
Was Right

At that moment when Emily didn't know how she could do this, Emily had to survive herself that the monster that had now infuriated him needed nothing else but what Emily had done. To piss him off. Mother Snake went crazy. That's because Emily, who was trying to distract the monster instead of just distracting her by making some simple noises, actually decided or didn't decide. She made a mistake and threw a stone at the snake monster. Now instead of being Emily in her escape attempt, the snake goes in full force. It's only now that she has to at least survive her life. Only now can Emily throw the stones she's received. She threw it away. It's got to run. Or do anything else.

The snake monster didn't know exactly where Emily was. When Emily threw the stones at her. But the monster has the ability to do something else to be heard.

It was Emily's mistake that she threw...