
My redemption system

Adam reedz, a 17 year old high school student is at the edge of his will power to live in this cruel world after the heartbreaks and betrayal and pain. What happens when there is a blast from the past is waiting for him? What will he do with the new system? Will he choose the righteous path or use it for giving back all the hatred that the world has shown him. Why is he the chosen one? Find out more about in the adventure of Adam with his system that gave him redemption from the hell of a life ---------------- my Instagram id : thrillpill_007 email id : thrillpill0007@gmail.com I need you guys to pour in your thoughts on the novel and any changes that I need to do. I also request you guys to come up with cover page ideas for the novel. The selected idea's creator would be credited. Warning : mature content. 17+ highly recommended.

THRILLPILL_007 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

A long night

After getting into the cab and telling the driver the destination, he took a small chain out of his pocket. It had metallic small links and a half-heart at the end of it. He looked at it with a sad smile on his face and looked away to see the fast-passing neighbourhood.

"Boy, you are not in a good condition. Do you want me to take you to the hospital first?" asked the driver with concern.

"No thanks uncle I will be fine once I reach the destination," Adam said with a reassuring smile on his face.

He was sure that his pain would reduce once he sees and seeks comfort from the love of his life.

Yes, Adam was going to meet his girlfriend Julie.

They have been in a relationship for the past 2 years since they entered high school. She was a very beautiful woman. She would instantly make any boy's heart skip a beat. She had brown hair reaching her shoulders which usually puts in a cute ponytail. She would often laugh which made Adam think that the angel had landed right beside him.

Reminiscing about their beautiful memories, time went quickly and finally, he was snapped back to reality by the driver's words " Hey boy we have arrived. The fare is 40 zen. "

After paying the fare, he alighted from the car and looked up at the tall apartment building in front of him. It was a decent apartment with a good exterior design. He then stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the 9th floor. All along the elevator lift and the walk along the hallway, he had been thinking of how to say his problem to her.

Once he was in front of the door numbered 910, he knocked. No response.

Since he heard no response after repeated knockings, he tried to call her but to no avail. Then he texted her that he will be waiting for her in her room.

Then he took the spare key which she had given to him in the past. He smiled to himself knowing how much trust she had kept in him to provide a spare key to him.

He then entered the medium sized hall. But what waited in it was the shock of his life and what he heard was the sounds he never wanted to hear.

"ah.. ah.. Tyler.. fuck me hard... I'm almost there...". This was what Adam heard from Julie's bedroom in the corner of the hall.

He stood rooted in the same spot to absorb what was happening and tried to make sense of what he was hearing. Of course, he knew what were those sounds. But this was not what he had expected even in his dreams.

His heart was in terrible pain as if it had been torn apart with bare hands and stabbed with multiple knives at the same time.

"No..No..I must be dreaming or just hearing things " Adam tried to console himself. But the reality set in when he saw Julie's clothes and shoes scattered and also the man's shirt and trousers along with them.

The next thing he saw made his pupil dilate and extreme dejection was seen all over his face. The chain with the other half of the heart was near a trash can. Apparently from throwing in the heat of the moment.

He collapsed in front of the trash can and took the chain slowly in his hand. Putting together his chain with it, he had only one question in his mind 'Why?.. Whyyy?....what did I do to deserve this pain and tragedy??? '

He thought of breaking in and catching them red-handed. But he was not strong enough to look at another man on top of her and enjoy her. He was also scared that he might see Julie smiling with him fucking her.

So he quietly sat on the couch gripping the two chains in his hand and trying hard to not hear the moans and vulgar words coming from the room. But he couldn't.

The moans and groans continued.

"Do you like it, Julie? Can that loser satisfy you like me? huh?" a male voice asked.

"Don't talk about him ahh... We never ahh.. did the deed" Julie said in between moans.

"I'm sure he would not dare to. When will you tell our secret to him? I'm waiting to see that loser's reaction." the male voice said and laughed.

To this, there was no response and there were only moans from Julie.

Adam clutched the seat as if intending to tear it apart. There was also blood oozing from the hand in which he carried the chain. Apparently from the pressure, he was giving.

After about 15min, a blond-haired teen came out of the room half-naked with only boxers on him. Adam knew who he was.

He was Tyler Johnson, his classmate. A rich third gen heir to the Johnson family. He knew that Tyler had been pursuing Julie for a long time. But he never thought that she would accept him and even let him take her virginity while he was being kept in the dark.

" Adam, what the hell are you doing here??"Tyler looked coldly at him.

Adam stayed silent. He was still processing the reality.

" I asked what the fuck are you doing here?" Tyler shouted. Still no response.

Then the bedroom door slowly opened and a girl in her 17 with dark brown hair wearing pyjamas got out. Walking in a meek manner she had shock written all over her face.

