
Chapter 528 Arcane, the Realm of Witches.

Chapter 528 Arcane, the Realm of Witches.

Before Victor, Agnes, Natashia, and Vlad arrived, at the same time Sasha and Ruby were fighting the Demon Dukes,

On a balcony in the Snow Clan mansion, Hilda was watching the territory in the distance where various small-scale fights were taking place.

As the King's Royal Guards were here, and most were trained Elder Vampires, they were fully defending the city, and no damage or loss had occurred as of yet.

With the help of Clan Blank acting in the shadows, the fight was progressing more easily than in Clan Fulger's territory.

This was in part due to Clan Fulger's territory housing Vampires mainly responsible for Nightingale's food. That is, the Vampires there were the equivalent of farmers, and their only true defense was the Fulger Clan. 

However, due to the recent events involving the Horseman Clan, the Fulger Clan was still recovering from its weakest point.

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