
My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong,

Hikigaya Hachiman, shortly after an odd Valentine's day, finds himself in a new world filled with magic, monsters, and gods. Though he knows not how he got there, he knows that the only way back to his home is through the Dungeon. Armed with a few tricks, a wholly unnatural affinity for magic, and his own, self-serving mindset, he just might manage to achieve his goal. Well, if he ever manages to get a party. NOTE - This fanfic is not mine Original: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/my-trans-dimensional-overpowered-protagonist-harem-comedy-is-wrong-as-expected-oregairu-danmachi-complete.367903/ IF YOU WANT TO REMOVE THIS STORY PLEASE COMMENT DOWN BELOW.

OmnipresenceBeing · Anime et bandes dessinées
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123 Chs

Interlude: The Student (Part 5)

I hadn't liked being taught to dance, or dancing, but I must admit that I wished my dance with Aiz lasted longer. We hadn't been close, our bodies hadn't been pressed together, but I couldn't help but feel as though a current ran through me as we danced. Where my hands had laid on her, despite my gloves, I felt warmth pour into my hands and up my arms. Where her hand touched my back, I had felt currents run up and down my spine.

Our movements hadn't been fast, but my breath had been taken away. Despite our short, slow movements, my eyes didn't know where to look. Normally, Aiz was beautiful, but in her dress, with her features lightly accentuated, and without any sign of the Adventurer I looked up to… it was difficult to pay attention to anything but her.

We were close, incredibly so, to the point where her perfume filled my senses whenever I breathed. I could feel her form shifting and moving with my own. She danced well, far better than I could, but she didn't lead. She could have, I didn't doubt that, but she allowed me to. Feeling her move at my urging, one of my hands at her waist and the other holding one of hers, was… was… I was only able to smile whenever I realized it. Together we moved. Though I was lacking, she moved with me. She moved with me. I didn't move with her. We acted as one, understood one another, and made no missteps or errors as we danced together.

It was a simple dance, we weren't as skilled or as close as the other dancers, but we danced together nonetheless.

Though I didn't know how I felt as we danced, I could only smile. I can't explain my emotions any better than that. I was incredibly, ridiculously, and amazingly happy without knowing why. I couldn't believe where I was, who I was dancing with, and every passing moment I thought I was dreaming.

Yes, that was the best way to describe it.

Every passing moment was like the best dream I've ever had.

When the dance ended, though I'd never liked dancing or wanted to dance, I couldn't help but wish to continue dancing with Aiz. In fact, I wanted to spend the entire night dancing with her. If I could, I would want to dance through every song the orchestra played. Thank you, Sensei, for teaching me the basics of dancing. I will be sure not waste a single moment of time this entire night—

"Bell-kun, I would like to rest for a moment."

Unless, of course, Aiz-chan wants to rest.

"Y-yes, of course, I'm sorry!" I could feel my features lighting up, especially as a couple nearly crashed into us due to our abrupt stop. Only Aiz's reflexes, her deftness in taking the lead, and her footwork allowed the two of us to escape the dancing floor without trouble. With her leading, the dance was far more graceful and immaculate, far beyond what Sensei taught me, but I couldn't help but think it didn't take from our earlier dance in the slightest. Still, I gave her another apology along with the traditional bow and a smile as we uncoupled. "Ummm… ah, I'm sorry, I wasn't being considerate, Aiz-chan."

"It's fine." Aiz gave me a small smile. I did my best to mirror it, but I was sure that my own was about to split my face. Sensei would call me a fool, an idiot, and a dunce if he'd seen me smile as wide as I did, just before looking away in disgust. I'm sorry, Sensei, but I can't help but be happy whenever Aiz smiles at me. Oh, why do I feel as though I'd be on the receiving end of a new tirade if I told him that? "I am not tired, Bell-kun. I merely wish to see how the rest of my Familia is faring." She looked away for a moment and a frown crossed her lips. "I would like to help them if I can."

"Help them?" I blinked at Aiz's words. My… my date gestured towards the set of table which she'd led us both to. I took in the scene. "Ah." Gravely, Aiz-chan nodded towards me. She urged me onward. I was unsure if I could help them, the unfortunate souls before me, but I was willing to aid them with both my body and spirit. The people before me did indeed require aid. I didn't know if I could help them, but I would most certainly try. "I see, Aiz-chan."

The two of us looked upon Sensei's completely accidental wake of devastation.

"Aiz-chan, how wonderful of you to join us. You look beautiful tonight." Riveria-sama crooned, but I was not able to take my eyes off how her fingers had indented the surface of her goblet. There was always an edge to her smile and a dullness to her eyes that sent chills up my spine. I remembered Collbrande for a split second, just before she threw two men from Babel, and almost felt Sensei's hand on my shoulder urging me to run away. Sensei, please fix the mistakes you've made this instant! This is too scary! "How was the dance, may I ask? It must be so pleasant to enjoy this venue to its fullest."

As Aiz answered Riveria-sama, I departed from her to look closer into the scene of destruction before me.

Loki-sama was looking at me from the bar behind the table, widely shaking her head toward me and gesturing for me to retreat. I'd never exchanged earnest words with the goddess, but I couldn't help but be grateful for her attempts to look after me. I'm sorry, Loki-sama, but I owe my Sensei a lot. I can't allow him to destroy his efforts, accidental as they may be in their creation and destruction, by being his usual, dense self! My grandfather, may he rest in peace, would never forgive me if I allowed the man I respected the most to lose all the progress he's made!

