
My System Wants me To Hoard Treasures/ The Sage of Heavenly Treasures

(Warning: This is a rewriting of a previous work that I dropped.) Henry was a young man who had just finished his third year at the Magic Academy when his parents met an untimely death. Leaving him and his sister, Makayla, to fend for themselves. Henry's time at the Magic Academy was filled with strife and suffering as his low mana levels made him the laughingstock of the whole school, so when his parents died, he decided to drop out to take care of their small shop. However, the declining business and the hefty debts his parents left after their deaths made Henry even poorer. Yet, while he visited some ruins on a nearby mountain one day, he came across an old book inside one of the buildings. This book will forever change Henry's life, as he has obtained a system that will help him do what he has always dreamed of doing. With his newly acquired system, Henry will acquire thousands of treasures!

WrightWater · Fantaisie
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43 Chs


As the group followed Henry, their leader noticed that every time Henry harvested something, he was picking level one herbs, from Cinder Boxwood to Jade Weed. The group leader licked his lips as he witnessed Henry discover a herb every 5 to 7 minutes.

His group would come to pick herbs from time to time if they couldn't find an appropriate mission, but even with all seven members of his group searching for the entire day, they only found 20 to 25 herbs, whereas this young man gathered more than 7 herbs in just the half-hour that they followed him.

-"We are incredibly lucky today because we spotted a piggy bank." The leader was confident in stealing Henry in this spot since they were far enough away from the city walls that no soldier would pass by.

Henry was so absorbed in collecting the herbs that he didn't realize he was being followed, so when the group's leader suddenly spoke, he leaped in fear.

After the initial shock, Henry took a long breath and calmed down, he wanted to test the power of his swords in a proper fight, and the perfect occasion finally arose. - "Robbery? Oh, please don't injure me." Henry pretended to be scared as he utilized his system to evaluate the group's cultivation level.

- "If you don't do something stupid, you'll be fine, we only want your spatial bag." When the group leader saw that the man was not going to react, he smiled.

- "Of course, let me untie this knot." Because Henry's spatial bag was tied to his pants, he utilized it to pass the time until the system analysis was completed.

The group leader approached him and waited for Henry to untie his spatial bag, but the man quickly became impatient as Henry took far too long. - "Fuck, this man can't even untie a knot, give me a break." The leader drew a dagger from his belt and severed the cord that held Henry's spatial bag to his pants.

The system analysis had just ended as the man slashed the cord. -" Oh? Only at the fourth circle and going around robbing people, aren't you guys afraid of the guards?" When Henry found their cultivation level, he exhaled in relief, the group was quite weak, with the only one who could be deemed powerful being the one closest to him, who had a fourth circle cultivation.

- "Uh-oh? Did you call us weak? Look at yourself, I can't even feel any energy from you." The group's leader was perplexed as to why the man just changed his manner after giving away his bag. "So what if we rob you? What will you do?" The man laughed loudly and turned to face his companions.

"What am I going to do?" As the man turned, one of the swords appeared in Henry's hands. "I'm going to teach you a lesson!"

When the rest of the group noticed a sword come out of nowhere in the man's hands, they immediately reacted. - "Nico, he was a weapon!" The Leader instantly moved to the side, thinking the man was going to attack him, but before he could finish rolling on the ground, he heard groans of pain from his companions.

Nico, the group's leader, turned back to the man he had just robbed and saw the blue aura emanating from the sword. Nico's face turned white and he rushed towards a nearby bush.

Henry looked at the man running away and was about to slash him when he noticed five people rushing out of the bushes, one of whom collided with the man fleeing.

- "Theresa, hurry up!" One of the members of the other group members attempted to lift the girl who smashed into Nico.

-"Get out of here, there's a monster on the way!" Another boy in the group swiftly yelled in warning to Henry and the rest of the people in the area.

Henry could see some small green monsters just behind the group, he had seen some monsters before when he was in the Magic Academy, but this was the first time he saw them in the wild. "Get down!" Henry called out to the new group as he prepared another strike, this time aiming it at the approaching goblins.

As the people in the monster's path ducked, Henry let out another slash, but this time he used all of the sword's power. His attack on the robbers was quite weak, as he didn't want to kill them, just incapacitate them and get his bag back.

Nico, who was watching the globins with horror in his eyes, almost collapsed when he saw the second attack, he couldn't believe that the man he thought was ordinary was someone so powerful.

The entire group had the same reaction to the attack as Nico, but, their surprise was short-lived as they soon began to shout warns again. -" A Hobglobin! There is a Hobglobin here!"

Henry froze as he listened to the warning, it was already uncommon for monsters to appear in this area, let alone powerful ones like a Hobgoblin.

He tightened the grip over the hilt of his sword and turned as he heard a growl behind him. Henry swallowed dry saliva as he saw the gigantic Hobglobin running towards the group that tried to rob him.

The Hobgoblin swung its wooden club, and they all flew like kites, smashing into the ground. Henry gazed at the beast and hastily prepared another slash, he swung his sword with all of his might at the Hobgoblin, but the monster withstood the attack and continued dashing towards him.

