
Chapter 492: Reassurance

Mother and I walked into the other room, listening to the now muffled voices of those that we held dear behind the door as we sat down on the large bed, side by side.

I leaned into her side, resting my head on her shoulder as we both stared at the door separating us from everyone else, while I waited for Mother to find the words for what she needed to say.

Her hand rested on my knee, and she squeezed softly as we sat together, until she eventually began to speak, her voice quiet.

"Katherine, I... I'm sorry for everything... It's been weighing on my mind this entire time that I've been pregnant, even after we spoke last time..! I just can't..! I..!"

Her voice began to break, and I felt my heart ache as I heard that, though a twinge of annoyance filled my mind as well.