
My redemption system

Adam reedz, a 17 year old high school student is at the edge of his will power to live in this cruel world after the heartbreaks and betrayal and pain. What happens when there is a blast from the past is waiting for him? What will he do with the new system? Will he choose the righteous path or use it for giving back all the hatred that the world has shown him. Why is he the chosen one? Find out more about in the adventure of Adam with his system that gave him redemption from the hell of a life ---------------- my Instagram id : thrillpill_007 email id : thrillpill0007@gmail.com I need you guys to pour in your thoughts on the novel and any changes that I need to do. I also request you guys to come up with cover page ideas for the novel. The selected idea's creator would be credited. Warning : mature content. 17+ highly recommended.

THRILLPILL_007 · Fantasy
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24 Chs


As Adam made his way back home down the pavement, he couldn't help but let his tears run down his cheeks like a small stream. He started recollecting all the events in his life. Particularly, the events that occurred in last two years.

He thought he had a perfect life. With two loving parents dotting on him and a sister for whom he was ready to sacrifice anything. Added to the harmony, he also met his love of his life when he joined the high school. 'Can my life be more blissful than this?' he thought at that time.

All was going well until last year.....


It was a dark night with rain lashing on the earth along with loud thunders that could break the eardrum of a person anytime. Adam was in his high school dorm holding his phone with a worried face.

'Why is mom not answering my phone?' he thought. Usually his mother Linda Reedz would call him daily after reaching their home around 8 pm. But today, she didn't call him vent after half past 9. Adding to his worry, she did not answer his calls too.

So he decided to call his father and ask him to check upon his mother. But when he called there was no response from that line even though it was ringing. 'now what is he doing' he thought about his father.

Unable to hold back any longer, he decided to head to his house to see his father. He hailed a taxi which took him to his house in 30 minutes.

He was surprised to see a Sillitoe in the shoe rack. He was also slightly relieved believing that it belonged to her mother. He then made his way onto the living room to be only disappointed. Nobody was there.

He knew that his siter has left to live in Ujin city to pursue her masters in Sanford university. But he thought his parents would be there in living room. He then made his way up the curved staircase to reach the first floor to go to his parent's room. But he stopped abruptly few feet away from the room when he heard some weird noises.

Adam was not a saint, so he knew what kind of noises where they which were coming from the bedroom. But what shocked him was that the woman who was moaning as loud as she could was not his mother!!

Adam knew about this because in the past on multiple occasions he accidentally stumbled upon his parents doing the deed when he wanted to reach the kitchen to get some water at night.

Adam could not bear his father cheating on his mother with another woman behind her back. So he kicked open the door and what he saw confirmed his thoughts.

Lying on the bed naked was none other than his father Stuart and on top of him a woman with blond hair reaching her mid spine was straddling him.

"What in the name of the hell are you doing father?" he asked with anger and disgust mixed in his voice.

"Ada....Adam. What are you doing here at this time? You were supposed to be in the dorm right?" Stuart asked with his face turning red from embarrassment and trying to push the woman on top of him to the side.

"Mom did not call me today and also was not picking up my calls too. So I was worried and thought you could go see her condition. But here you are....fucking one of your whores." Adam retorted coldly.

"Mind your words son, she is Elisa stone, my secretary." Stuart said taking a quick look at her to see her reaction which was still one of shock and embarrassment.

"Oh this is the pressing problem at this time right? whether I call her whore or knowing her name." Adam snapped coldly sending daggers at both of them through his look.

"Adam I'm really sorry son. I made a mistake. I hope you will keep this from your mom. I don't want Linda to get hurt by this." Stuart said with guilt written all over his face.

"If you didn't want to hurt her, you should have not started it in the first place. I feel disgusted to call you my dad now." Adam said with pure hatred in his voice.

"I'm sorry son I couldn't control myself..I'm really sorry.." Stuart said.

"What's the use of your sorry. Now, tell me where is my mom?" Adam asked.

"She said that she will be home 10 or so as she had a meeting with a client. As he said he looked at the clock in the nightshade which showed quarter past ten.

"Thank god, she didn't come and see you in this state or else she would have been broken inside out." Adam sighed a little of the consequence. Then he looked at Elisa and said "Now, you... I don't want you to be messing around my father and making my mother worried for the likes of you. Get out of our house."

"Adam I was the one who was wrong. Don't be harsh with her." Stuart said signalling Elisa to leave immediately.

"Still you are trying to defend her father. I feel pure disgust about you now." Adam said with hatred written al over his face.

After Elisa left the house, they started waiting in anticipation of Linda's arrival. But even after 30 minutes. there was no one coming through that door. Within this time they also called Linda's colleagues and asked about her whereabouts.

All of them said that she left the office once the meeting was over at 10 pm. This got Adam really worried. So he decided to look for his mother along the route from her office to their home which would take at least 1 hour.

They got into their AMW X6 and hit the road. All along the way. they looked out in search of Linda's car.

Around 11:45 pm, they saw Linda's VUDI Q5. They were utterly shocked to see the site. The car was derailed from the highway and hit the side pavement.

They prayed to god that nothing serious happened to her. They alighted and ran towards the car in the pouring rain. But what they saw, surprised them again. Nobody was in the car. But the engines were still on.

They started searching the car in an attempt to find some clue about what had actually happened. After few moments of searching, Adam found a recorder pen under the driver's seat which his mother used daily to record her activities. Adam tapped on the play button to listen to it. both father and son were shocked to hear her hurried frightened tone.

"Adam...Stuart... I have been chased by some people from the time I left my office. They are not letting their pursuit down...they even took my phone along with my purse. I barely escaped and got into the car. They probably would catch me soon....I'm afraid that this will be the last time I will be able to speak to you...." Linda said with her voice breaking.

Adam had tears that threatened to escape from his sockets. He did not expect this. He then turned to look at his father who himself had a complicated expression. He felt utterly guilty about his action and started to regret it.

"Stuart....I know that we had our fights and I know that I was not able to be the wife you wished you had. But I want you to know... that I have always loved you no matter what. I also knew that you have an affair with your secretary. But I didn't want to blame you. I just want you to be happy that's it. I want my family to be happy and live our lives in peace.." she said with breaking voice apparent from crying.

Adam shot a dreadful stare at his father who was at the verge of crying. Then he returned his attention to the recorder.

"Adam...please don't hate your daddy for this. we both love you and your sister so much...I promise you that he will take care of you both. This mommy of yours will always be watching you and always be near you...right....always keep that smile on your face my baby boy..." she said started sobbing.

"And Lissie, my dear girl... I hope this mommy has raised you with all the love she could pour on you. Don't be sad.. be the brave girl you are and support your brother..be there for each other huh...I think this is the time where I need to say my goodbye... I hope if here is next lifetime for me... We could live tog--AAAAHHHHH" the recorder stopped abruptly with car crashing sound onto the pavement.

"MOOOOOOMMMMMM" Adam shouted at top of his lungs with tears flooding down his cheeks.

Guys I request you to give some reviews as that will help me out massively to improve the way of writing.

Also please send your ideas for the coverpage through instagram. I have shared it in the synopsis.

happy reading

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