
My Vampire Saviour

Fay Winters, a witch who's been dealt a bad hand in life meets a Vampire who will throw her for a loop but will she resist the allure and not fall in love? Find out

Whovian698 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6-Revenge

It had been a week since the ball from hell and Fay was settling in well at the penthouse, she had begun to call it home. She felt safe there as she should it was her home.

Fay was sitting on the sofa, cross-legged, with her laptop, researching an ancient magic whilst Adrian worked at his desk. They worked in happy and comfortable silence. That was until the elevator doors opened.

Suddenly there was a cloud of smoke enveloping the room. Fay started coughing and looked around for Adrian but she saw that he was already unconscious on the floor next to his desk.

"Adrian" said Fay before she passed out along with him.

Hours later Fay's eyes opened and she saw Adrian sitting in front of her tied to a chair. She tried to get up, to get to him but she too was tied to a chair.

"Fay?" Said Adrian, he was a little out of it.

"I'm here, are you okay? You've got blood all over your face"

"That would be my fault" said a voice from behind Fay, a voice she recognised.

Fay felt a hand on her shoulder and she flinched, she saw that Adrian looked at her, his eyes focused on the man behind her, his black eyes.

"I did say you would pay, didn't I?"

Tears began to form in Fay's eyes and Adrian saw, his face softened a little but he was more worried about Fay's safety than anything else.

"Fay look at me" said Adrian

Fay opened her eyes and looked at him, it was clear she was terrified.

"Its gonna be okay"

"Are you sure about that?" Asked Daniel

"When i get out of these I'm going to rip you to pieces" said Adrian pulling against his restraints.

"Then she will see that you are just like me, a monster, isn't that right sweetheart?" Said Daniel who pulled Fay's head back by her hair.

"You're the only monster I see Daniel" said Fay

Daniel pushed her head forward and she raised her head to see Daniel punching the hell out of Adrian.

"Stop, please your hurting him!" Exclaimed Fay

"Why should I?"

"If you ever cared about me please stop"

"No I think we'll talk privatly" he said cutting Fay's restraints, the second her hands were free she used her magic to pop the blood vessels in Daniels head. He fell to us knees clutching his head and he screamed in pain.

"I am done being scared of you, you are nothing but a pathetic asshole who doesn't care about anything but himself"

The elevator doors opened and Carlos and two others walked out, the men took Daniel in the elevator and the doors closed.

Fay ran over to Adrian and put her hand on his cheek and pulled his head up, he could barely keep it up.

"Adrian are you okay?"

"You did it, you stood up to him"

"Yeah well he hurt you" she replied while using her magic to untie his restraints.

Fay helped Adrian over to the couch and sat him down. Fay sat down next to him, on her knees, and he looked at her with a smile.

"What?" She asked

"Thank you, looks like you saved me this time" Adrain attempted to laugh but he ended up coughing blood instead.

"Be funny when your not coughing blood please"

Fay put her hands on either side of Adrian's head and used her magic to begin to heal him. After a while she was getting tired but she had to keep going, she had to fix him.

"Fay stop, your exhausted" he said taking her hand.

"But you..."

"Will heal, vampires heal fast remember, it's just a question of time"

"It will still take days though"

"Then I guess I won't being going out in public for a while"

"Adrian, let me help"

"You've used enough magic tonight, you need rest and so do I"

"What he said, you know its not possible right?"

"What isn't possible?" He asked

"I would never see you as a monster"

Fay sat on the sofa next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder and soon enough they both fell asleep.

Fay woke up first, she saw Adrian was sleeping soundly and so she decided to heal him whilst he slept. Fay put her hands back on his head and began to use her magic and completely heal him.

"You didn't have to do that" said Adrian who woke up.

"Its the least I could do for getting you involved in my problems"

"I wouldn't have it any other way" he said putting a stray hair behind her ear.

"Its weird, days ago I hated any male contact but now, it doesn't bother me"

"It bothered you when Daniel touched you ,I saw you flinch"

"Then I guess it's you I've gotten used to"

Adrian smiled at Fay whilst she tried to hide her blush.