
Chapter 379: Worthy Summon (2)

Jahi PoV

Mom's large claymore sliced cleanly through the creatures fused bones, the flame coated blade burning the pus membrane away and allowing it to burn the skin and flesh as well, removing parts of the creatures runic protection.

The large skull of the Fenghuang shifted to stare at Mom as it let out a loud, reverberating chirp, the razor sharp beak it wielded slamming down towards Mom's head as it snapped its jaws closed.

Before the creature could attempt to devour Mom whole, Nirinia flew in and slammed her shoulder against its beak, cracking the bone slightly as she forced it off course, though not before grunting as the creatures green flames seared her flesh slightly, rotting it away.

Patting it out, Nirinia grimaced in pain as her skin and some of her flesh sloughed off, the Djinn pulled back as she approached one of the many healers, getting her wound healed instantly.