nervously.

The music began and Adrian and Fay danced along to the music. After a few minutes many other couples joined in and were dancing around Adrian and Fay.

"Happy you agreed to come?" Asked Adrian

"So far? Yeah, I'm glad"

"WEREWOLVES!" shouted someone

The music stopped and everyone turned their attention to the doorway where there were about ten werewolves standing there.

"Adrian Night, you have something of mine" said a voice.

The wolves parted and the man that walked inside was familiar to one Fay Winters.

"Daniel" whispered Fay as she strengthened her grip on Adrian's arm and hid behind him a little.

"Hello babe"

"You made a big mistake coming here Daniel, you are severely outnumbered"

"I didn't come here to fight you Adrian. I came for what's mine"

"She's not yours, she is mine"

Fay seemed annoyed by what Adrian said but she also felt protected and safe.

"Really, why don't we let her decide, Fay?"

"I...I..." she stuttered, she was scared as hell of Daniel but she had to make a decision.

"Me or him?" Asked Daniel

The fact that Fay clung to Adrian was an answer to Daniel.

"You'll pay for this asshole and so will you sweetheart" said Daniel

"I suggest you leave, now" said Adrian who extended his fangs and his eyes went black.

Fay noticed that the vampires in the room extended their fangs, following the lead of their Lord.

The werewolves left and the vampires all looked at Adrian and Fay.

"I thought this was a party" exclaimed Adrian.

The music started up again and the vampires all began to dance but Fay was frozen. When Adrian squeezed her hand she looked up at him and he noticed she had tears in her eyes. Fay pulled her hand away and walked out of the room and sat down onto the steps out front. Minutes later she was joined by Adrian.

"Are you okay?" He asked sitting down beside her.

Fay did not reply, she was too busy crying.

"Come here" said Adrian who wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him.

Fay leaned her head on Adrian's shoulder and cried as he wrapped his other arm around her.

"Its okay, I won't let him hurt you, ever, i promise and im sorry about the whole ' you belong to me' thing, it was the only way he'd back off"

"Its okay" she said gaining some composure.

"Are you okay?"

"Can we go home?"

"You can but I have to stay for a little while longer"


Adrian took out his phone and texted Carlos to bring the car round, minutes later the limo pulled up and Carlos opened the back door. Adrian helped you inside and knelt down.

"I'll be home in a few hours. Try to get some sleep"

Fay nodded and Adrian closed the door, Carlos drove back to the building and Fay went straight inside and up to he penthouse.

Fay walked up to her room and took off her dress. She had a shower and put on some pyjamas. Fay lay in bed but could not sleep. She was angry but not at Daniel, at herself. She was angry that she couldn't stand up for herself, she had to let Adrian to it for her.

Eventually Fay fell asleep but she had many nightmares that night, after her fourth she got out of bed and went down to the living area and sat on the sofa. She just sat there for over an hour before she heard the elevator and she saw Adrian walk out, his tie had been loosened and his hair was ruffled.

"Why are you still up?" He asked noticing her sitting there, he sat on the edge of the coffee table in front of Fay, concerned.

"Had a few nightmares" she admitted.

Adrian sighed.

"I'm sorry"

"What for?"

"For being a burden"

Adrian carefully took Fay's hand and said " You are not a burden, I swear"

"But I messed up your night"

"No Daniel did that, not you"

Fay didn't seem to believe him. Adrian stood up and walked dover to the stereo and put on a waltz. He walked back over to Fay and held out his hand.

"May I have this dance?" He asked with a hug smile on his face.

Fay seemed surprised but took his hand anyway.

Adrian led her to the open space and wrapped his arms around Fay's waist as she put her's round his neck.

"This is better than any party" said Adrian.