
It's a Date(III)

<Rosalie's P.O.V>

As Ark asked me out on a date I got really excited and just wanted to straight up run to him and hug the living day lights out of him but I controlled myself because I didn't want to hurt him because of loosing control over my strength and him being wary of me the last thing that I wanted.

I immediately ran to my room to get myself dressed for this date. I first up called up Alice for her advice on how I should dress up for the date. I mean it was my first date since my death.

"Hmm, Rosy~ I think you should go in your normal attire I mean the one that makes you feel the most relaxed in as I think that looking at you uncomfortable is the last thing he would want to see."

"You sure, what if he doesn't like my normal attire for a date, what if he thinks that I am not good enough, what if..."

"Relax girl, you're overthinking and I don't think he would care much as long as you're happy."

"Hmm, really I hope so."

And with that I dropped my call and immediately wore some clothes I was most comfortable in. A block top with a white jacket and a skin tight jeans with a pair of heels and some light makeup to make myself more appeasing at least I hope to.

I then make my way to the reception hall to meet up with Ark and there I saw him standing nervously pacing up and down, regularly looking at his watch time to time, and playing with his feet and other such minor actions which honestly made him look cute to me. He was right now wearing a white turtleneck with a black khaki pants and white sneakers along with one ear ring, honestly that look made him really hot and made me work a sweat to stop myself from pounding on him at the spot.

"Hey Ark, did you wait for long."

I said and he looked towards me in a daze and kept staring at me which lead to the venom run more strongly in my body.

"Um, Ark?"

"Ah sorry, you're just looking phenomenal. I couldn't take my eyes off you."

Hearing his praise a smile unconsciously appeared on my face.

"Thanks Ark, so where we goin'."

"Ah yes, we'll be taking the Impala."

"You have an Impala" I asked excited.

"Yep, though not used much and knowing your love for cars I shipped this one here for a drive. Come let's go" He said giving a hand to me which I took and then he escorted me to the car. We soon left the hotel and drove to the destination whichever he had planned.

<Ark's P.O.V>

Right now I am driving ourselves to the destination for our date and honestly its a hard time for me to not steel glances at her every other second. Her attractiveness to me has just increased that much.

We soon reached our destination, a car exhibition, something that would make Rosie very happy.

"Here we are, a car exhibition."

"Oh my god Ark, it has been a long time since I visited a car exhibition, thank you." She said jumping happily and giving me a huge hug with radiated so much warmth to me which just put a silly smile on my face.

We then strolled inside the facility from one car to another and Rosalie was happily hopping from one car to another and as well talking to their designers and engineers which even made them take an interest in her ideas. Though she completely forgot about the date and that it was supposed to be fun for both of us though seeing her enjoy herself to full content was enough to make me happy. Though she never left my hand and somewhere I appreciated it.

We wandered there for around 2 hours and now it was time for lunch so we made our way to an Italian restaurant and ordered ourselves or rather myself some pizza though she denied saying that she ate extra in her breakfast. Though I knew the truth I didn't bothered with it much.

We then strolled around the city to a mall, a small street bazaar where I brought her a beautiful Jade necklace. By the end of our strolling it was getting dark so we made our way back to the hotel.

"Ark, I really loved the date, Thank You."

"I also enjoyed myself seeing you enjoying yourself so much."

I said. We were right now standing in front of her open room both trying to find words to communicate with, though I was pretty sure we didn't mind the silence. At the end I decided to man up because it was proofing very difficult to control myself.

"Um, Rosalie, I wanted to ask you something."


"So the thing is, ever since I've seen you I've been undeniably attracted to you, I don't know if it's because of the hormonal thing or it's because of something like soul mates. I have completely no idea. Right now um, I... I can't say that I Love You b.. but I am sure of one thing I want you in my life argh.. how should I say I know that I want you and want to be together with you so... *wooh Rosalie would you give me the honor of dating you with the intention of marriage I hope so."

I then looked clearly towards Rosalie and I could see all the signs of her nearly crying, though I don't know if cold ones could cry neither did I care at this moment I was very anxious seeing that face so I hurriedly said.

"Ahh.. sorry, If you don't want to we can wait right now. There's now hurry for you to answer right n... *mmphh..."

I was stopped of my rant because of something soft smooth texture on my lips and there it was the most beautiful girl to me kissing me which left my eyes wide open and my hands wandering unsure of what to do.

"Yes, I would love to be your woman and you mine." she said.

Hearing this my smile grew wider and wider every second and without waiting anymore and closed the distance between ourselves by pulling her by waist and giving her a passionate kiss while playing with our tongue.



It soon became hotter and hotter and I did the only logical thing at that moment I dragged her with me inside her room locking the room away from the prying eyes of Alice