
Yzama's Bubble

The killer has responded to Yzma's eyesight. Yazma's hard eyes on the killer were begging him to move out with her. Maybe he's got some mercy in his heart. Some memories or something that he can think rationally about. In the end... He responded.

Unlike the drunken guys' calls at the bar. He was a murderer who kept simple atoms of rationality. Now he can feel he can't do that to the lady in front of him.

The screams of drunk men were about to make him lose his sanity. He loses the only thing that prevents trouble. That thing is... Secrecy.

The depths of the killer who despised Yazma were effective at that time. I reminded him of a lot of things he could have for the lady.

Eventually he responded.

The killer started moving to the door. He left Mrs. Yazma's hand, which he held violently. He moved there to complete his tantrum at will. But that's just the time outside. The audience realized that they were in no doubt.

They won't hear a fun story.