
Lily At The Camp, What About The Doctor?

Lily in the same camp, what about the doctor?

After the two maids went to warn the doctor, he didn't listen to them carefully. All he did was just escape from the killer without even knowing what he was running!

He is supposed to listen to them and know that the best way to run out from the killer is to go back to the royal palace, the killer never ever gets in, and the guard will shoot him. And that will save the princess too, because she still needed a doctor but none of that happened because of the messed up understanding of the doctor.

He was drunk and maybe that was the reason that made him didn't take the right action.

After the Doctor made a mess out of the bar , the assassin noted him. The assassin got out of the bar very quietly.

The two maids were smarter and more careful than the doctor himself; they hid behind the bar until the assassin went further.

The problem here was that the assassin goes further, yes, but he goes after the doctor himself!

"What the hall, what could we do now?" Doro asked

"Save the Princess," Hazel said and her haze into the space she was shocked by what they could do!

There was a killer running after the royal doctor and then getting that doctor back to the palace.

"Do you mean save the Doctor?" Doro said as she corrected Hazel's phrase.

"Both of them," Hazel said in deep the Tone of Despair.

She was looking in the forest without knowing what was going to happen to that runaway damn Doctor.

Get her out of her despair. That was the sound of something she never imagined a day she would be happy with to hear him.

It was the voice of a man she knew very well and met him an hour ago.

He was the driver.

After the med neigh adventure that the driver engaged with the princess and he was also involved in her death, he was in panic.

"That night will cost you your neck," Jane said to him. He felt he was close to his death. He went to the bar hanging out.

He was a 50- year - old man who didn't want to die at that age because of the little princess. So when Hazel heard his voice she was about to give him a hug.

Hazel ran to him like a little kid.

"You have to save the princess," Hazel said to the driver directly before he even notices her, The driver stranded up at shock.

"Who are you, which princess are you talking about?" The Driver said in panic

'No more princess saving tonight , that is too much,' he was about to cry, even a strong drink at the bar didn't help him to get over his fear about the princess.

At the time that the driver was hesitant, he's about to leave or escape, Dora showed up. She was standing in silence but her body was taking and sending messages.

'Ha you are you listening or I will hit you,' Doro body

The poor man understood the message. He swallowed his glue inside his mouth and shut his open mouth from shock.

"What do you want? I don't understand. I just dropped the princess off at the palace," the Driver said.

"We need you to run after the royal doctor with your carriage and get him back to the palace," Hazel explained.

Okay that was easier to him from all his dark thoughts that just passed in his mind before Hazel told him that.

But he felt that maybe there was something wrong.

'Why did she say "run after him"? Why does he run in the first place," the Driver asked himself.

He was about to ask, but he gave a look at Doro's face and decided not to ask.

"What exactly do you want me to do?" the driver asked

"The doctor ran away to the forest on a horse in this direction, we wanted him to get back with us to the palace but he didn't even know that the princess was ill and he must back up to save her. He just ran away like crazy," Hazel said.

'Why did he run away like crazy?' the driver asked himself, before he had any chance to ask Hazel, Doro interrupted him.

"There was an assassin sent by the Queen looking for the doctor to kill him and that put the princess in danger," Doro said simply.

"oh no an assassin !Do you want.. !Do you mean …!" The poor man cannot finish his phrases , but Doro finishes that conversation.

"If the princess died because of anything tonight, it will be because of you and it will cost you your head," Doro said in a strong deep voice, somehow she was right.

"Get your damn carriage now, follow the Damn Doctor, and get him back to the palace as soon as possible," Doro ordered.

The driver walked without a word, and prepared his carriage then wanted to fast into the forest.

At that time there was a horse hunt on the forest path.

The Doctor was finally regaining consciousness. He was driving the horse very fast.

There were not many choices for him to test. The killer has been following him very hard and focused. The killer just returned from a hunting ride and is now ready to complete it this time. He's not hunting a wild animal, but a human being.

'A camp!" the doctor said.

)Yes, it's camp, Dr. Lucky. What are the odds, Doctor Happy Luck, of having a camp with guards that might save you from assassination?(

He was really lucky. When he saw the camp quicker, he drove immunity right towards him.

At the entrance to the camp he jumped off the horse in a moment.

"I'm the King's doctor, there is an assassin running behind me," He said, "Protect me."

It really worked.

The killer actually backed off. He didn't need to engage trained soldiers.

Now the doctor's also in camp.