"A..Ad... Adam, why are you here? When did you come?" she asked unable to get her words out.

"Oh, there she is. The beloved love of my life. Did I interrupt your passionate night my love?" Adam asked with a sarcastic smile, finally getting out of his thoughts and accepting reality.

"Adam, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was going to talk about this. But, I think as you know now. I...think we should break...up" Julie said her tone filled with shame.

Adam started laughing hysterically getting up and then shouted " WHAT? YOU THINK?... FUCK JULIE WE SHOULD OF COURSE FUCKIN BREAK UP".

Julie was taken aback. She has never seen Adam this angry. Then she noticed the wounds on his lips and asked " Adam your lips are bleeding. What happened to you? Are you okay?" she asked bringing her hand close to him.

" As if you fuckin care. You bitch!" Adam slapped her hand away.

"Hey, watch out for your words fool. She is my lover." Tyler said his face was red.

"What? Tyler do you think you can call yourself her lover after sleeping with her once? What a fool you must be.." Adam laughed.

Tyler gave an eerie laugh and said " You ignorant fool. We have been in a relationship for the past 6 months. I took her virginity in our first week of the relationship. By the way, I have to thank you for keeping her chastity for me to take."

Adam felt a huge hammer crashing on top of his head. He didn't know whether to be angry with Julie for cheating on him or to be with himself for being ignorant.

"Julie, the things he says are not true right?" he asked having tiny hopes in his shaking voice.

Julie kept her head down and remained silent. She felt extremely guilty and shameful. She dared not see his eyes.

"IS IT TRUE OR NOT, YOU BITCH" Adam shouted his temper already breaking the limit and tear threatening to escape.

"YES, IT'S TRUE!!" Julie shouted back lifting her head and meeting his eyes with her red, tear-filled eyes.

"What? Why...why the fuck did you do this to me?" he shouted and slapped her face with a heavy heart filled with anger and pain of love.

Julie did not expect his slap at all. She thought Adam would just scold her and leave. But she could not take this. Being from a good family herself, she can't get slaps from the likes of him.

Before she could react, Tyler dashed towards Adam and punched his face hard leaving heavy bruises and opening the already cut lip wide and blood gushing out of it.

"How dare you hit her in front of me you useless piece of shit" Tyler shouted and continued hitting his face after pushing Adam down to the ground.

Although Julie was angry with Adam for hitting her, she felt pity to see him in this terrible state with bruises all over his face and his shirt torn. She also knew that she was in the wrong.

"Tyler stop it!! That's enough. let him go" she shouted before pulling Tyler away from Adam.

" I thought you were the love of my life. I thought you were the only person on whose shoulder I could cry upon telling my difficulties." Adam said with his voice filled with pain as he tried to get up.

Then a pang of realisation struck him when he thought that Tyler and she were seeing each other for 6 months. That is the period where he was financially abandoned by his father for opossing Elisa. So he constantly had misunderstandings with her for not buying her the things she asked for. She did not tell it directly, but her mannerism changed in those six months.

" Did you ever love me for the person I am?" he asked.

A river of guilt filled Julie. " Adam don't make this hard. Let's just break up and move on. I hope you will find your happiness soon."

" You materialistic bitch. I should have known it." Adam said realising his mistake.

"Watch your words, man. I'm not afraid to kill you and bury you here." Tyler said with his fist clenched.

" You too will understand it when your time comes. Until then enjoy her to the fullest." Adam said with hatred in his every word towards Julie.

Then he realised that he was still holding the two chains. He saw a hearth nearby and threw it in it.

Julie felt an unknown pain in her heart when she saw the two chains start melting in the heat. Unknown to her a tear slid across her face.

'why Mom why? I have lost the man I truly love because of you.' she thought.

"Now that you know, stay away from her. Don't pester her around like a dog. Or else I will break your teeth scum." Tyler said gritting his teeth.

Adam looked at Julie with disgust and hate in his stare. "Why should I fuckn care about two low lives," he said turning back to leave.

"You... What? Are you gonna complain to the police?" Tyler asked.

He was concerned because according to the law of the state, non-consensual underage sex was considered a punishable crime.

" Do you think they will take a complaint of a dog and a bitch mating up even though they are underage?" Adam said as he left the apartment.

As he came down the apartment and onto the pavement, he crashed down crying heavily.

"I can't take this anymore. Mom I need to see you. Let me come up there" he said looking up at the skies.

Then he thought about the place which he needed to be in before his last breath and end his hellish life.

Thinking about it he got up and started walking.

'This is the longest night I had endured and funnily this will be my last night too' he thought to himself.

Guys I request you to give some reviews as that will help me out massively to improve the way of writing.

Also please send your ideas for the coverpage through instagram. I have shared it in the synopsis.

happy reading

THRILLPILL_007creators' thoughts