

As the ambulance arrived at the scene Oscar held on to his dear friend Molly. He couldn't believe what he had just heard her say. Yet alone where all of these emotions were coming from. Molly was always good in all senses. She made sure she was safe while riding. She drive right. She was always thoughtful about her sister and she never liked her sister worrying about her. What was going on? This can't be just because of the death of her cousin.

"You will be okay. We will be right behind the ambulance at all times." Oscar let Molly know just so that she wouldn't be scared. He looked over at Noelia and noticed she was angry. But whom was she angry at? Was she angry at Molly or him?

"Noelia it is time to go." Oscar said in a not so sure tone.

" How dare she try to leave me in this world by myself! I get it we have uncles and aunts, but that isn't the same thing. I miss dad too you know. How can she try to leave me like this? What have I done to her for her to want to leave me?" Noelia continued talking while walking to the truck. And even though it seemed as though she may be talking to Oscar, Oscar was beginning to think that she was talking to herself because every time she asked a question he would try to answer she was already on the next. "Am I not worthy to have any one to love?" Noelia finally because quiet after her last sentence.

Oscar drove in silence for a while he too had a lot of questions on his mind. The main question was though how did he not see that she needed help? They drove down the dirt rode for at least half an hour when they finally arrived to town. Molly would be taken to the closes hospital without question. As they arrived to Hills Borg Hospital they looked at each other and finally asked out loud to one another. "Did you see this coming?" they both asked at the same time. Noelia was the first to respond "No of course not! I don't even remember when was the last time I saw her cry."

Oscar remembered the last time he saw her cry. It was so painful to watch his secret love be so broken for the first time. She was talking to the horse that was just being put down after her first and last race. She new she wasn't ready but she wanted to be on the paper so that if her mother would see a picture of her and see that they were doing good without her she might want to return. She missed the jump and the horse broke it's leg on the landing. She cried so much and apologized like crazy to that horse. He couldn't even remember that horse name but he could remember that she would call him pretty boy almost all the time.

Oscar ignored the question and got of the truck. He went inside the hospital without even checking if Noelia was behind him. He needed to make sure that Molly was okay. Noelia rushed in behind him. She noticed the pain on his face and couldn't help but feel sorry for him. She knew he liked Molly but she wasn't sure if he ever to Molly so she would never mention it to her. As they came to the first nurse they saw sitting on the center of the desk that asked for Molly. "Excuse me my sister was just brought in, I want to know if she is okay." Noelia said without thinking.

"Ma'am I need your sister's name" the Nurse added.

" Oh yes sorry. Molly Frank. We are from the Frank's Ranch about half an hour out of the city. We don't live too far so I know she was brought here." Noelia blabbed on and on when she was nervous.

" If she just arrived they won't be any information just get ma'am you will have to wait to the doctor comes to call you," the nurse said without even checking the computer monitor.

Oscar was getting impatient he needed to know she was fine. He needed to know that she would make it. He wanted to find her. He needed to be with her.

As Noelia and the Nurse continued talking he wondered off. As he managed to get to the side of the emergency rooms he was about to go looking into every room when a security guard approached him. "Excuse me sir you can't be back here."

"I-I forgot my wallet earlier today in one of the rooms and needed to get it." Oscar lied without thinking about anything.

The guard was on his second shift of the day he had seen many faces in and out all day but he knew Oscar's wasn't one of them. So he asked, " oh okay just tell me what room was it."

"I-I room um I was in room um, damn I don't remember sir I was here for hitting my head to hard that I wasn't thinking clearly at all. If I were I wouldn't have forgotten my wallet." Right when Oscar was losing hope he finished his sentence and looked around. "Molly?!" He spotted Molly being wheeled off on a bed but where were they taking her.

He tried walking passed the guard but he was held back once again. "Please sir don't make me throw you out of the hospital. Go back to the waiting room."

Oscar turned to the double doors to leave. So close yet so far way. If that stupid guard would have just let him in.

Noelia was sitting at the moment and he went to sit next to her. They looked at each other without saying a word.