"Good evening, Cranel-kun." Tiona-san, please, where is all your happiness and cheer? Why do you look so lifeless and defeated! You need to get up, get out there, and fight! I wanted to say all of those words, but I nearly choked on my tongue as she held… tried to hold her chest. I'm sorry, Tiona-san, but I've been taught that lying is just a waste of time. Please, don't ask me the question I think you're going to ask me! "Is… is there really no hope for me?" Please? Don't look like you've already lost! "I mean… my sister has always been bigger than me, and curvier, and always looked nicer while I've always been like this. There's… There's a chance I could look like Freya-sama in the future, right?"

Please, Tiona-san, don't look at me like that. You're honestly a very cute girl. I would like to say that very much, but we both know the question you're not asking me isn't if you're cute or not. You're asking me if you're going to be, in my grandfather's words, a buxom, bodacious beauty. I think that the two of us both know that your appeal lies elsewhere. I'm sorry. Even though I'm only thinking these words, I can see that my silence is saying everything. Tiona-san, please don't look like you're going to cry!

Sometimes, as Sensei told me, it's better to bravely run away than fight an unwinnable fight. Since I didn't want to lie to one of my friends, the former option just looked appealing. I'm sorry Sensei, but I really think this is your own fault! Why did your luck have to choose the woman whose figure is considered the best in the world to dance with!? Tiona-chan has taken too much damage, I can't help her at all! This is absolutely hopeless! I broke off and covered my retreat with a barrage of words.


I beat a hasty retreat, one which Sensei would've called "showing my back to the enemy," but there was no denying that my retreat was done with all possible haste against a superior enemy. Hopefully, Sensei would forgive me for both my lack of foresight and inability to save the fruits of his accidental efforts. Please, Tiona-san, stay strong! Sensei has no type! I'm pretty sure that he's only here for the free food and drinks! If there's really anything he loves in this world, it's free food and drinks! Ah, I think those words would've made Sensei both really happy and sad…

Anyway, due to my choice to rapidly escape instead of "tactically repositioning" I found myself wandering straight into another battle I wasn't prepared for.

"Ah, Cranel-kun, good evening." Lefiya-san was clad in a pink and white gown. Her golden brooch shone brightly upon her lapel and complimented her dusky, blond hair. White gloves traveled up her arms as she poked idly at the sweets presented by the servers to those who did not dance. They looked very tasty, but I couldn't help but feel that it was a sort of second-place reward. A handout that Sensei would, despite his love of all things free, undoubtedly turn his nose up at in disgust. He'd eat it, but I was sure he wouldn't enjoy it! "How was your dance with Aiz-chan?"

I couldn't help but blink at her words.

Those were not the words that I expected.

Taking a closer look, or "opening my eyes" as Sensei would say, I looked closer upon one of the hearts I had supposed Sensei had inadvertently broken. Lefiya-san didn't seem deep in her cups, prickly, or mourning her…ummm… modesty. Upon my further examination of the Loki Familia's second Mage, I couldn't help but be surprised.

"Eh, Lefiya-san, didn't Sensei say that he'd dance with you later? Aren't you worried that you won't, now?" I forget to address Lefiya's question due to my curiosity. I further forget it as I felt a flush cross my face as I realized the question which I'd just asked. Don't be dumb, Bell! What sort of person asks a girl why they're not disappointed with being ignored!? That's dumb! It's the dumbest thing to say! If I could have disappeared at that very moment, I would have. "Ah, s-sorry, I hadn't meant to say it like that—"

"What Bell-kun meant to say is that you should ask to dance with Hikigaya-kun before the last dance is called, Lefiya-chan." Of course, Aiz came to my rescue. Unlike the first time when she had done so, I could only feel relieved as she undertook the brunt of the effort to rescue me from my mistakes. If there was any person who deserved to be called a miracle in this word, it was definitely Aiz! Wait…did I really just think that!? Why did I suddenly feel like I was in an oven!? "It would be very rude to not follow through on one's own invitation."

Lefiya's features changed multiple times. Her ears drooped, a frown crossed her face, and she poked her fingers together. I see. I had simply fallen for Lefiya's acting. My words had probably hit her more than I realized. My stomach roiled as I watched her begin to mumble excuses of why she couldn't go up and ask Sensei for a dance.

"Oi, brat, why aren't you showing your date a good time?"

Naturally, just as I thought everything was lost, Sensei arrived and with his ever-present frown and disgruntled appearance.

"Sensei!" I couldn't believe my eyes. Sensei was here instead of in the arms of the goddess of beauty! To say that I was surprised would be an understatement. I was astonished! "What are you doing here—"

"Unlike you, brat, I can remember the things that I've been taught." My mind called forth everything Sensei told me since the night began. A set of words came to mind that made a smile spread across my face. He brushed me aside and held out his gloved, only hand toward Lefiya. A man doesn't make a woman wait for a dance, indeed! "Well, Viridis, I hope that you can actually dance instead of just smile and look pretty, unlike Freya-sama. I was looking forward to enjoying the evening with someone interesting, y'know?"

"Y-yes, o-of course!" Lefiya-san's smile was the widest I'd ever seen. I couldn't help but also notice that Tiona-san's and Riveria-sama's spirits had also risen immensely! The two beamed as Lefiya-chan took up Sensei's invitation with an immense blush. They were happy for her! "L-lead the way, H-Hikigaya-kun!"

As expected of Sensei, with a single sentence and action, he brought back the interest, attention, and happiness of everyone who was interested in him!

Truly, he was a man amongst men!

No, truly, he was a Sensei amongst Sensei!

I could only hope that I could be like him one day!

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