
Chapter 390: A Tug There*

Anput whined under me as I entered her cunt, her toned body giving her a tightness that felt different to Leone's as I pushed forwards, spearing her deep on my cock.

The Jackalkin panted with such obvious heat as she stared up at me, and I grinned down at her as I whispered "We need to start cultivating, Anput... If you don't, I'll begin to pour the rest of my lust into Leone instead of you..."

She shuddered at that, and a certain clarity returned to her eyes as she squeezed my hand, slight fear permeating her obsidian eyes as she nodded.

Like before, I started the circuit between us, pushing my Light Mana into Anput, who returned it to me coated with her Metal Mana.

I added more, she added more, and we allowed the two to temper themselves against the others mana, all while I lodged myself firmly into her womb, enjoying the sensation of her cervix tightly clenching around the top of my shaft as I gyrated my hips softly.