
Chapter 334: War Never Changes

Nirinia PoV

Lifting the edge of my Dadao slightly, I allowed the human's steel blade to slide off of mine before stabbing forwards gently, impaling them in the chest and piercing their heart.

Precise stab wounds were the evidence of my kill; quick, clean, and efficient, as is deserving for dealing with pests.

Lady Sker, on the other hand, left her victims broken and mangled on the ground, bleeding from a deep puncture wound, shattered bones and ruptured organs, alongside the potent poisons resting within her Gurz's hollow head that were injected into her victims as well.

Completely opposite of me, Lady Sker dispatched the humans with extreme prejudice and brutal lethality - just as deserving for pests.

Flicking the blood from the tip of my Dadao, I sighed as I looked around the second gate, taking in the 'battle' being waged.