
Leo and Oliver

At that moment when everyone had to move they had to go back to the village.

Olger, whom others see as the ultimate villain. And Emily, who is still lost in our imaginations. And of course Leo.

There is not much that can be done here.

Leo was missing his horse. He is a prince who is not used to losing his horse.

He also cannot walk on his own two feet.

That was, of course, unlike his life.

That life in which Leo is on his horse.

The servants around him are walking.

Now he is walking on his feet.

He walks against his will, accompanied by someone he does not like.

Although Liu is very suspicious of Oliver now. However, that does not at all preclude the idea that Oliver saved Leo's life a short time ago.

That's what was baffling for Liu.

Why would someone try to kill another person after saving him?

It is the case with regard to what happened between Leo.