Treatment lasted another day, and Gerard left Khazthorim with Gorin leading the way to the caves. Gerard and Delilah followed him until they reached a large tunnel entrance. As they ventured into the mines, the air grew thicker with heat, causing them to sweat. Their footsteps echoed through the narrow tunnels, mingling with the distant rumblings of the earth. Gerard gripped his shoulder while he tested the movement of his arm.
"Is it okay?"
"Yeah, it feels roughly the same as before."
As they proceeded further into the mine, the sharp sound of steel striking stone reached their ears. Miners, their faces streaked with soot and sweat, paused their work as they approached.
"The king sent us to find the source of this heat," Gerard said, fanning his face with his hand.
"Down there, human. We can't even get close, and that used to be where we got some of our best ore." the dwarf pointed to a small tunnel in the wall.