Henry's eyes sparkled as the Hobgoblin approached him. he tried to back down and create distance, but the beast was too fast and he barely averted its club.

Henry lost his footing and fell down as the ground trembled from the impact of the Hobglobin's club, the monster's attack had caused a cloud of dust to rise up, almost completely blocking his vision.

Henry's life flashed before his eyes as he saw the silhouette of the Hobglobin attacking again, his mind worked at full speed as he searched his system inventory for something to withstand the attack. and his eyes eventually stopped on the only thing big enough to block the monster's club.

Henry took out the mysterious metal door from the system inventory, betting his life on it being strong enough to resist the Hobglobin swing. The wooden club was barely a few centimeters away from Henry's head when the metal door appeared.

The cloud of dust made it hard for the rest of the people there to view the fight, but, the sudden appearance of the door's silhouette made everyone surprised, including the Hobglobin that clenched his teeth and increased the strength in his swing.

Henry was about to get up and flee when he heard a loud extremely loud thump followed by the sound of air being cut and trees crashing.

Henry was curious about what happened to the Hobglobin, and his curiosity only increased as he heard the surprised gasp of the crowd watching his fight.

After not hearing any sounds of the Hobgoblin, he retrieved the metal door back to his inventory, and what greeted his eyes almost caused him to also let out a gasp of surprise.

The Hobgoblin was laying on the ground, agonizing in pain as he flailed his two arms, which now looked like a pure flesh paste, the entire path to where the monster was thrown was filled with rows of broken trees.

Henry was confused, he gave the door in his inventory another look, the mysterious metal door was the only thing that could've caused the Hobglobin to fly away.

-" Was that a spell? I never saw a spell that could send someone flying so far!" Henry was still lost in his thought as one of the boys from the second group approached him.

The boy's eyes brimmed with excitement as he came towards Henry, thinking that he had met some kind of grand wizard.

Henry felt that his suspicions were confirmed as he heard the youth's words, he always wondered what was the purpose of the Metal Door, but, as the system didn't even give the treasure a name, Henry could only guess, however, now at least he had a clue to what the mysterious treasure could do.

Henry ignored the boy and faced the Hobglobin again, this time he had a confident smirk on his face. "Hey, big guy, do you want to do it again?" Henry decided to put his metal door to the test once more with the Hobgoblin.

As if responding to Henry's provocation, the Hobgoblin stood up wobbling and howled to the sky, his face was warped in a mixture of pain and anger as he dashed towards his enemy again.

The monster flailed what was left of his arms as he ran, even faster than before towards Henry.

Henry took a deep breath as he waited for the Hoblogin to get closer, he was soo nervous that he could feel the droplets of sweat running down his forehead.

The monster only grew more enraged as he saw Henry standing still, The hobgoblin jumped with all of his strength, letting out a grievous howl.

He had no way to attack with his arms no more, so he opened his hideous jaw looking to bite Henry's head off.

Henry tried his best to remain calm, and as he saw the monster flying towards him, he took out the door again.

Henry smiled as he heard the loud thud of something hitting the door again, and this time he instantly put the door back in his inventory, being barely just fast enough to see the monster flying away like a ragdoll.

Henry was pleased as he confirmed his theory, it appeared that the door was able to reflect attacks that it had been hit. - "Hahahaha, I didn't think this door would be so useful." Previously, Henry was concerned about his lack of defensive treasures, but with this door, he felt more confident in dealing with future enemies.

Henry gave one last look at the Hobgoblin, which now had his head almost split in two, and then returned his attention to the group of robbers.

Nico's eyes trembled in fear as he felt Henry's gaze, even before the Hobgoblin appeared, he was already beginning to regret messing with this man, and after watching the battle, he was sure that he had no way of escaping.

Nico sighed in helplessness, as even if he was able to escape, his entire group fainted here, and if the man brought them to the guards, Nico would eventually be caught too.

-" I'm sorry! Please spare me!" Nico kneeled and bowed his head to the mysterious man as he returned the stolen spatial pouch.

Henry felt a lot better now that he had recovered his spatial pouch, he wasn't even storing the plants he gathered inside the pouch but losing it gave him a strange feeling.

Henry was in the middle of thinking about what to do with the robbers when the second group approached him.

- "Thank you for rescuing us!" The group as a whole bowed and thanked Henry.

Henry asked the system to analyze the group, they were all young, and he estimated that they were two years younger than him, meaning that they belonged to some academy. "There's no need for that, if I stayed still, the globins would attack me as well."

-"We still would like to thank you, we thought we were doomed, and I never expected to see a Hobglobin around here." A blond-haired boy took the initiative in the conversation and introduced himself. "My name is Felix, and we are North Sea Academy students."

-" North Sea Academy?"Henry was shocked because he was familiar with this Magic School, they were the main rival of the Maverick Academy, where he had previously studied. "Oh, I remember your academy, I was a student at Maverick Academy, so I knew a lot of people from your school." Henry thought back to his days in the magic school and wondered where many of the people who bullied him before were. " My name is Henry."