
My Secret Wedding

Kevin is forced to pay a woman to become his wife so he can be free from the half-crazy woman he was betrothed to. However, who would have thought that the stranger who had just entered his life was his first love. Then, how is the story of their marriage life when everyone is trying to destroy it?

penapika · Urbain
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24 Chs

Kevin’s promise.

"You come here often?" Mila asked while eating her food slowly so as not to choke.

Making Kevin nod. "I also often ate here when I was in high school, just like you."

Right again.

Kevin knew that she liked to eat here in high school. How much does Kevin actually know about her?

"Kevin, I want to ask you one thing. But please answer honestly."

Mila asked in a serious tone, made Kevin stop his eating activities, and turned to look at Mila completely.

"What do you want to ask about?" Kevin asked afterward, giving Mila access to get his point across.

"I want to ask about-"

Drrt Drrt...

Before Mila could finish her question, Kevin's attention was drawn to his vibrating cell phone.

It made Mila snort in annoyance.

"Can I pick up the phone for a second? My mom called."

"Oh yes, okay," was Mila's only reply because she was too lazy.

Maybe now wasn't the right time to ask. That's why there are obstacles.

"Why? There is a problem?" Mila asked when Kevin came back after receiving a call from his mother.

And the head shake given by Kevin made Mila breathe a sigh of relief. "No. Mommy just asked me when I came home. Maybe my mom misses this handsome son."

"Shh, you're so narcissistic!"

"Hahahaha!" Kevin just laughed in response, making Mila also lift the corners of her lips.

"Hey, what did you want to ask?"

Mila shook her head. "Not important."

"Why not?" confused Kevin.

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood."

"Why is that?" Kevin was even more confused. What did he do wrong to make Mila in a bad mood?

"It does not matter. You just finished the food, then we went back to the hospital. You also have to go home soon right?"

"I'm not coming home tonight."

Kevin's answer managed to make Mila raise an eyebrow. "Why don't you go home?"

"Take care of Aunt Daisy."

Mila was surprised by Kevin's words which sounded random to her.

"I don't need company, Kevin. I can take care of my mother by myself in the hospital."

"Did I say I wanted to be with you? Ohh, you're insane! I really want to take care of Aunt Daisy. That's why you go home! Because if you're around you'll be noisy, and I can't sleep."

"Damn it!" Mila immediately hit Kevin's arm using the spoon in her hand, making Kevin actually laugh out loud when Mila let out his annoyance.


"You really sleep in here?" Mila asked Kevin who was busy fiddling with the ipad in his hand.

And Mila's question managed to make Kevin divert his attention. "Are you asking me?" He asked, pointing to himself, making Mila snort in annoyance.

"No, I ask the wall! Is there anyone else here besides you?" Mila became gassy, ​​because Kevin was really annoying.

Especially when...


"Why are you even laughing?! Really annoying!" Mila lightly hit Kevin's arm, making the owner overreact.

"It hurts, Honey, don't hit it!"

"Oh my gosh, are you crazy?!" Mila shrugged her shoulders, moving like a tickle. This made Kevin laugh even harder.

"Kevin, don't laugh so loud! It's a hospital, and it's already night. What do you want expelled from here?!"

But instead of stopping laughing, Kevin actually raised his voice even more, causing Mila to cover Kevin's mouth with his hand.

"You, I was told not to laugh out loud! You don't know what human language is?!" She snapped, making Kevin finally end his laughter.

Especially when he saw Mila's sharp gaze directed at him, Kevin clearly didn't dare to argue. Or Mila will be really mad at him.

"But when I laugh out loud, no one hears it."

"Tsk. Yes, it can't be Kevin? They also have ears."

"You don't know, do you?" Kevin asked, he suddenly brought his face closer to Mila, making it hard for Mila to breathe because of their close position.

"K-know what?"

Well, Mila got nervous. Damn it, Kevin!

"All VVIP treatment rooms have sound proofing. So if we want to do something, no one will hear it."



"MILA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Kevin got out of control screaming in front of Mila, surprised by what Mila had just done.

Do you know what Mila is doing?

A moment. After this, the author will let you know.



And they're both in screaming mode and yelling at each other.




"Yeah, you're shouting yourself too, Mila!" Kevin lowered his voice again, making Mila finally do the same.

"You are first."

"What about me? I'm the victim here. You're the one playing on my head using the remote's television. It hurts you know? What if I have a concussion? You want responsibility?!"

Mila snorted in her place. "That's too much!" She rebuked, causing Kevin to shake his head at the behavior of the woman who will soon become his wife.

It turns out that the Mila before and now is still the same. Same with the bars.

"What were you doing, trying to use it to talk about what's going on, I thought it was going to be weird." Mila grumbled, which Kevin could still hear clearly.

And that made Kevin roll his eyes wide in surprise. "So you suddenly hit me on the head just because of that?! Oh my gosh Mila!"

Now Kevin opens his mouth wide, gaping in disbelief at the woman who prefers to lower his head.

"Yes, sorry. I don't know what you mean. I thought yes you would-"

"Why am I doing that?" Kevin deliberately cut off Mila's words, causing Mila to turn her head towards Kevin.

And when their gazes met, Kevin brought his face closer again. "You know what? Don't be too confident, because you're not my type at all!" He said, after which he pulled his face back.

Making Mila click her tongue in annoyance and reply, "You're not my type either! There you go home! It's really annoying when you're here," said Mila.

After that, Mila walked away from Kevin and lay down on the sofa which was not far from her mother's hospital bed. Making Kevin ignore Mila's words, and switch to his ipad.

And after half an hour had passed, Kevin had just finished the work he had left because he had to hurry back to Jakarta just to check on Mila's condition.

Luckily when Kevin came, Mila's condition was much better than he imagined.

In addition, Mila can still be invited to fight as usual. It made Kevin breathe a sigh of relief.

"When you wake up, your behavior is barbaric. But when you're sleeping like this, you're really like a baby, adorable and sweet." Kevin said as he walked over to Mila who was already asleep on the sofa.

After that Kevin took his coat, and covered Mila with it.

Then Mila moved slowly but her eyes remained closed. Until Kevin's hand moved to tuck a strand of Mila's hair behind her ear.

"Goodnight, baby. And have a nice dream."

Kevin said that by gently stroking Mila's black brown mane, while continuing to stare at the woman's face with his shady gaze.

I promise I'll protect you now, tomorrow, and forever.

Kevin said it in his heart. He is really serious about his promise, even though Mila doesn't even know it.