
My Secret Wedding

Kevin is forced to pay a woman to become his wife so he can be free from the half-crazy woman he was betrothed to. However, who would have thought that the stranger who had just entered his life was his first love. Then, how is the story of their marriage life when everyone is trying to destroy it?

penapika · Urban
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24 Chs

So Mysterious!

Since Vega's conversation with Kevin earlier, Vega kept thinking about Kevin's words that he loved her best friend. But is it possible?

"Hey, Vega! Why are you dumbfounded?! Got a toilet demon?"

"Paul! Can you not bother me for a while? I'm still thinking about this."

"You really use your thinking style, people usually don't use your brain either."

"Hey really, your mouth is really toxic!" snapped Vega.

Vega was annoyed with her best friend. Luckily Paul was driving the car, otherwise Vega would definitely throw her best friend in the mouth with her high heels.

It's finished when talking is never filtered.

"Are you serious about going back to the office?" asked Paul, she was in the right mode.

Vega just nodded in response, she was lazy.

"You can't do your job tomorrow? It's already nine o'clock at night, you know?"

"You're really talkative, Paul. Just drop me off at the office, then you come back with my car, okay?" Vega really is too lazy to talk.

But Paul kept asking him.

"Then how will you come back later?" asked Paul, still in dazed mode.

"Easy, just take a taxi." But Vega is still responding.

"Oh don't! It's dangerous to take a taxi home in the middle of the night. I'd rather just take a taxi home."

"I'm too lazy to drive! I'll go first!" Then Vega opened the car door, because they had already arrived at the office.

"Uhmmm but VEGAAA!" Paul just snorted in her place because Vega just ignored her call.


In the hospital ...

"Sir, uh I mean, Kevin, why are you here? Is the meeting over?" And Kevin nodded in return.

Even though he had clearly resigned from the meeting earlier so that he could immediately go to Jakarta and meet Mila.

"How's your mommy? The operation went well, right?"

Mila smiled. "Thanks to God the operation went well. Now my mother is still under the influence of drugs so she is not aware yet."

Kevin just nodded his head in understanding, then he asked, "So where are you going?" he asked, they did meet in front of Mila's mother's room.

At first, Kevin was about to enter, but the door to Daisy's room opened first and revealed Mila's face, complete with a sad and tired expression, making Kevin feel sorry for her.

"I'm looking for something to eat, hungry." She said, grinning widely. It made Kevin smile a little.

For some reason, Mila's smile just now was able to make Kevin feel unbelievably happy.

Even his tiredness from driving from Bandung to Jakarta was also gone because of Mila's smile.

"Okay, let's go! I'll accompany you."

"What?" Before Mila had time to respond, Kevin had already taken Mila's hand to hold and walked after him. Make Mila obey in the end.


"We have arrived."

Mila immediately took off her seatbelt, then followed Kevin who had gotten off the driver's seat first.

And after Mila realized where Kevin was taking her, her brow furrowed deeply.

"Kevin, this…"

"Why? This is your regular place to eat, right?"

Kevin's words just now managed to provoke Mila's suspicion. "How do you know if this is my favorite place to eat?"


Kevin forgot that Mila never knew about...

"Kevin? Hey! I asked why are you silent? How do you know?"

Kevin suddenly became nervous, unsure of what to answer. "Hmm… ah that…"

"Ah uhm what? Why are you suddenly so nervous?"

"No, who said that? Come on. If you run out of food, you won't even eat." Once again, Kevin didn't answer his question.

Why does Mila feel like Kevin is getting more and more mysterious now?

Especially when...

"Man, I ordered two chicken pecel. One is as usual, the other is chicken breast, then only half the rice, but extra eggs, tofu and chili sauce."

Kevin knew Mila's usual order.



"You know -"

"Oh, there's Kevin. How are you, Sir? Haven't eaten here in a long time, haven't you?" Before Mila had time to ask what she meant, someone came first and greeted them.

"Hey, Sir. The news is good, Man. It's just that recently I have a lot of work so I don't have time to come here. I'm here because I want to accompany her to eat." Kevin said, pointing at Mila with his chin.

Mila just nodded her head and smiled.

It's been a long time since she's been to that place, which makes Mila feel awkward, even though she used to often come to that place when she was in high school.

"Miss Mila, right? Oh, how are you? I haven't seen you in a long time, you're getting more beautiful, aren't you?"

"Man, you can't seduce her," said Kevin.

"Calm down, Sir. I'm not going to take your girlfriend too."

"Oh, I'm not his girlfriend, Sir." Mila finally opened her voice, making the waiter laugh in his place.

"If not a girlfriend, so a future wife, right?"

"That's also -"

"It's okay, Miss, just admit it to me. Mr. Kevin is a good person and he likes you from high school, right? Nowadays, there are no boys as loyal as Mr. Kevin, Miss."

And the words just now managed to make Mila stunned in her place.

Kevin likes her from high school? What does that mean?

"I'll go back first. There's been a call from the commander. Later, if I don't come quickly, she will get angry." Kevin just laughed at what the man said just now.

Unlike Mila, who was busy thinking about what the man said earlier.



"What's wrong with you? Why are you so silent?"

"Oh no, that's just -"

"This is the order. Enjoy your meal." The waiter returned with Mila and Kevin's orders.

Making Mila again discouraged from asking what she meant.

"Thank you, Sir." After saying that, Kevin turned his head back to Mila.

"Oh yeah, what did you say?"

"No. Didn't say anything. Let's just eat," said Mila, taking one of the orders which she believed was hers.

And sure enough. Kevin took another order. Make Mila's suspicion even bigger.

Even though she had taken it on purpose, who knows all she could think about was her feelings. But it didn't.

"You come here often?" Mila asked while eating her food slowly so as not to choke.

Making Kevin nod. "I also often ate here when I was in high school, just like you."

Right again. Kevin knew that she liked to eat here in high school.

How much does Kevin actually know about her?